Random Word Generator Changelog

What's new in Random Word Generator 33.0

Aug 3, 2023
  • Added the Romanian.RWG project, which generates random Romanian words.
  • Added the "Search Components" tool.
  • Added the ability to select multiple rows of the Components table by holding down the Ctrl key. The Delete and Duplicate tools support multiple selections.
  • Deduplicate Components: this now lists all of the duplicate components.
  • Import Components: when the "Deduplicate" option is enabled, this now also looks for a duplicate in the import data, not just in the pre-existing table contents.
  • Added hotkeys for Lookup Dictionary (F3) and Lookup Thesaurus (F4).
  • Improved how English.rwg handles "y" as both a vowel and a consonant.
  • Added to the "Help" menu a link to the web page where the Spell Checker can be downloaded.
  • Generate To File: Target Filepath: added an "Open File" tool to the context menu.
  • Added 331 nouns and adjectives to the "Adjectives-Nouns.rwg" project.
  • The "Adjectives-Nouns.rwg" project no longer puts words that are both an adjective and a noun on separate rows.
  • Now only numbers can be typed into the Frequency columns.
  • Added the "Cerulean" skin. Redesigned the "Purples" skin and renamed it "Purpendicular".
  • When choosing a file from the history at the bottom of the File menu, if it does not exist, the error window now contains a "Explore" button that will open File Explorer to that folder.
  • Help file: Search tab: added two buttons that allow you to jump to the next/previous search occurrence.
  • Added the ability to delete an item from the File History at the bottom of the File menu.
  • The interface icons have been slightly desaturated.
  • Updated PCRE2 from 10.40 to 10.42
  • Fixed: removed some unnecessary tools from the context menu of the generated random word editbox.
  • Fixed: menus did not support fixed-pitch fonts.

New in Random Word Generator 32.0 (Jul 1, 2022)

  • Added the Ukrainian.RWG project, which generates random Ukrainian words.
  • Anagram Finder: this now deduplicates results that are the same words but in a different order (e.g. "and the", "the and"). This requires version 4.3 of the Spell Checking Module.
  • Components table: it is now possible to click on a cell in the "#" column, and drag the row to a new position.
  • Components table: there is now a button for the Import Components tool below the table.
  • Components table: added buttons for moving a row up or down.
  • Import Components: when importing CSV, there is a new dialog with "No column names" and "Ignore if already present" options.
  • Import Components: when importing CSV from the clipboard, this no longer produces an error if there is only one column.
  • Import Components: the first imported row is now selected.
  • Statistics: added support for unicode in the Component Text.
  • Anagram Finder: this will now remember the letters from the last session.
  • Added 379 nouns and adjectives to the "Adjectives-Nouns.rwg" project.
  • Removed many unnecessary 3D borders for a more modern look. Improved the appearance of scrollbars.
  • Removed the divider bar above the buttons at the bottom of all windows.
  • Groupboxes now have separate colors for text and border.
  • Help: the layout is now tighter. Numerous improvements to the Search tab.
  • Updated PCRE2 from 10.22 to 10.40
  • When choosing a file from the history at the bottom of the File menu, if it does not exist, the error window now contains a "Remove" button that will remove the file from the history.
  • The "Discard Duplicate Components" tool was renamed "Deduplicate Components".
  • Fixed: switching to a new tab was not always restoring focus to the control that had it last.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing an unnecessary usage of memory in many situations.

New in Random Word Generator 31.0 (Aug 4, 2021)

  • Added the Russian.RWG project, which generates random Russian words.
  • Added the "Paste Components" tool.
  • Added a Thesaurus Lookup button for each word generated by the "Generate Real Words" and "Word Builder" tools.
  • Added icons to the five main tabs.
  • Added 418 nouns to the "Adjectives-Nouns.rwg" project.
  • Show Common Tasks: added the "Generate Paragraphs" tool.
  • Generate Letter Combinations: Display In Window: added Copy/Save As/Print buttons.
  • Added the "#" column to the Components table. This simply shows the row number.
  • The "Import components from project" and "Import components from CSV" tools have been combined into one tool.
  • Spell Checker: eliminated some 2 letter words that are not words and pollute the Anagram Finder.
  • When clicking on a control that is disabled because of an unchecked checkbox, the checkbox will flash briefly.
  • Added the "Seraph" skin.
  • Improved the mouse-over effect of transparent buttons that are inside an editbox's interior.
  • Added the "Show Welcome Panel" option to the Options menu. Previously it could not be disabled.
  • Show Common Tasks: added a mouse-over effect.
  • Welcome: added a "Remove All Projects" tool.
  • Numerous minor interface improvements.
  • The installer will now put files needed for uninstallation in a subfolder named "Uninstall" rather than in the main folder.

New in Random Word Generator 30.0 (Aug 24, 2020)

  • Added the ability to control how many random words appear on the Generate window.
  • Added the Greek.RWG project, which generates random Greek words.
  • Generate Real Words: added the ability to force generated words to match a Regular Expression.
  • Added a Dictionary Lookup button for each word generated by the "Generate Real Words" and "Word Builder" tools.
  • The main row of tabs is now a row of buttons.
  • Generate/Extrapolate To File: the Output Filepath now maintains a history of past inputs in a drop-down list.
  • Added 565 nouns to the "Adjectives-Nouns.rwg" project.
  • Generate Paragraphs: added Copy/Save/Print buttons.
  • The Generate Paragraphs tool now appears on the Welcome Panel.
  • The active tab is now remembered between sessions.
  • Match Regular Expression: added a help button.
  • Customize Toolbar: it is now possible to force a row-break.
  • The toolbar will no longer lose the user's customization when a new version is installed and new icons have been introduced.
  • The /cp command line switch will now report a fatal error if the codepage is invalid.
  • The "Spell Check Components" tool now appears on the Components Table's context menu.
  • Generate Letter Combinations now uses memory more efficiently.
  • The "Generate: Textless Buttons" option is now enabled by default.
  • The "Project Properties" tool can now appear on the toolbar, although it is hidden by default.
  • The toolbar is no longer visible when no project is open.
  • Numerous minor improvements.
  • Fixed a minor memory leak.

New in Random Word Generator 29.0 (Sep 11, 2019)

  • Added the "Generate Paragraphs" tool.
  • Added the Latin.RWG project, which generates random Latin words.
  • Word Builder: added the ability to force generated words to match a Regular Expression.
  • Added 636 components to the "Adjectives-Nouns.rwg" project.
  • Added the /cp command line switch, which specifies a code page when performing a Generate To File (/gf).
  • The Regex Tester tool will now remember its window position, global settings, the Regex, the Subject, and the Case Sensitive option.
  • Match Regular Expression: added a button that launches the Regex Tester tool.
  • Speak All: this will not speak the "[FAIL]" or "[ABORTED]" error messages, if present.
  • The Generate/Extrapolate To File windows will now remember their window position and global settings.
  • The "Bar Drawer" control now allows the bar to be horizontally scrolled if the tab labels are too wide for the control.
  • Generate window: Generate More now has a hotkey, F5.
  • The interface now supports mouse tilt wheel.
  • Welcome: Recent Projects: added a context menu button.
  • Welcome: Recent Projects: added a "Copy Filepath" tool.
  • The Validate Components tool now appears on the Edit menu. Previously, it could only be launched from the Components Table's context menu.
  • Welcome: if the clipboard contains a project file, you can now press Ctrl+V to open the file.
  • It is now possible to enter rndword.exe into the "Run" system dialog (Win+R) without a path.
  • Fixed: copy/paste could fail if another window has the clipboard open. Now it will retry many times over a brief period.
  • Fixed: unminimizing on a secondary monitor was moving the window to the primary monitor.
  • Fixed: error when saving project to Google Drive.
  • Fixed: Help: Print: some hyperlinks were not followed by the page number.
  • Fixed: possible crash when right clicking on an editbox.

New in Random Word Generator 28.0 (Feb 11, 2019)

  • Added the ability to force generated words to match a Regular Expression.
  • Added the Danish.RWG project, which generates random Danish words.
  • Generate window: added support for the Forward/Back multimedia keys that are on some keyboards.
  • Generate window: added a "Generate More" tool to the Words menu. Unlike the "More" button, this does not go forward in the history, it always generates a fresh set of random words.
  • Copy All: this will not copy the "[FAIL]" or "[ABORTED]" error messages, if present.
  • Generate window: added the "Dictionary Lookup" and "Thesaurus Lookup" tools to the Words menu. Previously, these only appeared on an editbox's context menu.
  • Generate window: the editboxes now support keyboard macros.
  • Added 152 components to the "Insults.rwg" project.
  • Spell Check Components: this now reports the number of words checked and the number of misspellings fixed.
  • Bar Drawer: when changing folders, there is now an animation effect.
  • Generate window: Speak All now has a hotkey: F8
  • Added the /glc command line switch, which launches the Generate Letter Combinations tool.
  • Word Builder/Generate Real Words: the Filepath field will now remember past inputs in a drop-down list.
  • Most windows now calculate their width as a factor of the interface font size. Previously they were a factor of the screen size. This ensures that windows are the optimal size, even when the font is very small or very large relative to the screen.
  • For all tools that generate a file, added an "Explore" button to the window that appears afterwards. Also, the size of the file is reported.
  • The "Statistics" tool now also appears on the Components table's context menu.
  • Welcome: if the Recent Projects List has two projects with the same filename, now both of them will be listed by their full filepath.
  • Welcome: Delete Project: the file is now moved to the Recycle Bin.
  • Fixed: Spell Check Components: the "Misspelling Found" window would not appear unless the Components tab was active.
  • Fixed: Generate/Extrapolate: clicking Abort was causing the remaining ungenerated words to be filled with garbage characters.
  • Fixed: Dictionary Mode: Allow Only Real Words: this is now faster and much less likely to produce a failure.

New in Random Word Generator 27.0 (Sep 21, 2018)

  • Added the Hungarian.RWG project, which generates random Hungarian words.
  • Generate window: added the "Speak All" tool.
  • Added the "Spell Check Components" tool to the Edit menu.
  • Generate window: added a menu bar.
  • Generate window: the Back button now has a hotkey, Alt+Left.
  • Added a "Context" button to the bottom of the Components table and the Formats editbox.
  • Added an "Illegal Strings" field to the Generate Real Words and Word Builder tools. Previously these tools used the project field.
  • The Generate Real Words and Word Builder tools now use a "drawer of tabs" to group their settings.
  • Added the "Alphabetize Components" tool to the Edit menu.
  • Add Component: if the table is not sorted, this will now insert the new row immediately after the row with focus.
  • Added 146 components to the "Compliments.rwg" project.
  • Added an "Open File" tool to the context menu of the Target Filepath field in the Generate Real Words and Word Builder tools.
  • The toolbar can now have more than one row of tools.
  • Word Builder: the Target Filepath now supports unicode.
  • Trim Components: if there is no whitespace to trim, this is now reported immediately before the user is asked for confirmation.
  • Added the /grw command line switch, which launches the Generate Real Words tool.
  • Validate Component Table: this will now report an error if any two rows are duplicates.
  • Each user that logs into the system now has a separate set of preferences and global settings.
  • The "Import components from CSV" tool now appears on the Components Table's context menu.
  • The Customize Toolbar window now remembers preferences such as its position and the table column widths.
  • Welcome: if the project doesn't exist, there is now a button to remove it from the list.
  • Welcome: there is now an icon next to the title.
  • Fixed: graphical corruption when launching RWG if the "Auto-Open Last Project" option is enabled.
  • Fixed: going back in the history, then clicking the "Variations" button, was generating variations of the most recently generated word and not the historical word.
  • Fixed: Generate Real Words/Word Builder: the Dictionary and Thesaurus lookups were broken.
  • Fixed: Generate Window: the Enter key was not behaving correctly.

New in Random Word Generator 26.0 (Apr 30, 2018)

  • It is now possible to move backward and forward in a history of recently generated words. Added a "Back" button to the window where generated words are displayed. This also applies to the Extrapolate, Generate Real Words, and Word Builder tools.
  • Added the Czech.RWG project, which generates random Czech words.
  • When choosing "Extrapolate" from the Welcome Panel, the user is now prompted to specify the extrapolation word. Previously it used the one specified in the project.
  • The Word Builder tool now obeys the project's "Illegal Strings" field.
  • Generate Letter Combinations: added the ability to specify the code page of the output file.
  • Added the "Generate: Textless Buttons" option to the Options menu.
  • Added the "Welcome: Alphabetize Projects" option to the Options menu.
  • Open on the File menu and toolbar now ignore the selected project in the Welcome Panel and instead prompt you to specify a project.
  • Components Table: the Duplicate Row tool now has a hotkey, Shift+F2.
  • Added a "Validate Component Table" tool to the Components Table's context menu.
  • Added the /wb command line switch, which launches the Word Builder tool.
  • Added a "Speak" tool to the Help viewer.
  • Generate Real Words: the target filepath now supports unicode.
  • Generate/Extrapolate To File: the Alphabetize option is now compatible with UTF-16 big endian.
  • Generate/Extrapolate To File: the last separator is now omitted when using the Alphabetize option.
  • The /gf command line switch will now generate the file in the same Code Page that was last used when the Generate To File tool was run. Previously it was always UTF-16.
  • Added the "Hyperborean" skin. Numerous skin improvements.
  • Help: added the "Rectangle" Selection Mode, which is useful for copying columns of text.
  • The toolbar's size can now be adjusted by hovering the mouse over it, holding down the Ctrl key, and spinning the mouse wheel.
  • On the first launch, the user now has a chance to choose the interface skin and font.
  • Now supports installation to a path that contains unicode.
  • Editbox: Search/Replace: added support for Regular Expressions.

New in Random Word Generator 25.0 (Aug 7, 2017)

  • Added the Dutch.RWG project, which generates random Dutch words.
  • The Welcome Window is no longer a separate window. It now appears in the main window's interior when no project is open.
  • Generate/Extrapolate To File: the Alphabetize option is now compatible with a non-newline separator.
  • Implemented a superior random number generator.
  • Generate Letter Combinations: added support for unicode.
  • Numerous interface improvements, especially regarding 4K monitors.
  • Word Builder/Generate Real Words: the Language is now chosen on the tool's dialog. Previously they used the language specified in the project, which was confusing.
  • Added the "Duplicate Row" button to the bottom of the Components Table. This tool previously only appeared on the context menu. Also, this tool now inserts the new row directly after the current row instead of at the end of the table.
  • The "Generate" shell context option (which appears when right clicking on a .RWG file) now displays the generated words in the standard "Generate" window instead of a simple text window.
  • Added the "/af" command line switch, which launches the Anagram Finder.
  • The "Word Separator" field is no longer shared between the Generate To File and Extrapolate To File tools.
  • Generate All Possible Combinations: the target filepath now supports unicode.
  • Anagram Finder: the results window now allows a selection to be made with the keyboard.
  • The "Discard Duplicate Components" tool now appears on the Components Table's context menu.
  • Added the "Clipboard Inspector" tool to the Interface menu.
  • Project Properties: all fields now support unicode.
  • Moved the "Statistics" tool from the Tools menu to the Edit menu.
  • Fixed: when maximized, the window's border could possibly be visible on a secondary monitor.
  • Fixed: possible window flicker on 4K monitors, or when many System-G windows are open, or when kernel memory becomes scarce.
  • Fixed: the "Lock Project" option was preventing backups from being made.
  • Fixed: Generate/Extrapolate To File: alphabetizing was not in the correct order with respect to unicode.
  • Fixed: Extrapolate To File: crash if unable to create file.

New in Random Word Generator 24.0 (Jan 9, 2017)

  • Added the Polish.RWG project, which generates random Polish words.
  • Generate Letter Combinations: added the "Prevent Profanity" option.
  • Generate Real Words: the "Illegal Strings" project setting is now obeyed.
  • Generate All Possible Combinations: the "Prevent Profanity" project setting is now obeyed.
  • When a global setting is changed, it will now be automatically applied to all other running instances. Previously, each instance held an independent copy of the global settings, and the global settings file was completely overwritten when an instance closed. If a global setting was changed while multiple instances were opened, the change would not affect the other instances, and might not be permanent depending on the order that the instances were closed.
  • Welcome: added the "Open Containing Folder" tool.
  • Generate To File/Extrapolate To File/Generate Combinations: the output filepath now supports unicode.
  • Welcome: the Rename Project tool now has a hotkey, F2.
  • The /g command line switch can now produce alphabetized output: specify the /a switch. Also, /g will not influence the history of recently opened projects.
  • If the /g switch is not followed by the number of words to generate, it will now display the normal Generate window.
  • The /g, /gf, and /ef switches will never ask if the project should be saved.
  • The Component Separator field now supports unicode characters.
  • Welcome: if another instance already has the Welcome window open, it will be brought to the foreground and the current instance will terminate.
  • Multiline editboxes: Search and Replace: added support for search/replace strings that contain multiple lines.
  • Multiline editboxes: added support for selecting columns of text. Hold down the Alt key while selecting with the mouse.
  • Added the "Customize Toolbar" tool to the Options menu.
  • Customize Toolbar: added a new column that contains an overview of the tool.
  • Statistics: the "Top 20" sections of the report are now "Top 25".
  • Removed the "File Separator" project field, because it was an unnecessary duplicate of the field on the Generate To File and Extrapolate To File dialogs.
  • The uninstaller now removes the project backups.
  • Added 32 tools to the System Tools tool.
  • Fixed: Restore Project Backup: an error would occur if you specified to copy the backup to a new, non-existing file.

New in Random Word Generator 23.0 (Nov 25, 2016)

  • Added the "Welcome" window, which helps the user get to work faster.
  • Added the Swedish.RWG project, which generates random Swedish words.
  • Unicode Character Map: added the ability to create a list of favorite characters.
  • Project filenames now support unicode characters.
  • Command line parameters now support unicode characters.
  • Unicode surrogate pairs are now supported.
  • Generate All Possible Combinations: the "Illegal Strings" project setting is now obeyed.
  • Insert Prefix/Suffix: added support for unicode characters.
  • Statistics: added a summary of the total number of format codes in all of the formats.
  • Added the "/sep" command line switch which is used to specify the file separator.
  • Added the "/rp" command line switch which will randomize the order of paragraphs in a text file.
  • Generate/Extrapolate: the F7 hotkey will now copy all 10 random words to the clipboard.
  • The "File Separator" field now supports unicode characters.
  • Fixed: Generate To File: if "Line-Break" was checked, the separator was instead taken from the project setting.
  • Fixed: if no path was specified for the /ef switch output file, the file would be created but would be empty.
  • Fixed: the /g switch was only displaying the first letter of each generated word. This was affecting the "Insult Of The Day" feature.
  • Fixed: rarely, balloon help was not appearing promptly, or not at all.

New in Random Word Generator 22.0 (Nov 25, 2016)

  • Added support for unicode characters in the Component Text column of the Components Table. Unfortunately, this breaks forward compatibility. Projects saved by this version cannot be opened by earlier versions.
  • Added the Portuguese.RWG project, which generates random Portuguese words.
  • The "Extrapolate On Word" field now supports unicode characters.
  • The "Illegal Strings" field now supports unicode characters.
  • Added the optional /a command line switch in support of the /gf and /ef switches. It will cause the generated word list to be alphabetized.
  • Generate/Extrapolate To File: added the ability to choose the file's character encoding (code page).
  • Numerous improvements to the project backup system.
  • Statistics: added a summary of the total number of format codes in all of the components.
  • Extrapolate To File: there are now radio buttons to control whether a line-break is inserted between generated words, or a piece of text.
  • The "Generate To File" and "Extrapolate To File" tools no longer share the same Word Count field.
  • The /gf and /ef switches will no longer change which project is opened the next time RWG starts.
  • Extrapolate: an error is now reported if the extrapolation word contains only literals and/or asterisks.
  • The "Customize Toolbar" window now allows you to change the toolbar size.
  • Fixed: a DLL injection security vulnerability.
  • Fixed: some pairs of characters, in certain fonts, were displayed too close together.
  • Fixed: a rare but serious problem could cause a window to render incorrectly.

New in Random Word Generator 21.1 (Nov 25, 2016)

  • Fixed a graphical glitch in icons that would only occur on 64-bit operating systems, and only when hovering the mouse over a button.

New in Random Word Generator 21.0 (Nov 25, 2016)

  • Added the Italian.RWG project, which generates random Italian words.
  • Added the "w" format code for double vowels. This improves random word suitability, especially for non-English languages.
  • Improved the appearance of icons. Changed from 8-bit GIF's to higher resolution 32-bit PNG's. Many icons have been redesigned.
  • Extrapolate: an asterisk character (*) will be replaced with a wholly random word (using the project settings).
  • Added the "Alphabetize" option to the Extrapolate To File tool.
  • Generate To File: there are now radio buttons to control whether a line-break is inserted between generated words, or a piece of text.
  • The Extrapolate To File tool now has a hotkey: Shift+F8.
  • The "Generate To File" and "Generate All Possible Combinations" tools no longer share the same Filepath field.
  • Default.RWG has been renamed English.RWG.
  • Generate Letter Combinations: if Eliminate Duplicates is checked, the reported number of combinations is now correct.
  • Generate Letter Combinations: if there are too many possibilities for the Eliminate Duplicates option to function, the dialog will reappear after the error message closes.
  • Fixed: the German.rwg project did not have the Eszett character.
  • Fixed: a glitch was sometimes apparent at the bottom of a toolbar icon.

New in Random Word Generator 20.0 (Oct 8, 2014)

  • Added the French.RWG project, which generates random French words.
  • Added the "Match Pattern" feature to the Word Builder tool.
  • Added labels under the toolbar icons.
  • Redesigned the Default skin. The old skin was renamed "Air".
  • Added the "Prevent Profanity" option to the Generate Real Words and Word Builder tools.
  • Added the "Alphabetize" option to the Generate Random Words To File tool.
  • You may now put a quoted sub-string in the Extrapolate On Word field. It will be treated as a literal, and will appear in each generated word unmodified.
  • The installer now installs the language statistics file for German, Spanish, and French.
  • By default, the toolbar is now visible and the common tasks are now hidden.
  • The "Generate Real Words" and "Word Builder" tools no longer share the same Filepath field.
  • After closing the Anagram Results window, the Anagram Finder tool will now automatically restart.
  • Added a "Refine" button to the error window that is displayed when the Word Builder found no qualifying words. Clicking this will re-enter the Word Builder.
  • If the Generate Real Words tool cannot find any qualifying words, it will now report the total number of rejected words for each reason.
  • Added the F9 hotkey for Generate Real Words and the F10 hotkey for Word Builder. The Add Component hotkey has changed to F2.
  • The default Number Of Attempts has increased from 10,000 to 25,000.
  • Added a graphical banner to the top of the Anagram Finder window.

New in Random Word Generator 19.0 (Oct 17, 2013)

  • Added the German.RWG project, which generates random German words.
  • Added the Dictionary Language field to the Restrictions tab.
  • The Anagram Finder is now much faster. Please install version 3.0 of the Spell Checking Module.
  • Added the "Minimum Length" and "Maximum Length" settings to the Generate Real Words tool.
  • Redesigned the project backup system. Instead of making just 1 backup, now up to 20 are kept. Added the "Restore project backup" tool to the File menu.
  • Minor interface improvements.
  • The Anagram Finder will now remember the letters from the last operation.
  • Added the "Refine" button to the "No anagrams found" window.
  • If the Word Builder cannot find any qualifying words, it will now report the total number of rejected words for each reason.
  • The Anagram Finder now reports the total number of words in the dictionary.
  • The Extrapolate To File tool now keeps its own memory of the filepath, separate from the Generate To File tool.
  • The Anagram Finder now has a hotkey, F4.
  • Added a graphical banner to the Extrapolate To File window.
  • After product activation, the user is now given the opportunity to download and install a free upgrade to the latest version.
  • Added the "System Tools" launcher to the Interface menu.
  • When generating a file from various tools, the file can now be opened in other programs (read-only) before the operation is completed.
  • Fixed: the Anagram Finder was not correctly handling one letter words with Spanish.

New in Random Word Generator 18.1 (Feb 8, 2013)

  • Fixed a rare stack overflow (since 18.0)

New in Random Word Generator 18.0 (Jan 28, 2013)

  • Major interface improvements.
  • Improved all skins.
  • Added the Spanish.RWG project, which generates random Spanish words.
  • Default.RWG: the frequency of long formats has been reduced. The average length of a generated word is now shorter, which should improve the number of useful words.
  • Default.RWG: proper nouns and abbreviations are now excluded from the statistics that are used to calculate the frequencies of all components and formats. This should slightly improve the quality of random words.
  • Added the "Thesaurus Lookup" tool to the context menu for each editbox where a random word is generated.
  • Added the "Separator" field to the Word Builder tool.
  • Generated words can now be edited. This can be useful before using the Copy or Variations tools.
  • When generating a file, an error is now reported if the user attempts to overwrite the dictionary cache file.
  • When any tool generates a file, the last separator is now omitted.
  • When any tool fails to generate a file, a description of the error is now provided to aid troubleshooting.
  • If the Word Builder cannot find any qualifying words, it will now report the total number of words in the dictionary to aid troubleshooting.
  • After aborting the Anagram Finder tool, the application will now restart. Previously, it would simply terminate.
  • Fixed: the Word Builder's "Alphabetize" feature is no longer case sensitive.
  • Fixed: the "Generate Real Words" tool was discarding all whitespace around the Separator field (between sessions).

New in Random Word Generator 17.0 (Mar 16, 2012)

  • Major interface improvements.
  • Added the ability to specify a list of illegal strings that must not appear in any generated word.
  • Added the "Exclude Words" field to the Anagram Finder.
  • Added the "Dictionary Lookup" tool to the context menu for each editbox where a random word is generated. This will open the Internet browser to Dictionary.com where the word is looked up.
  • Added the "Restrictions" tab.
  • Added Copy/Print/Save/Exit buttons to the bottom of the Statistics window.
  • Added a graphical banner to the top of the Generate To File, Generate Real Words, and Word Builder tools.
  • Added the "One Instance Only" option to the Options menu.
  • Redesigned the "Generate To File" and "Extrapolate To File" windows.
  • The results of the Anagram Finder are now alphabetized.
  • The Extrapolate tool now takes care not to generate the original word if "Prevent Repetition" is checked.
  • Fixed: a window caption icon could have a flawed appearance on Aero.

New in Random Word Generator 16.1 (May 13, 2011)

  • Fixed: rare stack overflow

New in Random Word Generator 16.0 (May 6, 2011)

  • Major interface improvements, too many to list. Added support for Aero Glass (Vista/2008/7). Improved appearance, layout, margins, skins.
  • The drawer of tabs has been replaced with a bar of labels.
  • Added the Adjective-Noun.RWG stock project.
  • Added a toolbar, although it is hidden by default. Choose "Show Toolbar" from the Options menu to make it visible.
  • Added the "Import Components From CSV" option to the Edit menu.
  • Added the "Reject Anagrams With No Vowels" option to the Anagram Finder tool.
  • Added the "Show Common Tasks" option to the Options menu.
  • Added a high resolution shell icon for Vista/2008/7.
  • The components and formats for Default.RWG have been regenerated from an updated word list containing 22,000+ new words.
  • Improved the help file.
  • Fixed: the "Prevent Repetition" feature was not clearing the memory of generated words after completing an operation.

New in Random Word Generator 15.0 (Sep 21, 2010)

  • Added the "Generate Phrase" setting to the Options tab. This allows you to generate a phrase of several random words.
  • Added to the "Capitalization" feature support for extended ASCII characters in the ANSI character set. For example "à" (code 224) would be capitalized to "À" (code 192).
  • Added the "Alphabetize" option to the Generate Real Words tool.
  • Added the "Vowel Required" option to the Word Builder tool.
  • Added the "Omit Extended ASCII" option to the Generate Real Words tool.
  • Added the "Speak" tool to all editboxes.
  • Added the "Favorites" tab to the help file.
  • On Windows 7, the taskbar button will now show the progress of any word generation tool.
  • The Default skin now conforms with the appearance of Windows 7. The original default skin has been renamed "Experience".
  • The "Statistics" tool will now take the "One Frequency Column" option into account.
  • Numerous improvements to the "Check For Update" tool.
  • The Send Feedback and Report Exception features now use HTTP to deliver the information to Gammadyne. The old SMTP method is only used as a fallback if HTTP fails. This is necessary because some ISP's only allow SMTP to their own mail servers.
  • The first time RWG is launched, balloon help will appear informing the user of where to click to begin generating random words.
  • Fixed some minor incompatibility issues with Vista/2008/7.
  • Fixed: toggling the "One Frequency Column" box was not updating the Components Table's appearance properly.

New in Random Word Generator 14.1 (Apr 13, 2010)

  • Added the "Separator" field to the Generate Real Words tool.
  • Fixed: the installer was not requiring administrator elevation on Vista/2008/7 (since 14.0).

New in Random Word Generator 14.0 (Feb 24, 2010)

  • Added the "Statistics" tool to the Tools menu.
  • Most icons have been replaced or improved.
  • Added the "Discard Duplicate Components" tool to the Edit menu.
  • Added the "Alphabetize" option to the Word Builder.
  • Added an abortable progress window to the "Generate Letter Combinations" and "Generate Real Words" tools when generating to a file.
  • Added the "Generate" menu and moved some of the options on the Tools menu there.
  • Numerous minor interface and installer improvements.
  • When generating a file, the operation will stop if the target drive's free space falls below 1% or 1 GB, whichever is smaller.
  • The open/save file dialog will now use the operating system style enhancements.
  • The "Generate All Possible Combinations" tool will now obey the "Minimum Length" and "Maximum Length" project settings.
  • Organized the settings on the Options folder into groups.
  • Eliminated components that occur less than 3 times in the entire English language.
  • Eliminated the format codes that contain no vowels.
  • Fixed a problem with the way the consonant statistics were being calculated.

New in Random Word Generator 13.0 (Jun 10, 2009)

  • Added the Extrapolate to File tool.
  • Improved the Anagram Finder.

New in Random Word Generator 12.2 (Sep 22, 2008)

  • Version 12.2
  • The Word Builder and Generate Real Words windows will now remember all settings.
  • The installer is now digitally signed

New in Random Word Generator 12.1 (Jul 18, 2008)

  • Balloon help has been totally revamped.
  • Fixed: rare installer crash

New in Random Word Generator 11.0 (Jun 11, 2008)

  • Added the "Anagram Finder" tool.
  • When generating a new list of random words, the window will no longer blink away momentarily. This applies to Generate Random Words, Extrapolate, Generate Real Words, and Word Builder.
  • The installer will now warn if it does not have admin rights. It will also attempt to loosen the security settings on the installation directory (to prevent problems with Vista).
  • Numerous minor improvements.
  • Fixed: possible hang when opening the Configuration Editor.
  • Fixed: selecting and copying text in the help file did not always work properly.
  • Fixed: generating variations of a variation was not working correctly.

New in Random Word Generator 11.0 (Jan 3, 2008)

  • Press Ctrl Alt Shift F5 to reset System�G, then reload your preferred skin.
  • Added support for rational Component and Format frequencies (containing a decimal point). The DEFAULT.RWG project is now based on more accurate English statistics.
  • Added the "Omit Capitalized Words" option to the "Generate Real Words" and "Word Builder" tools.
  • Improved icons and icon rendering.
  • Added the "Metal" skin.

New in Random Word Generator 10.1 (Jun 20, 2007)

  • Fixed the "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect" error that was caused by an incorrect DLL dependency that should have been linked statically.

New in Random Word Generator 10.0 (Jun 18, 2007)

  • Added the "Component Separator" setting to the Options folder.
  • Added the "Import from CSV file" tool to the Components table.
  • Replaced the toolbar with a toolbox.
  • Numerous user interface/skin improvements. The "Default" skin has been redesigned to match the appearance of Windows XP.
  • All interface fonts are now antialiased by default. The setting to control this is located at: System-G Menu > Configuration Editor > Controls > Font > Antialias.
  • Improved the help file and balloon help.
  • Added a Help option to the bottom of the Edit and Tools menus.
  • Renamed the "Generate" folder to "Options".
  • The "Generate Random Words To File" and "Generate All Possible Combinations" tools now display the number of words generated and the size of the output file as it grows.
  • Drawer folders will now display a scrollbar if there is not enough room for all controls.
  • To prevent an out-of-memory error, the "Generate Letter Combinations" tool will only allow the "Eliminate Duplicates" option if there is less than 5,000,000 possible combinations.
  • Fixed a problem with the "Match Pattern" feature of the Generate Real Words tool.
  • Fixed a problem with failures when the Minimum Length and Maximum Length settings are used.