TIE Cleaner Changelog

What's new in TIE Cleaner 2.0

Feb 23, 2011
  • Ported program to C#, to fall in line with the rest of our products.
  • Now all on one screen.
  • Added a dropdown for selecting default folder structures; Default and Custom.
  • Smarter detection of your default Internet cache folder.
  • Threading, so you can now cancel a scan or clean operation. A canceled scan will allow you to clean just those files on the really messed up systems.
  • Added a second progress bar to track profiles.
  • Added RunTime to log file, and differentiation for when run from the command line (CLI:).
  • Added menu item for viewing/deleting the error log.

New in TIE Cleaner 1.3 (Feb 23, 2011)

  • Code to handle command line parameters so that you can now run it from Task Scheduler:
  • /scan just scans.
  • /clean ignores the /scan switch since it scans it first anyways.
  • /show will popup a dialog box with the quantity of files.
  • Log.txt file is created/appended if run from command line switches so you can see what it does (size cleaned) and when (time stamped). This gives you some feedback as to how messy your profiles are.
  • Log.txt support for manual use. You might as well track everything you do so you can justify your job.

New in TIE Cleaner 1.2 (Feb 12, 2009)

  • Chg: Clicking on Scan no longer greys out the scan button when it enables the Clean button. I found that feature annoying when switching folders.
  • Fix: Number reported in billions came from folder size being returned as -1
  • (i.e. invalid). Since field was unsigned it reverted to the max field value of 4,294,967,295.
  • Fix: Windows error message when trying to clean profiles with folders that don't exist. Imagine that!