What's new in Smuds - SoftOve Multi Database Scripter 3.04

Mar 30, 2015
  • Created a server connect page to make it easier selecting a target server.
  • Added settings for error action and for using transaction on each script step.
  • Added a function to save output from an execution.
  • Added options to automatically save result tables and output messages after execution.

New in Smuds - SoftOve Multi Database Scripter 3.03 (Mar 14, 2015)

  • Added a checkbox to switch between showing all messages or just the latest messages from each database.
  • Added a checkbox to specify default filter condition as either an excluding or an including expression.
  • Added support for sorting the gridviews on databases page, run page and result pages.
  • Added validation for the database filter textbox.

New in Smuds - SoftOve Multi Database Scripter 3.02 (Dec 22, 2014)

  • A new option for executing script steps with or without the use of a transaction was added. The default and recommended option is still to run the steps inside a transaction, since this makes the effects of errors and aborts more predictable. There are however some queries and commands that are not allowed to be executed in a transaction. One example is the DBCC command to backup databases to disk in SQL Server.