ProcrastiTracker Changelog

What's new in ProcrastiTracker 2.1

Aug 28, 2015
  • Shrunk the statistics view a bit, so it fits better on smaller screens.
  • Added a few more tags.
  • Fixed a bug related to really long urls.

New in ProcrastiTracker 1.9 (Aug 6, 2014)

  • HTML export now obeys (most) filter settings.

New in ProcrastiTracker 1.8 (Aug 6, 2014)

  • Unicode characters in window titles and exe names are now properly displayed in the statistics view.

New in ProcrastiTracker 1.7 (Apr 12, 2013)

  • Lowered the compression on the database to avoid zlib taking up a lot of time on database saves
  • Comes with file format spec, to allow anyone to process the data.
  • Fixed problem whereby input hooks could cause input freeze on longer running tasks by running hooks on its own thread.

New in ProcrastiTracker 1.6 (Apr 12, 2013)

  • Added a "filter by sub string" feature
  • Added quick set options to see data for a day/week/month/year etc.
  • Added a way to account for time away from the computer. To turn this feature on, read the instructions for advanced settings above.
  • Added a way to export a subset of the database according the filter settings of the current statistics view. This can be used with the merging feature that already existed to selectively move things from one database to another.
  • Reduced memory usage yet again (to almost half, using only a few megs to store years worth of activity!).
  • Fixed bug whereby certain applications (mostly games) wouldn't report activity, and made it less intrusive in the process (no more DLL injection).
  • Added Google Chrome to the executables it queries for the current URL through DDE, so this will start working as soon as Google adds DDE support.
  • Added a feature to manually adjust time for any node: press C on a selected node to input additional time.

New in ProcrastiTracker 1.4 (Apr 12, 2013)

  • When database corruption occurs, it now informs the user rather than spinning its wheels endlessly. Database corruption can happen if the computer is rebooted while PT tries to save, this however easy to fix by restoring the last database backup that PT makes on each run, see the database files start menu entry.
  • Made the default cull on load value a lot higher (5 minutes) to reduce memory usage for those that never tweak this setting.

New in ProcrastiTracker 1.3 (Aug 7, 2009)

  • Added merging functionality, both for whole databases or individual nodes.
  • The treeview now remembers which nodes where expended when it does a full refresh.

New in ProcrastiTracker 1.2 (Apr 29, 2009)

  • Added "Rename Tag" button
  • Added additional title seperators
  • Fixed UI layout on vista
  • Fixed PT not being able to query the executable name of 64bit processes on vista, and all ending up under (null).

New in ProcrastiTracker 1.1 (Oct 6, 2008)

  • Windows rebooting/crashing while the database is being saved is not a problem anymore
  • Changed tray menu to open on left double click or right click, to conform to existing tray application behaviour
  • Fixed bugs related to "no task bar icon" on startup, cumulative timing, and redrawing
  • More robust splitting of window titles into a hierarchy, now also splits on files/paths etc. Side effect may be that statistics of files may not coincide with statistics already gathered in 1.0 databases