What's new in States of Matter: Basics 1.2.14

Sep 26, 2023
  • Adding paper.js dependency. Handling quadratic/cubic intersection with bezier clipping

New in States of Matter: Basics 1.2.13 (May 11, 2023)

  • Adding screenNameKeys to package.json (and adding some translated strings to some runnables)

New in States of Matter: Basics 1.2.6 (Dec 15, 2022)

  • Grunt update, after adding published flags

New in States of Matter: Basics 1.2.4 (May 5, 2022)

  • Grunt update for phetsims/scenery#1333

New in States of Matter: Basics 1.10 (Oct 18, 2012)

  • Redeploying to production server with several important fixes and enhancements.
  • Modified phase diagram behavior to be smoother and to always track to the phase interface.
  • Adjusted the set point for liquid temperature so that water is between 0 and 100 degrees C when set to the liquid state.
  • Modified the internal model temperatures used in order to make water look like it is starting to freeze when at 0 degrees C.
  • Fixed an issue where the substances would look strange if users were changing state when the sim was paused.

New in States of Matter: Basics 1.09 (Nov 18, 2011)

  • Publication of the States of Matter Basics version to the production web site.
  • Changed the "0" label on the middle of the stove to be just a tick mark.
  • Changed labels on stove to say "Heat" and "Cool" and internationalized these labels.
  • Modified the stove to be one large unit with a vertical slider on the front.
  • Added a key handler that allows the user to make use of the arrow keys to control the amount of heating or cooling.
  • Changed repulsive force arrow on the Atomic Interactions tab to be magenta to make it more distinct from the attractive force arrow.
  • Moved "Kelvin/Celsius" option from "Options" menu into "Teacher" menu
  • Made it so the selected atom/molecule changes when clicking on the image next to the radio button in the control panel
  • Changed Argon color from blue-green to pink
  • Fixed an issue where the clock would remain paused after the reset button was pressed. This was true on all tabs.
  • Added a "Teacher" menu and added an option for setting the background to be white on all tabs.
  • Added an options menu and added options for selecting Celsius or Kelvin as the temperature units.
  • Added the ability to return the lid to the container after it has been blown off.
  • Added a "hint" to the finger node to make it more obvious that it can be moved. This hint is only shown when the mouse is over the finger.
  • Added images of the atoms/molecules to the control panel.
  • Improved the artwork used for the flame in the stove node.
  • Created a new stove node that fixes problems with the old one and looks better.
  • Moved the "Reset All" button on the phase changes tab from the control panel to the play area.
  • Made the phase diagram be hidden by default in the "Basics" version.
  • Modified pressure gauge label that said "Pressure Gauge" to instead say "Pressure".
  • Modified control panel label that said "Molecules" to instead say "Atoms & Molecules".
  • Modified atom colors to be more consistent with other chemistry simulations.
  • Removed confirmation dialog from Reset All to make it less intimidating.
  • Moved the Reset All button into the play area on the Solid, Liquid, and Gas tab.

New in States of Matter: Basics 1.08 (Nov 18, 2011)

  • Added new translation credits features and fixed layout issues with some translations.

New in States of Matter: Basics 1.03 (Nov 18, 2011)

  • Added support for heterogeneous molecules and oxygen bonding.
  • Set initial temperature of adjustable molecules to be warmer, fixed issue where close button overlapped diagram.