Thingamablog Changelog

What's new in Thingamablog 1.0.6

Dec 26, 2006
  • Fixed a bug that would freeze the wysiwyg editor when changing a paragraph from one type to another, or when switching off a list. This bug is due to an apparent regression in the javax.swing.text package under Java 6.0.
  • Fixed a few various quirks in the wysiwyg editor.
  • Editor now includes resizing handles for tables and images.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the day from being changed on the calendar component under Linux.
  • Fixed a bug which would prevent TAMB from shutting down correctly under Mac OSX. This was apparently due to using command-Q to exit the program, which wouldn't save appropriate settings resulting in all blog pages getting re-uploaded on the next publish. Major props go to Okamura for catching this.
  • Fixed a bug that would convert stressed/accented characters in the body of an entry to entities. Now the only characters that get explicitly converted to entities are double-quote, ampersand, less-than, greater-than and chars 160 through 190.
  • Updated German translation courtesy of the German Thingamablog Community.
  • Newly created blogs no longer automatically include the now defunct �Updated Thingablogs� ping service.