RightThumb Changelog

What's new in RightThumb 1.4

May 5, 2009
  • As a result of a comment on SnapFiles, I have introduced the option of more easily creating a common size copy in place of specifying a maximum thumbnail dimension. I had not envisaged RightThumb being used to create other than thumbnails but adding this option does not dilute its original aims. I have only added the more common sizes. NOTE that setting a fixed size option other than 'No Fixed Size' will over-ride the thumbnail dimensions and that fixed sizing may distort the picture as it may not be proportional resizing.
  • Ronnie Lane pointed out that it wasn't possible to force the maximum dimension to be either width or height. As a result I have introduced the option of letting the program use the largest dimension or force it to use either width or height as the maximum dimension. The output still retains its original proportions.

New in RightThumb 1.2 (Apr 28, 2009)

  • You can now select a folder in which to save thumbnails. A blank field defaults to the same folder as the original file.
  • When creating thumbnails you may find that the graphic is a little blurred. Sharpening the graphic resolves this.

New in RightThumb 1.1 (Dec 18, 2008)

  • You can now set the compression value for JPEGs and PNGs. The lower the value for a JPEG the poorer the quality but the smaller the file. The lower the value for a PNG the faster it will display but the larger the file. The normal defaults for JPEG and PNG are 80 and 6.
  • You can select the filter used in resizing a graphic. Box is the poorest and Mitchell the best BUT you may find graphic format, quality and whether the graphic is being expanded or contracted may effect which is best suited. The default is Lanczos3 which I find to be normally good.