Scheduler FE Grid Changelog

What's new in Scheduler FE Grid

Jan 30, 2015
  • This incorporates the ability to see data from multiple databases on the log and job run screens.

New in Scheduler FE Grid (Jun 9, 2014)

  • This version incorporates the functionality of Oracle 12c CDB Resource Manager. This allows the allocation of resources across the multiple pluggable databases that can be created under Oracle 12c. To allow this the logon has been extended to allow the user to logon as sysdba.
  • In addition the Sessions view and Consumer Groups view have been extended to include the additional columns found in Oracle 12c within the details screens.

New in Scheduler FE Grid (May 13, 2014)

  • It now incorporates a new jdbms driver and in addition allows access to the Oracle 12c database. In addition a number of bugs have been fixed. These include the dropping of a connection, the exit from the logon screen and the refresh option.

New in Scheduler FE Grid (Apr 23, 2014)

  • It incorporates the functionality previously included in Resource FE.
  • Now it is included in Scheduler FE Grid, allowing the user to move from viewing/modifying the Scheduler functionality to viewing/modifying the Resource Manager functionality.
  • In addition a number of bugs have been fixed.