SQL Offline Changelog

What's new in SQL Offline

Jul 10, 2013
  • [Feature added] SQL Script now supports SELECT statements. Each SELECT creates an OL document which contains a snapshot of the query at the time SELECT executes.
  • [Feature added] You can now create new OL and SQL Script documents that include data links. In the ribbon OL tab, a New Linked button was added. In the SQL tab, a New SQL Script Linked button was added. If you select a data file or server in the Source window, the new document links to that source.
  • [Feature added] Refresh command added to the source window. You can use this after running CREATE TABLE to display new tables.
  • [Help added] Keyboard shortcuts added to the Interface topic in product help. For example, you can hold down the SHIFT key to display SYSTEM tables. Excel column header setup.