TOAD for MySQL Changelog

What's new in TOAD for MySQL

Apr 11, 2018
  • Automation:
  • Set Variable Activity
  • Prompt for Variable Value at Run Time. In the Set Variable activity, you can now instruct Toad to prompt for a variable value each time you manually execute the Automation script.
  • To use this feature, specify a named variable and variable value using the Set Variable activity.
  • In the Set Variable activity, select Prompt during run.
  • Execute the script manually. Toad prompts you for a variable value by opening the Bind Variables dialog. Use the default value or enter a new value. The new value is used in this execution only and the default remains unchanged.
  • If you schedule the script, scheduled execution uses the default value you specified through the Set Variable activity.
  • When you build a script that uses the Set Variable activity to set the value of a bind parameter or variable for SQL located in another activity, this feature allows you to easily modify that value at run time without modifying the script.
  • Send Email Activity:
  • Prompt for Recipient Address at Run Time. In the Send Email activity, you can now easily instruct Toad to prompt for a recipient email address each time the Automation script is manually executed.
  • To use this feature, add a Send Email activity to your Automation script. Specify a default value in the To field.
  • Then select the Prompt check box. This instructs Toad to treat this field as a variable field and to prompt for a value.
  • Execute the script manually. Toad prompts you for a variable value by opening the Bind Variables dialog. Use the default value or enter a new value. The new value is used in this execution only and the default remains unchanged.
  • If you schedule the script, scheduled execution uses the default value you specified in the To field.
  • Set Variable and Set Variable Value Activities:
  • Reorder Variable List. In the Set Variable and the Set Variable Value Automation activities, you can now reorder the list of variables.
  • Email Server Settings:
  • You can now select between SSL or TLS when specifying a secure email connection. You can specify email server settings in the Send Email activity or in script Settings | Compose Email.
  • Select to File Activity:
  • Export File Name Suffix. When appending a suffix to the export file name, you can now only select a date or datetime suffix. To include a variable or expression in the suffix, use the Set Variable activity to define a variable or build an expression. Then use the variable as a suffix in the export file name by entering the hash symbol before and after the variable name (#VariableName#).
  • Script Environment Settings Persist:
  • If you specify Test environment and Production environment settings in an Automation script, now when you open a new script window, the previously-specified values are automatically loaded into these fields. This is convenient when you want to use the same values repeatedly. The Email to and Root path values are retained.
  • Query Development
  • Look Up Database Errors:
  • Toad allows you to easily search Toad World whenever you encounter a database error.
  • In the database error message, click Look Up Error to open a page displaying multiple search results from a variety of sources.
  • Toad returns search results from Toad World. In addition, links to searches from a variety of search engines, such as Google, are also provided. Open these Web Search links to display search results from the Web.
  • Use the search results to find more information about the specific database error you encountered.
  • You can modify the search string to customize your search results or to remove object names and other internal information.
  • Data Management:
  • Data Compare - Compare Excel, CSV, Access
  • You can now select an Excel file, a .csv file, or an Access database to compare in Data Compare.
  • To use this feature, select Excel/CSV/Access as the source and/or target on the Specify Source and Target Databases page of the New Comparison Wizard. Then browse to and select the Excel or .csv file or Access database.
  • Import and Export:
  • Export Wizard Default Folder
  • You can now specify a default folder to use each time you export to a file with the Export Wizard. Specify the default folder in the Options dialog (Tools | Options | Environment | Export). Then when you open the Export Wizard to create a new export template, the destination field is pre-populated with the default folder name and path.
  • Custom Grid Formatting is Retained:
  • Any custom formats you specify for the data grid through the Options dialog (Options | Environment | Grid) are now applied when you export to an Excel file using the Quick Export command.
  • These custom formats are also applied when exporting to Excel using the Export Wizard, but can be overwritten if necessary by applying formatting through the wizard.

New in TOAD for MySQL (Sep 5, 2016)

  • New Features:
  • This release of Toad for MySQL includes the following new features and enhancements.
  • Automation:
  • Run Automation Script Activity - Open Child Script
  • You can now open the child script directly from the Run Automation Script activity. Click the Open Script button in Activity Input tab to open the child script in a new window.
  • Automation Script Settings:
  • When you elect to send an email when a script errors, the script name is now included in the Subject line of the error email.
  • Entering settings in an Email activity now auto-populates the same fields in the script's error email if those fields are empty. The values in the To and From fields and in the Email Server Settings are the values sent to the error email. Entering new values overrides the auto-populated settings.
  • You can now define a root path in both Test settings and Production settings. Then use the ROOT_PATH variable in your script wherever you want to apply the path. The path applied depends on the setting you select, Test or Production.
  • Set Variable Activity - Link SQL File:
  • In the Set Variable activity, if you use a file to specify a SQL query for selecting values to populate a SQL type variable, you now have the option to link the file to the activity. Select the Link SQL file check box.
  • Loop Dataset Activity - Link SQL File:
  • In the Loop Dataset activity, if you use a file to specify the driving query, you now have the option to link the file to the activity. Select the Link SQL file check box.
  • Unique Default Variable Name:
  • When you add an activity, then rename it, and then add another activity of the same type, the second activity now has a unique default name for its built-in variable.
  • Individual Script Logs Display in Log Tab:
  • The Log tab in each Automation script window now displays only the execution log for that individual script, even if multiple script windows (documents) are open and executing.
  • Publish File Activity:
  • This release includes a new Automation activity which allows you to publish one or more files to Intelligence Central. You can publish files produced by previous activities in the Automation script, or you can publish other existing files.
  • To use this activity, drag it to the script design area from the Automation toolbox.
  • Click Manage Files to select the files to publish. Click Publishing Wizard to select an Intelligence Central connection and specify publishing options.
  • Query Development:
  • Editor
  • Automatic Syntax Checking Options
  • If you enable automatic syntax checking, you can now enable or disable displaying syntax errors in the Results pane. Go to Tools | Options | Editor | Tools and select (or deselect) Show syntax check messages in Results.
  • You can also instruct Toad to identify the lines with errors in the Editor. Go to Tools | Options | Editor | Tools and select Highlight invalid lines in Editor.
  • Table Hint
  • In the Editor, you can place the cursor over a table name in a SQL statement to display the list of columns in the table.
  • Group Execute Pane. You can now specify a default setting to show or hide the Group Execute pane in the Editor window. Go to Tools | Options | Editor | Tools and select Show Group Execute to show the pane by default.
  • Data Management:
  • Pivot Grid
  • You now have the option to print the chart or graph when you print the pivot grid. After you right-click the pivot grid and select Print, Toad prompts you to include the pivot grid's chart/graph.
  • Import and Export:
  • Import Wizard
  • Import a table. In the Import Wizard, you can now select a table (or other database object) to import as a new or existing table in the same datasource. Select the Add Table option in the Add Import Source page of the wizard.
  • Optimize block size. When importing data, you can allow Toad to determine the optimal block size. In the Import Wizard, select the Optimize block size option on the Select Target page. You can use this option as an alternative to specifying a processing row count.
  • Connections:
  • Specify Active Connection on Startup
  • When you designate connections to automatically open when Toad starts, now you can designate one of those as the active connection. In the Connection/Navigation Manager, right-click the connection and select Properties. In the Connection Properties dialog, select Connect on Startup and then select Make it the active connection on startup.
  • The last connection you specify in this manner overrides any connection you previously specified.
  • Idea Pond:
  • Idea Pond is a site where you can submit your ideas to improve Toad and vote or comment on other people's ideas. Toad's development has always been driven by our customers, and now it is even easier for you to tell us what changes are most important. This site is free for all customers.
  • Got a great idea for a new Toad for MySQL feature or enhancement? Share it with the Development Team and the Community by posting it on Idea Pond.
  • Visit Toad for MySQL Idea Pond where you can submit your ideas. You can also read and vote on the enhancement ideas submitted by other users.
  • Resolved Issues and Enhancements:
  • Automation Enhancement: When you add an activity, then rename it, then add another activity of the same type, the second activity now has a unique default name for its built-in variable. QAT-4193
  • Automation An issue is resolved that prevented successful execution of a script when the script includes an Export template that uses a query file with inline comments. QAT-6905
  • Automation Enhancement: In the Set Variable activity, when you use a SQL file to specify a query to use for selecting values for a SQL-type variable, you can now link the SQL file. QAT-4917
  • Automation Enhancement: The Log tab in each Automation script window now displays only the execution log for that individual script, even if multiple script windows (documents) are open and executing. QAT-4342
  • Automation Enhancement: In the Run Automation Script activity, you can now open the child script from the Run Automation Script activity. QAT-4789
  • Automation In the Export Wizard activity, if the Export Wizard file uses an Automation variable in the file name of the export file, the Export Wizard generates a file name without unwanted single quotes, as expected. QAT-6946
  • Automation Enhancement: In the Loop Dataset activity, if you load SQL from a file, you can now link the SQL file to the activity. QAT-7016
  • Automation Enhancement: When you select to send an email on script error, the script name is now included in the Subject line of the error email. QAT-3164
  • Automation An issue that intermittenly caused one script to hang during compile when multiple scripts execute is now resolved. QAT-7199
  • Automation Enhancement: You can now specify different root paths to be used in the Test and Production script execution environments. QAT-4919
  • Automation An issue that caused an error when using the Set Variable Value activity in the Loop Dataset activity is resolved. QAT-7158
  • Connections Enhancement: When several connections are specified to connect on startup, you can now specify one as the active connection. QAT-3814
  • Connections Added a more informative message when a connection is lost and re-established by Toad. QAT-7483
  • Connections Corrected an issue that resulted in an error when attempting to connect to a MySQL database using a password that contains the double quote (") character. TMY-64
  • Data Compare A WHERE clause added to the Data Compare document is now saved with the file as expected. Applied formatting is now saved when results are exported to Excel. QAT-7340
  • Data Compare Upon opening a saved Data Compare file, you now have the option to run the comparison immediately or not. QAT-7363
  • Data Compare Corrected an issue that prevented the user from opening a Data Compare file created in a previous version of Toad for MySQL. TMY-52
  • Editor By default, syntax errors do not show in the Message tab of the Results pane. To instruct Toad to show syntax errors in the Messages tab, select Tools | Options | Editor | Tools. TDB-2783
  • Editor With multiple Editor windows open, the show window list button now works as expected. QAT-7311
  • Export Wizard Resolved an issue that caused an "Incorrect syntax" error when running an Export Wizard template in an Automation script. QAT-7734
  • Export Wizard When exporting from a query or query file to a Fixed Column Width output, specifying a fixed width size now works as expected. QAT-7830
  • Export Wizard Exporting data to an existing Excel file containing a Pareto chart now works as expected. QAT-7338
  • Job Manager In a Windows 7 or Windows 8 environment, enabling/disabling tasks from the Job Manager window now works as expected. QAT-6773
  • Library When you open the Library window, it no longer associates to the active connection. QAT-7075
  • Object Explorer In the Alter Table dialog Columns page, the Collation field for a column now displays the current collation setting and the list of available collations, as expected. QAT-7735, TMY-66
  • Options For users without Administrator privileges, selecting Tools | Options | Environment | Extensions no longer causes a continuous series of messages that make the application inaccessible. QAT-6964
  • Pivot Grid Enhancement: When printing a pivot grid, you how have the option to include the chart or graph. QAT-3143
  • Pivot Grid When exporting to Excel from the Pivot Grid or a Toad Pivot Grid activity in an Automation script, formatting is now retained. QAT-7721
  • Query Builder Enhancement: After you click on a join in the diagram, Toad now gives you the opportunity to confirm the action before analyzing the join and opening the Analyze Join pane. This gives you the option to cancel an analysis which might take time to process. QAT-7334
  • Query Builder Retrieving the Explain Plan now works as expected. QAT-7903, TMY-63
  • Query Builder Enhancement: If an aggregate function is selected from the Query Builder column drop-down, Toad now adds an alias to the column if one does not exist. QAT-7069
  • Query Builder An issue that resulted in an incorrect WHERE clause after adding a table alias is now resolved. QAT-7276
  • Query Builder Resolved an issue that caused the Query Builder to add extra quotes to an alias after adding an alias and then Visualizing the query. QAT-7640
  • Schema Compare Corrected an issue that resulted in a "Filter string you provided is not valid" error when attempting to save a Schema Compare file. TMY-51
  • Schema Compare Attempting to use Schema Compare and connect to the database using an SSH connection type now works as expected. TMY-21, QAT-8040
  • Session Monitor Corrected an issue that resulted in an error when attempting to select "Active" in the drop-down list in the Session Monitor window. TMY-25
  • Toad Views Executing a Toad View that was saved in a subfolder now works as expected. QAT-7290
  • User Interface Resolved several text display issues encountered when text size is set to 150% in Windows. This resolution involves the Import Connections, Settings Migration, and Options dialogs. QAT-5915
  • User Interface Improved text displayed in the Where Condition dialog in the Query Builder when using extended DPI settings. QAT-6854
  • User Interface Improved display of text and options in the Export Wizard when using extended DPI settings. QAT-6851
  • User Interface Print settings are now retained between sessions without requiring the user to open the Page Setup dialog. QAT-6051
  • User Interface If the Navigation Manager is minimized, it does not open after creating and saving a new Export Template through the Automation activity, if "Save input files to project manager" is not selected. QAT-7764
  • User Interface Panes in auto-hide mode now collapse as expected when you click within an empty window (no document open). QAT-6784

New in TOAD for MySQL (Oct 3, 2014)

  • New Look:
  • You will notice that this release of Toad for MySQL has a fresh new look. Several elements in the user interface have changed, including
  • Toad Data Point has a new look. This release includes a sleek new design for the main toolbar, as well as a few user interface enhancements designed to simplify your Toad workflow.
  • Main Toolbar: Large, easy-to-read icons make it easy to find and open your favorite Toad modules and tools.
  • Open Connections List: The Open Connections list has moved to the Connection/Navigation Manager pane.
  • New Skins: Three new skins have been added: ToadBlue2014, ToadGreen2014, and ToadTan2014.
  • If you like the standard Toad skin, this look is still available. Go to Options | Environment | Interface and select the Default skin.
  • If you like the standard toolbar, this is still available, also. Right-click the Main Toolbar and deselect Use Large Icons.
  • Database Administration:
  • Object Explorer
  • Filtering database objects has several new enhancements.
  • When you enter a search string in the object filter field, the currently-specified Search Condition now displays in a blue banner below the field.
  • You can now specify a default Search Condition in Tools | Options | Explorer | General. If you don't specify a default, the field defaults to the search type you specified the last time you created or modified a filter (includes previous sessions).
  • The following new Search Conditions have been added: Contains (Exact), Starts With (Exact), and End With (Exact). Use these to include (in your text string) certain characters normally used in search logic, such as the underscore character (_).
  • Connection/Navigation Manager
  • The Connection/Navigation Manager now includes a search feature. Use incremental search to find connections quickly.
  • Query Development
  • New Commenting Feature in the Query Builder
  • You can now easily comment out a Where clause, Having clause, or column from a Select statement in the Query Builder. Select the Where or Having field in a column, or select the column, then right-click and select an option from the menu.
  • This feature allows you to easily manipulate a SQL query and still retain the original SQL text.
  • In addition, comments are now retained when sending SQL from the Editor to the Query Builder. If you comment out sections of your SQL query or add notes as comments in the Editor, these are retained after sending to the Query Builder.
  • Other Features
  • Query Builder: If you modify the query in the Query tab, the Query Builder now prominently displays a helpful message to remind you to re-visualize your query in the Diagram tab.
  • Automation:
  • Select to File Activity: When exporting to an Excel file, you can now append the exported data to already existing data on a worksheet.
  • Zip/Unzip Activity: You can now unzip existing zip files using the Zip/Unzip activity (formerly the Zip activity).
  • Idea Pond:
  • Idea Pond is a site where you can submit your ideas to improve Toad and vote or comment on other people's ideas. Toad's development has always been driven by our customers, and now it is even easier for you to tell us what changes are most important. This site is free for all customers.
  • Got a great idea for a new Toad for MySQL feature or enhancement? Share it with the Development Team and the Community by posting it on Idea Pond.
  • Resolved Issues and Enhancements:
  • SQL Recall: If you select a SQL statement in the Executed tab of the SQL Recall pane, the right-click menu item, Moved to named, is now enabled as expected.
  • SQL Editor: Tables that include a TIME data type column are now handled correctly (Toad Editor file).

New in TOAD for MySQL (Apr 10, 2012)

  • Automation:
  • Information sharing between activities is improved. For example, if you delete an activity that creates a file, that file is also deleted from any tasks later in the script where it is used as an attachment or other input.
  • A Cancel button has been added to the Attachment Editor so you can cancel out of the operation, even after making some modifications.
  • Right-click an activity in the script design window and select Enabled to easily enable/disable the activity.
  • In Toad for MySQL, properties and script settings now display only when the activity or settings icon is selected in the design window, making it more difficult for the user to accidentally change script settings and activity properties.
  • You now have the option to choose whether or not to truncate the script’s log file each time the script runs. Make the selection in the script settings pane.
  • You can now perform a Find and Replace task on multiple files at one time by using standard wildcard symbols in the source file name in order to select multiple files. And you can still add multiple find and replace tasks to one activity.
  • You can now use drag and drop or up/down arrows to change the order of find and replace tasks in the Find and Replace activity.
  • In the Email activity, you can now select multiple files at one time using Ctrl+click.
  • In the Delete File activity, when you click Add Files, the File Collection Editor correctly displays and allows you to select from the files that are created earlier in the script.
  • When creating a connection to an Access database, you will no longer be prompted for a password unless the database is password-protected.
  • Toad includes significant enhancements to Automation that affect attributes in the actual automation script. If you open an automation script from a previous version, Toad for MySQL 6.0, a message informs you that the script will be upgraded so it will work in the current version of Toad.
  • Querying Data:
  • Query Builder:
  • This release of Toad for MySQL has re-implemented the checkbox method of selecting columns in the Query Builder Diagram pane. Click a column name once in the table diagram to add the column to the query. To add the column to the query a second time, right-click the column name in the diagram and select Add to Output.
  • The elapsed time is now displayed in the lower right corner of the Query Builder window while a query is executing.
  • In the Query Builder, for the selected columns in the criteria pane, the column widths now fit the column name making it easier to read them.
  • Editor
  • In the Editor toolbar, all of the execute buttons are now consolidated under one button.
  • This main button retains the function of the last action for the active Editor window.
  • If you switch to another Editor window, the button will change to reflect the last execute action for that window.
  • The other execute buttons are always available beneath the Execute SQL button via a drop-down list, or can be placed back in the toolbar by customizing it.
  • For all databases, the error log in the Editor and the Query Builder now provides the line and position for syntax errors. Highlighting is also included for syntax errors if the database has a deep parser.
  • Previously, when the Editor contained multiple statements, and you selected Send To Query Builder, Toad sent the entire contents of the Editor. Now you can highlight one statement, right-click the statement and select Send To Query Builder to send only the one statement.
  • Code Snippets:
  • You can right-click a code segment in the Editor and select Snippets | Add to Code Snippets to easily create a new snippet in your Favorites folder. And now you have the option to save the new snippet to the Shared Snippets or Shared Toad folder at the same time.
  • You can now import snippets directly into a selected folder in the Code Snippets window.
  • You can now export your entire code snippet library to a destination folder.
  • Managing/Working with Data:
  • Import:
  • When importing data using the Import Wizard, you can now select to use your current regional settings instead of the default. The data is parsed using the settings of the region that you have specified (on your PC).
  • SharePoint:
  • You can now export data to a list in SharePoint using Toad’s Export Wizard. You can also import a list from SharePoint using the Import Wizard. Toad supports SharePoint 2010.
  • Project Manager:
  • You can now easily add a database connection to a project in the Project Manager. Simply right-click a project or folder and select Add | Database Connection. Then you can right-click the connection in the Project Manager window to connect or disconnect.
  • When you right-click a file and select Browse, a Windows Explorer window opens with the file already selected. This allows you to open the file, or review the file’s location and also open other items in the location folder.
  • The Project Manager has a new feature to allow you to save a value for a bind variable. Then, when executing SQL containing that variable, Toad will not prompt you for the value. Use the Project Manager to manage your list of bind variables and their values.
  • Reports Designer:
  • When you create a Data Report from data with a Master Detail relationship, the Detail Report Band is automatically inserted into the report for you.
  • FTP:
  • Toad for MySQL now provides proxy support for FTP connections. Toad for MySQL allows you to set up an HTTP or Socks proxy for an FTP connection.
  • Idea Pond:
  • Idea Pond is a new site where you can submit your ideas to improve Toad for MySQL and vote or comment on other people's ideas. Toad's development has always been driven by our customers, and now it will be even easier for you to tell us what changes are most important. This site is free for all customers, and you can use an existing Yahoo, Google, or Twitter account to sign in.

New in TOAD for MySQL (Oct 25, 2011)

  • General:
  • Toad now supports Excel 2010.
  • You can set the File History Size option to zero to reduce the amount of time required to load the File menu in Tools | Options | Options | Environment - General.
  • Automation:
  • Toad includes significant enhancements to Automation that affect attributes in the actual automation script. If you open an automation script from a previous version, a message informs you that the script will be upgraded so it will work in the current version of Toad.
  • Script Settings:
  • You can now select whether the entire script stops or continues if an error occurs in any activity.
  • You can set whether the script and all its activities use relative or absolute paths. This is useful if you want to share your automation scripts with colleagues, want to place them on a shared network folder, or use them with version control.
  • You can also embed the actual SQL if you select SQL files in the Embed Input Files field. This also makes it easier to share the script with colleagues.
  • Database Activities:
  • For the Select to File, Execute Script, and Select to Editor with Results database activities, you can now manually enter SQL
  • Import and Export activities no longer require a connection.
  • You can now export to an existing Excel Macro Enabled File (.xlsm) using the Export Activity.
  • If macros are enabled, you can select which ones to execute before and after the export.
  • If Verbose logging is selected in Script Settings, you can now view the progress of the import or export in real-time in the Output window.
  • File Activities
  • A new Run Automation Script activity lets you run another automation script (.tas file) in your current automation script.
  • You can now use a wildcard to select multiple files in the same directory to copy (Copy File) or delete (Delete File).
  • You can now add multiple items to the Find and Replace activity.
  • You can use HTML as the body of your email when using the Send Email activity. To do so, use the Toad Report activity and select HTML as the output format type. You can then select that HTML file as the body for the email.
  • If you have an Import Wizard activity, and specify a file to save unimported rows to a discard file on the Save Settings as Template page, you can add the results of the discard file as an attachment to the Send Email activity.
  • The FTP activity includes the following enhancements:
  • You can use conditions to check if the local or remote directory or file exists. If you set a condition, the FTP activity only runs if the conditions you specify are met. For example, you would select RemoteFileExists if a vendor places a file on the FTP site each week that contains a mailing list that you need to import into a table, and create a report from.
  • You can select whether to download, upload, or move files based on a date or file name in the options page that opens from the Options field.
  • System Activities:
  • A new Pause activity stops an activity for a set number of seconds before continuing. This is useful if you are using parallel activities and need to wait a few seconds for the results of one branch to for a record to populate while the other branch is waiting for record to export data.
  • You can now add multiple variables to the Set Variable activity.
  • If you do not want to enter a value in this window, you can also enter a SQL statement to use as the variable. If you enter a statement, the value from the first row and column returned in the query is used as the variable value. This is useful if you need a variable with a date.
  • The Run Program activity includes the following enhancements:
  • Applications are now opened as minimimized.
  • The Arguments field now supports variables.
  • The Arguments field also supports running macros in Access databases. If you want to run a macro in Access, enter databasename /x macroname in this field. For example, if you have a macro that beeps when run in your Northwind database, you would enter Northwind 2007.accdb /x beep.
  • You can now add a Parallel activity to a connection.
  • You can now enter SQL in the Loop Dataset activity, and can set a dataset variable in the Activity Properties pane.
  • Working with Data:
  • Histogram Tool:
  • The new Histogram tool allows you to visualize the frequency distribution of data. Right-click on any data grid to access the Histogram tool.
  • Import Wizard:
  • You can now specify the import data block size by entering a value for the Process Row Count in the Import Wizard. This enhancement allows you to customize the import process by adjusting the number of rows to process at one time.
  • You can now specify a Default On Error value in the Import Wizard. Add a default value that Toad for MySQL will enter into cells where data import failed. Use the value to easily find import errors.
  • Creating Data Reports:
  • The Data Reports feature has been enhanced to include new functionality.
  • After customizing a report layout, you can now save the report layout as a template to use for generating subsequent reports.
  • You can now include multiple data sets in one Data Report by using multiple queries.
  • You can now edit data from inside the Report Designer by selecting the Data tab at the bottom of the window. (In previous versions of Toad for MySQL, editing data in a report required sending the query to the Master Detail Browser.)
  • You can now merge multiple reports into the same file and then export as one Data Report.
  • Improved Chart Designer:
  • In addition to one-click charts, Toad for MySQL's Chart Designer has been streamlined to create charts even faster. You can now create a chart in a data report with only a few clicks using the Chart Designer. You can then save your report or continue to modify the chart using the Chart Wizard. Chart Designer retains the features available in previous versions of Toad for MySQL.
  • One-Click Charting:
  • Now you can quickly create charts and graphs from any data grid with one-click charts. Simply right-click on any data grid and select one of the following:
  • Quick Export | Excel Instance Chart to instantly create a chart in Excel. You can then further modify the chart in Excel and save it as an Excel file.
  • Send to | Chart Designer to create a new Toad for MySQL Data Report containing the chart. You can then further modify the chart using Data Report's Chart Wizard.

New in TOAD for MySQL (Nov 3, 2010)

  • Improved performance for Code Completion and Group Execution
  • New debug trace feature collects a complete trace of everything you do when debugging a stored procedure so that you can play it back later
  • When executing a query in the Editor or Query Builder, you can now pin a result set tab so it is not overwritten by a subsequent query
  • When importing data, in addition to a single file, you can now import all files of the same type from a directory folder. You can also import a SQL query by selecting an existing SQL file or by entering the query.

New in TOAD for MySQL (Mar 13, 2010)

  • You can increase screen real-estate in Toad by pressing SHIFT+ALT+ENTER or selecting View | Full Screen from the menu to hide the default toolbars and display Toad in full screen mode.
  • In full screen mode, you can switch back to your previous screen size and displayed toolbars by clicking Full Screen beside the menu.
  • You can now assign a category such as Development or Production to connections. This adds an indicator beside the connection in the Navigation Manager and color codes Editor tabs. To assign a category to a connection, select an existing category or create a new category from the Create New Connection or Connection Properties window.
  • The following displays three Editor tabs from different connections. The first tab has a Development category assigned to it; the second does not have a category assigned, and the third has a Production category assigned to it. Note that the category also displays when you hover over the tab.
  • Additionally, you can select the Show category in explorer and object editors checkbox in Tools | Options | Database | General to apply the color coding to the Object Explorer window and the navigation pane in Object Editor (Create, Alter, Drop, etc.) windows.
  • (MySQL connections only) You can now select an HTTP Proxy or HTTP Tunnel connection type when connecting. The HTTP proxy connection is used to relay a connection. The HTTP tunnel connection uses HTTP tunneling to forward the connection, but it can also use a proxy.
  • When opening a previously saved ER Diagram file, you can right-click the Diagram pane and select Refresh to get the latest objects from the database, including added/removed columns and data type updates.
  • You can also select the Mark diagram objects that differ from the database objects when loading a file checkbox in Tools | Options | Database | Digramming to add an * to the right of a object name if the object has been updated since you saved the file.
  • You can now toggle the Pivot & Chart tab to display the pivot grid and chart vertically (default) or horizontally from the right-click context menu.
  • When opening a previously saved Query Builder file, you can right-click the Diagram pane and select Refresh to get the latest objects from the database, including added or removed columns and data type updates.
  • If you select the Mark diagram objects that differ from the database objects when loading a file checkbox in Tools | Options | Database | Digramming, an * in the title of the object indicates that the saved version differs from the database version.
  • When using an IN or NOT IN operator on a DateTime column in a Where condition, you can now select multiple entries or all entries.
  • The Rename Tab is back by popular demand. In a previous release, this option was removed because of conflicts with version control, but it has been rewritten to avoid these conflicts. To use this feature, press F2 in an Editor or right-click an Editor tab and select Rename Tab.
  • The temporary name is now stored as an alias.
  • Files are now added to the Recent Files list when you drag them into the Editor.
  • You can now apply custom format templates to SQL directly from the Editor by selecting a template from the Format drop-down list on the toolbar. You can customize existing templates or create new templates in Tools | Options | Editor | Formatter.
  • Toad Scripts now include a GROUPBY function that automatically groups the results. This allows you to save grouping preferences as part of the script so you do not have to manually re-group them using the grouping feature in the grid each time you run the script.
  • When saving an Editor file where Group Execute is enabled, Toad defaults to saving the file as a Toad Editor File (.tef). If you save as this file type, the selected group and any filters are also saved in the file.
  • You can also see how many targets have been selected.
  • Toad now provides a new Merge result sets option for the Group Execute feature.

New in TOAD for MySQL (Jan 29, 2010)

  • Prerequisites/Installation:
  • Toad now requires .NET Framework 3.5 (Service Pack 1) or later. Because of the new .Net Framework 3.5 (Service Pack 1) requirement, Toad can no longer be installed on Windows 2000 systems. However, Toad can still connect and manage databases running on Windows 2000 systems.
  • On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 platforms, the default location for settings files has been changed to: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Quest Software\Toad for MySQL 4.5 to provide an easier installation for Citrix environments and for those customers with support for roaming profiles. On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 platforms, the default location for settings files has been changed to: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\ Toad for MySQL 4.5 to provide an easier installation for Citrix environments and for those customers with support for roaming profiles.
  • General:
  • Toad provides out-of-the-box support for the Maria storage engine and MariaDB.
  • Document recovery now works with any ER Diagram or Query Builder files to avoid losing your work. When you restart Toad after an unexpected close, Toad checks the timestamp on the backup file against the original file, and opens the file that has the latest timestamp. The document recovery option is located in Tools | Options | Environment | General.
  • Connection information for each Editor, Query Builder, or other document window is now available by selecting the Show connection info on document tabs checkbox under Tools | Options | Environment | General.
  • You can close the current tab in a window or all other tabs except the current one from the right-click context menu available on each Editor tab.
  • You can use the new File Transfer Protocol (FTP) utility to transfer scripts, reports, or other files to and from an FTP server. Toad supports unsecured (FTP) and secure (SFTP) file transfers. To open this utility, select View | FTP Connections from the menu. Right-click one or more files in the local or remote directory to upload, download, delete, or rename the files. You can also add an FTP connection in the Project Manager or as an activity in an Automation script.
  • Automation:
  • Most activities now include support for variables. Variables allow you to change data in your script or use a dataset collected from an activity in the automation script. For example, you can use variables to perform the following tasks:
  • Send an email to a group of people where the list of recipients is automatically selected with a query
  • Generate repetitive reports where only the product number, date, region, or any other single element changes
  • Customize file names by including a variable in the file name or automatically including the date that the automation script ran
  • Find content in a file and replace it with the value of a variable
  • Support for Find and Replace and FTP file activities.
  • Support for new system activities, including running programs, setting variables, if conditions, while, and loop datasets.
  • The Select to File activity now supports Excel options
  • Database Administration:
  • General - The Create menu has been removed because it duplicated functionality in the File menu. To create objects from a menu, select File | New | ObjectType.
  • Object Explorer - Code completion is now available when using object editors.
  • When editing objects in the Alter window or sending ALTER statements to the Editor, Toad now uses data directly from the database instead of using the cache.
  • Master Detail Browser - When sending tables or views to the Master Detail Browser, Toad now automatically selects all columns.
  • Data Management:
  • General - Toad is now Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) Compliant; however changes to the architecture to ensure compliance will result in a loss of existing data filters when upgrading to this release.
  • Hexadecimal values of up to 255 bytes for binary data now display in the grid.
  • You can now create pivot grids and charts directly from the results by selecting the Pivot & Chart tab.
  • You can now format XML data.
  • You can add a total value to a column of data or can add a subtotal value to grouped data if the Summary Footer Panel is displayed (right-click the data and select Show | Summary Footer Panel). To add a total value, right-click the data and select one of the options. If you have grouped columns using the Grouping panel (right-click and select Show | Grouping Panel), you can add a subtotal value to grouped records.
  • Export Wizard - You can now export data to Microsoft Access files.
  • When exporting to an Excel Instance only, columns are automatically resized to the width of the data.
  • You can now create a new table within a database when exporting data.
  • Data Compare - You can right-click tables or views in the Object Explorer and select Compare Data to compare data within the context of the current connection and database.
  • When comparing data, you can now auto-map target columns for selected source tables.
  • When selecting a record, Data Compare automatically displays a side-by-side comparison of the values of the source and target row in the Row Viewer tab.
  • When synchronizing a script, Data Compare now opens a script in Toad using an existing connection.
  • Query Development:
  • Query Builder - You can now sort columns alphabetically in the Diagram pane by selecting an option from the Sort columns in diagram by name drop-down list in Tools | Options | Database | Query Builder.
  • You can now create a view in the Query Builder.
  • When saving a Query Builder file, Toad prompts you to save query results with that file.
  • Toad now includes synonym support when reverse engineering a query.
  • You can now add a UNION, UNION DISTINCT, or UNION ALL operator to queries.
  • You can compare results from a Query Builder query to data from the Data tab or Editor results using the right-click menu.
  • Editor:
  • Toad now includes four pre-defined SQL Formats. You can select a pre-defined format or create your own custom formats from Tools | Options | Editor | Formatter.
  • You can share Formatter settings for your team in a network share folder in Tools | Options | Editor | Formatter to ensure consistent coding standards.
  • Group Execute - Group Execute now generates a single result set that contains the data from the query run on each connection. Toad automatically adds a Connection column to the results to show which connection the data came from.
  • SQL Recall - Toad supports deleting multiple statements in the SQL Recall window.
  • Debugger - You can right-click a breakpoint in the Editor to edit its properties.
  • Project Management:
  • Support for FTP connections, SQL Recall named SQL statements, and Database connections has been added to the Project Manager via the right-click menu. For Database connections, only databases that are currently connected can be added to the Project Manager.
  • Version Control:
  • Support for Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2008.
  • When configuring TFS, you can now specify a user name and password to log into TFS instead of using your Windows credentials.
  • Improved handling of working directory initialization and handling of root folder and working directory.
  • Support for multiple version control configurations that are active simultaneously.

New in TOAD for MySQL (Dec 16, 2008)

  • Toad now supports connections using:
  • HTTP tunneling
  • SSH tunneling
  • Export Wizard/ One Click Export - All data export formats now support International characters.
  • Import Wizard:
  • You can now import data that contains International characters from Excel.
  • You can now import large data sets from Excel (approximately 650,000 rows) without experiencing performance issues
  • Object Explorer/ Database Explorer:
  • Selecting a non-primary key index from the object list now displays details in the tabs on the right side.
  • You can now view details in the right side of the Database Explorer for indexes that do not have a primary key.
  • You can now apply or remove a named database or object filter by selecting a drop-down arrow beside the filter icon.
  • You no longer set the default object list display format (Tabbed, Tree view, or Drop-down) from the Options window. Instead, you now set the default from the drop-down list in the Object Explorer toolbar (far right of the object toolbar) and it is saved for future sessions
  • Query Builder - The following issues have been fixed for reverse engineering SQL from the Query tab or the Editor:
  • An Inner Join is no longer changed to a Cross Join when reverse engineering a query.
  • The Diagram tab correctly models a Group by clause on a calculated column.

New in TOAD for MySQL 4.0.1 (Sep 17, 2008)

  • Editor or Query Builder: If the option to limit initial results returned from a query is set to 1000 records (default), and you select the Apply to editor checkbox to also limit query results to 1000 records in the editor or Query Builder (Tools | Options | Database | General, Toad no longer hangs if you close the window without reading the remaining query results.
  • Object Explorer/ Database Explorer: When attempting to delete a row from the Data tab, in some rare instances, displayed a message stating that Toad was waiting for post updates and asked if there was a lock on the table. This issue has been resolved in this release.
  • For MySQL 5.1 or later, the Script tab now displays the script for a view. You can now also successfully alter a view.
  • Release Notes: Selecting Help | Release Notes from the menu now opens the latest version of the release notes.

New in TOAD for MySQL (Sep 11, 2007)

  • New Automation feature, one-click export from the data grid, and Diff Viewer

New in TOAD for MySQL 2.0.1 (Jun 9, 2006)

  • MySQL 5.0 support, stored procedure development, compare and synch tools