BOSSA Changelog

What's new in BOSSA 1.2 Beta

Oct 24, 2011
  • New BOSSA shell command line application to do basic memory, flash, and PIO diagnostics
  • Workaround for SAM3U firmware bug
  • Fixed a bug with setting boot to flash bit on SAM3 devices

New in BOSSA 1.1 Beta (Aug 19, 2011)

  • New for this release is Max OS X support.
  • This release includes some fixes for USB stability issues seen on some systems.
  • The OS X USB driver detects an Atmel device as a USB modem. When prompted about a new network interface, click Cancel to continue.
  • Some stability issues have been seen with the OS X USB driver using BOSSA. When running BOSSA a second time to the same Atmel device, the USB driver can lock up causing BOSSA to freeze. As a workaround, always disconnect and reconnect the Atmel device before running BOSSA again.