TextRanger Changelog

What's new in TextRanger 1.5.0

Oct 2, 2012
  • Fix: The user was allowed to leave the length blank under Get. Now, the Execute will not take effect until the user enters a number in the length field.
  • When the user enters 0 in the length field under Get, TextRanger will automatically see it as 'the remaining characters.'
  • Changes: All Execute events now utilizes the Try...Catch statement to dismiss accidental errors.
  • Choosing File > Save As And Reload, the application will refresh the text list with a new file after it finishes saving it.
  • Enabling 'Consecutive,' the user can now make changes against current strings on the 2nd column as opposed to the 1st column only.
  • The user can undo/redo changes once.
  • The user can now double-click on text files (.txt, .rtf) and open them with TextRanger (Right-button-click on a text file and choose Open With and select TextRanger as the default program to open with.). Or simply right-button-click on a text file and choose Open With and select TextRanger without selecting it as the default program to open with.
  • The user can now insert the tab space to text fields.
  • Other numerous changes and fixes are done.

New in TextRanger 1.0.1b (May 23, 2012)

  • The beta expiration date was incorrectly set to May 1, 2012.