Subclient Changelog

What's new in Subclient 0.10.2

Apr 19, 2013
  • Updated Subconnector. It supports Subsonic 4.6 and earlier again
  • For users who have updated their Subsonic servers this update is not important

New in Subclient 0.10.1 (Apr 19, 2013)

  • Volume now goes from 0 to 200, to keep correlation with VLC behavior
  • getRandomSongs Subsonic API method is now supported, so random songs can be loaded from Subclient using Tools->random songs menu
  • Internal preferences handling has been changed
  • JSON library is been changed by google-gson
  • New complete internal implementation of the JSON Subsonic API. Unfortunately Subsonic 4.6 and earlier is no longer supported
  • Cover art caching has been improved
  • Solved bug. The hybrid directories wheren't properly listed. The songs didn't even appear. The albums couldn't be opened
  • Solved bug. The playlist table and songs table weren't properly ordered by column.

New in Subclient 0.10 (Apr 19, 2013)

  • Big change! VLC is included in this version as the new playback engine, replacing MPlayer. Many of the new features in this version are possible thanks to VLC
  • Checked and updated German language.
  • Updated volume up and volume down icons
  • Now, if Subsonic server does not return a correct track duration Subclient calculates it by itself
  • Subclient now supports video playback (Beta!!), showing a video component on top of the current playlist table by default, and letting the user to change to full screen if desired or to hide othe window components
  • Full screen playback is not fully optimized by the moment. The problems are listed in the Known Issues section
  • Media controls panel is showed over the video in full screen. Down arrow key hides it, and Up arrow key shows it again
  • Space bar key pauses or resumes video playback in full screen mode and escape key returns from full screen mode to window mode
  • It is very important that you report all issues found in video playback feature
  • I recommend disabling transcoding functionality in Subsonic when playing video for performance reasons.
  • Now, music directory listed whenever Subclient is closed is saved and reloaded the next time it is executed.
  • Now, Subclient supports subfolders in the URL when configuring a Subsonic server.
  • Now, playback position is saved whenever Subclient is closed.
  • Scrollbars, playback progressbar, volume bar and loading progressbar have been redesigned for better integration with the rest of the application.
  • Now, On-Screen display panel is not shown until playback is really started.
  • The On-Screen display position is now calculated taking into account the size and position of the windows task bar.
  • Removed red cross from the repeat-none icon.
  • Added a "test connection" button in the Subsonic servers management window.
  • Now, whenever a new song starts playing, selection is not reset. Playing song is only highlighted in bold.
  • Subclient now supports the use of subdirectories in the URL of the Subsonic servers.
  • Solved bug making Subclient to play the same point in infinite loop whenever player runs out of buffer or connection to server is lost.
  • Solved bug making volume to be reset to maximum value at the begining of each playback.
  • Solved bug making window title not to be correctly displayed whenever artist name, album name or song name had special characters and playback was paused once at least.
  • Solved bug making Subclient not to run with no internet connection.
  • Solved bug making some pixels before and after the playback progressbar where considered part of the bar itself.
  • Solved bug that made some failed connections to be considered as good connections, loading again indexes and directories of the last connected server, if any.
  • Solved bug produced only with Subsonic 4.7, making impossible to play a locally stored playlist.
  • Solved some GUI painting problems.
  • Solved bug in autoupdate module, blocking Subclient during download and not properly closing it before launching the new installer.
  • One of the problems on this module was that Subclient needs to run the downloaded installer as Administrator. That has been solved with nircmd utility.
  • Solved other minnor bugs
  • The new features have not been translated yet. They will be in english by default.

New in Subclient 0.9.4 (Apr 19, 2013)

  • Updated JavaExe to last version, solving some minor bugs
  • The "Connect" window now shows centered relative to Subclient's main window, unless it is not displayed
  • Checked that the problem with playlist creation was caused by the * domains. If you don't use it Playlists are correctly saved
  • Solved bug making Subclient interpret errors while downloading as the file itself
  • Added end-user license agreement
  • Changed default text in duration and progress labels from "-" to "00:00"
  • Deleted all table grids making Subclient's GUI cleaner. Deleted as well some border lines and separators
  • The tray icon only appears after a succesfull connection, otherwise user was allowed to open the main window while it is already empty
  • Added hover text to every podcast listed showing the las publish date. every episode in a podcast has a hover text as well displaying its own publish date
  • Subclient logs and cache directory are now saved inside the users personal folder, instead of in the installation folder
  • Changed internal behaviors such as how external resources are loaded, making Subclient more efficient
  • Created an auto-update module that checks automatically for new versions at startup. It can be disabled manually. From now on users can update Subclient without downloading the new version manually
  • It is no longer needed to run the installer as administrator. If the user is not an administrator, installer will ask for permissions
  • Now, the installers allows the user to run Subclient after installation completes
  • Now, unistaller allows to delete user configuration (configuration, logs and cover arts cache) after uninstallation completes
  • Added German language.
  • The downloads default folder will be the users profile folder from now on
  • Added conctact option on the help menu that redirects to the Subclient website contact form
  • Buttons in all toolbars are now visually like both repeat and shuffle buttons, showing just an image until users moves the mouse over the button

New in Subclient 0.9.3 (Apr 19, 2013)

  • Modified icon for "Repeat current" button
  • Added "Open Subclient" option to the tray icon context menu
  • Added button to shuffle current playlist
  • Now, whenever the secondary mouse button is pressed over a non selected row (to show the context menu) in any table, it is assumed that the user wants to work with that row so the selection is released and that new row is selected
  • Solved bug making the tables selection to be released whenever a new element is added (e.g.: listing the content of an index)
  • Added feature that lets the user to sort any table by clicking in a column header. Repeated clicks over the same column header makes it to alternate between ascending sort and descending sort
  • Now Subclient is correctly closed whenever the system is closed or the Windows user logs out (saving current playlist, window location, etc.)
  • Now, if multiple playlists are selected in the playlists table and the user selects the delete option, all of them are deleted, instead of removing only the first
  • Now, if the DEL key is pressed over the playlists table, the "delete" option is triggered
  • Now, whenever the "download" option of the context menu is selected in a table with more than one element selected, all the elements are downloaded in the selected directory, instead of downloading only the first
  • The OSD (On-screen display) is no longer displayed at tray icon click. Instead, it may be configured to be displayed every time a new song is played. It remains visible for 3 seconds
  • The size of the icons used in menu bars and context menus has been reduced
  • Solved bug making working tasks (fill albums list, fill current playlist, etc.) not to be stopped when the user disconnects from a server
  • Solved bug making Subclient sometimes to jump to an older position in the playing song after jumping manually to a newer one by clicking in the progress slider
  • Solved bug making the "refresh playlists" button not to be displayed since version 0.9.2
  • Added French language in beta. It may contain syntax errors. If you find them, please, contact me
  • Solved other minor bugs