TightVNC Java Viewer Changelog

What's new in TightVNC Java Viewer 2.7

Apr 26, 2013
  • Start-up dialog window is now shown on the task bar: it can be closed, switched to, etc.
  • When Java Viewer is embedded into HTML code, it connects to the specified server instead of allowing a user to choose a custom one.
  • No more toolbar disappearing when a server has an VNC password set.
  • Fixed non-working key combinations with Ctrl.
  • Fixed memory leaking issues when reestablishing connection to the same server.
  • If the sever desktop is smaller than the Viewer window, gray is used to color the empty space.

New in TightVNC Java Viewer 2.1 (Jan 28, 2012)

  • Corrected negotiation of the protocol version.
  • Added support for various color modes. You can restrict the number of colors to save traffic, or prefer a rich-color format to maximize image quality. From the GUI, you can choose a color mode with 8, 64, 256, 65536, 16777216 colors, or select the server's native number of colors. However, the core component supports any color format as allowed by the RFB protocol (except palette-based modes).
  • Various minor improvements, fixes and cleanups.