Time & Chaos Changelog

What's new in Time & Chaos

Sep 30, 2022
  • Editing records no longer display linked contacts until the linked contacts tab is actually clicked, speeding up the opening of the entry screen
  • Updated Inbasket to improve reliability when accepting items via Transportable Records
  • Fixed an issue that prevented all phone numbers from being displayed on main screen's phone number panel

New in Time & Chaos (May 5, 2022)

  • Added a scrollbar as needed on the contact dial pad side panel
  • Print settings improvement when changing the printer selection
  • Default for sending appointments via email is now .ics vs .vcs which seems to be a more universally accepted extension
  • Fixed a task mailmerge bug that incorrectly used the wrong field for description and group
  • Various bug fixes and other maintenance items

New in Time & Chaos (Jan 20, 2022)

  • In the calendar module, print week and calendar now support multiple periods
  • improved the install to card experience
  • contacts phone number have the dock panel pin
  • if all columns in a module are blank then an automatic column header reset is triggered
  • fixed a theme issue on the find dialog within the notes field
  • fixed a bug when building a new word template and there are no records selected

New in Time & Chaos (Feb 10, 2021)

  • Bug fixes and maintenance updates

New in Time & Chaos (Mar 15, 2019)

  • fixed a issue with type ahead disabled in contacts that was still autofilling fields
  • fixed an inconsistency with recalling the previous word wrap choice on the classic screen
  • various bug fixes and maintenance updates

New in Time & Chaos (Nov 29, 2018)

  • Fixed a month calendar start time bug when appointment start time was edited in the Android application
  • Added 2 new themes darker theme blue and darker theme orange.
  • Various bug fixes and maintenance updates.

New in Time & Chaos (Jan 6, 2018)

  • various minor bug fixes

New in Time & Chaos (Dec 15, 2017)

  • fixed a bug in the import tool under the file menu that was injected with the last update that would prevent the importing of data.
  • added a delete confirmation dialog on the Quickfind screen.
  • added a fix when importing transportable records of old daytitles so that they do not convert to local time
  • appointment location now fills in automatically when dropping a contact into the appointment window
  • new option to turn on/off leading trailing dates on monthly calendar printout, located on the Print Options Tweaks tab.
  • fixed a minor selection issue with calendar, tasks on classic view to display linked names when multiselecting records
  • export to csv file works with selected records rather than the whole list.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 30, 2017)

  • fixed a minor issue with toggling the All Contacts checkbox on Linked Contacts
  • fixed a possible error that occurred for some when doing a backup when closing the program
  • fixed the alarm checkbox inconsistency with repeating calendar events on the monthview and weekview screen without an alarm
  • added the name of the dataset being opened to the password access screen.
  • fixed an issue when synchronizing with Chaos Host that would skip deletes from Host
  • minor highlighting change in the notes editor so cursor keys remove highlight selection
  • fixed a possible error in selection of paperbins on printers
  • product registration is now done in the application and not the installer.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 30, 2017)

  • improved error handling for invalid photo format on a contact record.
  • fixed monthview category filter
  • removed resize rows from columns menu to simplify interface options.
  • reports now remembers the last database selection used.
  • items linked on projects, tasks and calendar by dragging can now be removed without deleting the records
  • blank end time on calendar events is now possible as a default if you set the default duration to 0 minutes
  • fixed word wrapping issue on QuickPrint
  • fixed the drop down list for field 19 of the contacts custom fields.
  • removed event drag color from week planner for improved appearance.
  • restricted the use of date variables in the report module to the "equals to" or "contains" logic

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 30, 2017)

  • fixed a minor month view calendar issue where the mouse moving to a 2nd monitor could raise an error
  • fixed a minor theme issue with Caspian where the telephone numbers font was an incorrect color.
  • fixed an issue in calendar where the duration column would display incorrectly.
  • fixed a possible error when synchronizing with Chaos Host
  • fixed a display issue with 4K displays
  • fixed an alarm system

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 30, 2017)

  • unicode support - you can now type a description, note in international character sets such as Kanji, Hebrew ...
  • new records may now be added using the Insert key on the keyboard.
  • imported vCalendar and vCard records now replace n for a line feed
  • incoming transportable records can be double clicked on to preview
  • much improved drag and drop of grid items
  • search footer hot key ctrl + s
  • vastly improved column stretch. It actually works now.
  • removed any invalid plugins from appearing on the accessory menu
  • fixed a bug that would cause a new appointment to pick up the incorrect group name if the contacts were also filtered by group.
  • fixed a bug that would prevent the grid from scrolling to a newly added contact
  • fixed a bug where the cursor keys would not work when using the type ahead lookup in the contact list
  • fixed a theme color bug with text box on quickfind screen

New in Time & Chaos Beta (Feb 5, 2016)

  • unicode support - you can now type or paste text in international character sets such as Greek, Kanji, Hebrew, Cyrillic and others with our new ability to support UTF-8
  • fixed a bug that would cause a new appointment to pick up the incorrect group name if the contacts were also filtered by group
  • fixed a bug that would prevent the grid from scrolling to a newly added contact
  • fixed a bug where the cursor keys would not work when using the type ahead lookup in the contact list
  • fixed a theme color bug with text box on quickfind screen
  • new records may now be added using the Insert key on the keyboard
  • imported vCalendar and vCard records now replace \n for a line feed
  • incoming transportable records can be double clicked on to preview
  • much improved drag and drop of grid items
  • search footer hot key CTRL+S
  • vastly improved column stretch to fill the width of the window
  • automatic cleanup of any invalid plugins to prevent them appearing on the accessory menu

New in Time & Chaos (Oct 20, 2015)

  • fixed an issue on column sizing when "Autosize columns" is turned off
  • fixed an issue in Reports module when switching databases after a task report that would cause an error.
  • the contact profile printout has been adapted to remove the redundancy of repeating the contact name on both the primary and secondary address blocks
  • new windows 10 theme and removal of the ORB now replaced by a File Menu (boring but that's Microsoft's consistant new style)
  • various other minor fixes and tweaks

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 21, 2015)

  • added additional search on quickfind. If you search for something, you can now do a completely new search directly from the quickfind results screen.
  • added web content bulletin on the check for updates screen. May be used to promote new announcements and urgent news (such as we had last November).
  • fixed a refresh issue when using desktop icons to switch between data sets.
  • misc other tweaks/fixes.

New in Time & Chaos (Nov 11, 2014)

  • bug fixes

New in Time & Chaos (Aug 8, 2014)

  • added a fail safe to prevent work from being lost when entering data into a new record that is missing a lastname, or company.
  • added a fail safe to prevent record changes from being lost by clicking the close button icon of a form
  • fixed an issue that could cause the task list to repaint multiple times
  • added additional error checks and minor bug fixes

New in Time & Chaos (Sep 23, 2013)

  • day plan printout now supports canceled all day events with the strikeout font
  • fixed an issue correctly saving linked appointments within a project when filtered by group and then clicking the ok button to save the record.
  • fixed multi-select on monthly navigation calendars for setting and clearing day colors across a range of dates
  • added an optional text field for location on the appointment entry screen. This information is used when importing and sending vCalendar events and synchronizing with mobile devices to specify a location for the meeting.
  • add Send to to the right click menu for the monthly and weekly planner views.
  • attached notes now supports printing of a highlighted selection as an option
  • importing of vCalendar events now preserves the CRLF's within the event's note field.
  • added meeting confirmations for Chaos Hosting customers. Now when you send an appointment to an email recipient(s) they will be asked to Confirm or Decline the invitation, your appointment will reflect their responses within the appointment details and on the classic screen, week planner, agenda views.
  • default font size has been set to 9 point size. Size preference is located in options on the appearance tab.
  • fixed a bug when adding new events into a unfiled filtered list
  • misc other tweaks.

New in Time & Chaos (Jun 7, 2013)

  • fixed a bug that would cause program to restart rather than shutdown during a program update.
  • by popular demand added back the auto complete fields for company, city, state, job title.
  • each printout now saves/recalls device color printing option.
  • dymo labels now honor contact option check boxes for both job title and company and the address format set from preferences.
  • group filtering at startup now also works with the "unfiled" group
  • notes date stamp now supports variables for %UTC% (utc time) and %OFFSET% (current time zone offset from utc)
  • Ctrl+F now sets the focus into the quick find text box
  • Ctrl+D now marks a focused task as DONE

New in Time & Chaos (May 10, 2013)

  • fixed a chaos host sync issue on an edited repeating series where only the first editing item in the series would be sent
  • transportable records accepted through the in basket now update the last modified date and time so that they correctly synchronize with chaos host.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 12, 2013)

  • added the ability to add a new linked project from the contacts.
  • when you are filtered using a Not logic on a Category, new records are now unchecked for that category
  • when editing bulleted items in notes. Inserting a new item either in the middle or end of list will automatically turn on bullets
  • fixed a possible issue on the report screen where the column headers could inadvertently be placed on the second row
  • switching between month view calendar and planner views now correctly update date
  • added Caspian as a new theme.
  • programmers note only. updated all internal windows calls from wm_user to registerwindowmessage
  • theme color enhancements
  • other minor bug fixes

New in Time & Chaos (Mar 1, 2013)

  • exporting of report data containing html (such as the linked name fields) is now stripped out.
  • printing of notes from within a data entry screen now adds a header and footer with page count.
  • minor bug fixes.

New in Time & Chaos (Feb 2, 2013)

  • fixed an issue adding a appointment or task series from within a contact record.
  • fixed a bug when repeatedly printing appointments filtered by a group
  • fixed a small bug when adding a series from selected contacts that would cause the linked names to blank out if you clicked on the linked names tab.
  • fixed an international date bug that would fail to correctly display appointment end times in locations that use a comma for a decimal separator.
  • dropping a single contact on the monthly calendar to schedule a new appointment now fills out your default drag text for the new event.

New in Time & Chaos (Jan 24, 2013)

  • new archive feature under the file menu. Allows fast archiving of old calendar and task data. Selectively restorable through the advanced data backup explorer.
  • a few UI changes on Advanced data backup explorer to support the new archive feature.
  • you can now drag contacts and drop on a date of the navigation calendars to quickly schedule and appointment.
  • linked items within an Appointment, Task, Project or Contacts entry screen now can filter by group and category.
  • miscellaneous bug fixes.

New in Time & Chaos (Jan 12, 2013)

  • minor bug fixes

New in Time & Chaos (Jan 12, 2013)

  • included confirmation dialog's to calendar, tasks, projects when using the delete button on the data entry screen.
  • fixed a row select issue when using Shift + up / down cursor keys
  • added a reset button and the ability to insert the tab keys on the custom clipboard designer.
  • custom fields defined as being Currency, Integer, Percentage will now prevent keyboard entry of non-numeric characters
  • optional search footer visibility is now saved, restored on program start.
  • fixed a bug in reorganizing the users in the user list that could cause to be inserted around the user names.
  • many small optimizations

New in Time & Chaos (Dec 7, 2012)

  • fixed a day planner printout bug that would cause the time line to start at midnight when there was a repeating day title.
  • fixed an issue that would turn off an appointment alarm when being moved to a new day when the lead time was 0 minutes.
  • improved the efficiency of the chaos host synchronization with implementation of zip files rather than bak files.
  • vCard addresses that are encoded as Quotable Printable should now import better
  • many more minor things that are hardly worthy of a bullet item

New in Time & Chaos (Dec 7, 2012)

  • fixed a condition that could auto size the row heights when word wrap is turned off.
  • fixed a few display fonts that were not following your theme settings.
  • improved the refreshing of the display when changing theme elements.
  • added a new section in options for Telephony. This allows you to auto dial from you computer with services such as Skype using Callto: or Tel:
  • main grids (not report) now have a default stretch column that sizes automatically so they do not spill over beyond view. This option appears on the columns menu aptly named Auto Stretch Column.
  • fixed an issue with custom fields set to drop down list when using previous and next buttons.
  • you can now drag an appointment or task from the quick find search results to a date on the navigation calendar to either copy or move the item.

New in Time & Chaos (Oct 31, 2012)

  • fixes for some timezones with the new world clocks on the agenda page.
  • fixed the memory leak from the new agenda clocks.

New in Time & Chaos (Oct 31, 2012)

  • improved bullets and numbering within a note
  • improved the speed when dragging and dropping multiple appointments or tasks to another day.
  • fixed the tab key order on the contact entry screen.
  • brand new agenda page, with real grids, real analog world clocks. Double click on clocks to configure.
  • fixed an incorrect record count when grid is in treeview mode.
  • context menu (cut,copy, paste ...) applied to all custom fields.
  • when a grid is in treeview mode the column that it is grouped on is now automatically set to zero width, rather than repeating the same text over and over on each line.
  • lots of small items

New in Time & Chaos (Oct 6, 2012)

  • new default option to left align data entry tabs. If you don't like this or it is not appropriate for you display click the icon in the upper right corner of the data entry screen.
  • minor change to the custom fields to allow improved resizing
  • added an copy to clipboard icon in the contact preview for the address. (more obvious then a right click)
  • fixed a navigation calendar bug that was preventing the setting and clearing of a day color
  • chaos host synchronization improved to ensure we always have a unique temporary folder.
  • added a right click menu option to "Remove Linked Item(s)". Useful when linked items have been added you want to remove the link only and not delete the item.
  • quickfind has been enhanced to allow a database specific search. Just preface your search with calendar:, tasks:, mail:, contacts:, projects: .... for example: "tasks:shipping confirmation" (don't forget the colon :). PS. if you have customized Projects to something else then you would use your customized name followed by a colon.
  • lots of appearance tweaks
  • to copy a telephone number or a custom field value to the windows clipboard you now only need to left mouse click on the text itself (not the hyperlink), also have made custom fields take advantage of launching applications via the services ini file.
  • all categories have a new right click menu option to change the number of viewable columns from 1 to 9 (default is 3)

New in Time & Chaos (Sep 22, 2012)

  • added new option under Export for "Clipboard Copy as Text". This copies the row column text to the windows clipboard in a format that can be directly pasted into most spreadsheets as columns and rows.
  • fixed an repeat option bug that failed to properly recognize the last day of the month
  • added 2 new search logics to the reports module. "Ends with" and "Is Blank"
  • custom copy to clipboard no longer automatically inserts carriage return between records. If you want carriage returns just add them to your template
  • redesign of category filter options needed in order to keep simplicity while adding Not logic
  • improved the responsiveness during the opening a network UNC location the first time.
  • various other minor bug fixes/tweaks

New in Time & Chaos (Jul 28, 2012)

  • agenda module that is viewing a webpage will retain the open webpage when switching between modules.
  • fixed a bug with repeated appointments where an event with an unchecked alarm would incorrectly check alarms on future events

New in Time & Chaos (Jul 7, 2012)

  • linked appointments, tasks that are editing from within the entry screen now will not be duplicated
  • contact profile custom date fields are now printing properly formated
  • contact list "new button" dropdown now includes appointments and tasks. You can now select multiple contacts, click new task or appointment, all selected contacts will be linked to the new event
  • on a dual monitor configuration the Open Data Dialog was incorrectly opening in the center of the screen rather than center of the active monitor

New in Time & Chaos (Jul 2, 2012)

  • fixed an error in projects category sort and shuffle that prevented the realignment of categories
  • fixed a calendar printing bug where a repeating item with no start time would print at 12am rather than a day title
  • a potential fix for a rare cloud synchronization condition where old temporary database files are unable to be deleted and thus preventing a users new records from being posted to the host
  • dragged and dropped contact records to calendar or tasks can now insert fields from the contact record into the description. note: this is an advanced feature that works similar to the services.ini file. call or write tech support for assistance.

New in Time & Chaos (Jun 16, 2012)

  • chaoshost automatic sync settings have been moved so they are data independent (you will need to reset your options)
  • fixed a bug related to the new 2 way reciprocal links overwriting previous values.
  • fixed the prev/next record buttons from with a contact record so that no attempt is made to move beyond the first or last record.
  • quickfind results can now be dragged and dropped as you would any other record
  • vcs and ics files that have more that 1 record within the file, will now prompt user to automatically add all records
  • when adding a new record, some tabs were unavailable until after record was saved
  • fixed: when attempting to save a new project without a project name, user was warned but the record would close thus losing the changes

New in Time & Chaos (Jun 9, 2012)

  • improved main icon scaling on desktop
  • option for dialog prompts enhanced to be unique for all views
  • fixed an issue that would prevent the delete icon from working on a linked item within a contact record
  • copy address to clipboard now surpresses the double & characters in an address
  • photo panel within a contact entry screen opened/closed state is now persistent
  • improved the performance of opening a network UNC location the first time. (windows can be very slow to respond to an initial request for a UNC location)
  • improved drag and drop (redesigned/rewritten to help some users who get a stuck drag pointer)
  • a contact linked to other contacts are now 2 way (reciprocal) links

New in Time & Chaos (Jun 1, 2012)

  • type ahead lookup key processing on the grid has been rewritten.
  • fixed a bug that would prevent the minimize button from working on windows 7 systems set to 125% fontsize
  • fixed a bug where erasing the first category label and then saving would move the other labels up one position

New in Time & Chaos (May 19, 2012)

  • Contact drop to appointment is now correctly setting the default alarm lead time preference
  • Print settings optional start and end time tweaks have been corrected to properly display a formatted time.
  • custom date fields with v3x values should now visually convert.
  • custom fields enchanced so that a field set as Normal Edit Control will no longer use/save previously entered values
  • reverted to old style tooltips as a few reports of occassional sticking
  • various other minor corrections & tweaks

New in Time & Chaos (May 19, 2012)

  • custom fields now support international currency (will need to change the field label to use localized symbol in place of $ and a program restart).
  • repeat options on an existing non repeating event have now been corrected to reflect the appointment date rather than today's date.
  • chaos host optimizations include providing some overlap time for network users with inaccurate system clocks.
  • various other minor corrections & tweaks.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 30, 2012)

  • on startup of classic module the first selected task with linked contacts now ignores highlighting of the contact may leave the user believing that that contact list sorting is incorrect.
  • custom fields with decimal places are now displaying consistant formatting on both the grid and the data entry screens.
  • fixed a bug with Set and Clear Categories Values where it would incorrectly truncate the category at the position of the change.
  • now clearing the checked linked contacts when using Prev Next buttons on a contact record
  • word mail merge with custom fields (projects or contacts) containing dates should now be correctly formatted.
  • improved method of bringing ms word to the forground when mail merging.
  • removed the extra blank category from being added on the category selection popup window.
  • fixed a bug with Find and Replace that would cause rows to be skipped under certain circumstances
  • fixed the Agenda module background color on windows 8

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 17, 2012)

  • fixed restore so that it really can restore old format backup files.
  • added ability to schedule a new activity series from within a record.
  • many small tweaks and twiddles.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • fixed a Group filter bug that would carry an Group Filter from the calendar to other modules.
  • fixed an issue on the agenda page where a task entered today with a specfied group would begin displaying until tomorrow.
  • fixed a condition on the agenda page where an appoinment set to the color blue would incorrectly display as white on white
  • a new appointment default endtime is completed without the requirement for a default start time.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • fixed external alarm monitor so that it now uses the correct ini settings file
  • fixed: Task default drop priority.
  • fixed double confirmation required while creating a new set of data
  • restore data now supports old version backups, providing that there are no current bak files in the restore folder.
  • task list printout now supports color priorities
  • the "New" toolbar button in Contacts now includes "E-Mail Message". This is to create a new email to all the selected contacts.
  • quite a few treeview mode tweaks.
  • corrected a font color issue on the Agenda page with the themes Brillant and Whitby.
  • password in preferences is no longer displayed in plain text
  • linked lists now save the last used sort order (ascending or descending)
  • planner: fixed a buglet that would cause a && instead of a single & in the description when the event had an alarm

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • fixed a bug in the monthly calendar view that could cause a lockup if symbols were used in the description
  • added cut, copy, paste, delete and strikeout to the monthly calendar right click menu
  • improved the find duplicate function on the report screen so that it now preselects (keeps) the oldest duplicates automatically.
  • added a toggle button for live spelling to the notes screens.
  • added a few adjustments to better handle large font settings in windows.
  • create desktop shortcut was failing to actually launch the correct dataset
  • fixed an issue where a maximized main form would not restore back to normal in the old windows classic mode
  • a few tweaks to the activity series data entry screens.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • fixed a condition where edting a repeating series by ONLY changing the repeat thru date would fail to see the record as being changed.
  • fixed a minor color issue with Metro theme font color
  • improved percentage custom fields so it better supports decimals.
  • contact record telephone number field connect (dial) buttons now working.
  • new memory optimization/compression

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • fixed a minor issue within the contact entry screen that was causing the misalignment of the copy and paste icons.
  • fixed an issue that prevented the default time interval preference from being recalled.
  • reordered the Quick Access Toolbar icons.
  • included missing dymo label printing utility.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • added a few more formats for the contact's "Name" field, which is extensively used not only as a column but also the format of Linked Names (contacts section of the program settings).
  • address block on the business card now correctly supports the format chosen in settings
  • copy primary/secondary address block images added to contact entry screen.
  • a few tweaks to activity series editor data entry.
  • fixed a small query bug in the reports section.
  • a group and category query on the classic screen can now be combined.
  • planner view time scale now picks up 12 or 24 hours from system settings.
  • fixed a bug that prevented the type ahead search from working in the contact list when "activate controls with a mouse over" option was selected in options.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • projects: fixed a condition where adding column totals could blank out the column header text
  • launching a vCard, vCalendar can now correctly start the program if it is closed.
  • mouse hover will now change the focus to the underlaying control. useful in conjunction with a mouse scrollwheel can be turned off in options (activate controls with a mouse over)
  • no longer have to click a date for the week number to refresh, it's now activated on startup
  • a single vcard exported to the user specified filename, multiple vcards export to the Display name of each record.
  • prevented the opening of a new record by single clicking on a grouped node.
  • improved the clearing of on screen data when changing data sets
  • fixed a windows xp issue that caused a couple of extra characters to be displayed on the "New" menu items

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • fixed a condition that prevented edited appointment or task series from being uploaded to ChaosHost.
  • fixed a condition where editing of repeat series on the monthview or weekview and opting to change only a single event would incorrectly update the whole series.
  • fixed the planner drag item so that it now can change both time and date in a single drag operation
  • fixed an issue where the repeat thru date could initially be set to a date prior to the event date.
  • viewing only of the repeat options no longer marks the record as having changed
  • fixed a couple of minor issues regarding importing and exporting of vcards
  • added additional checks to ensure user confirmation prior to creating any new files in a folder
  • fixed an error in the format of the default time date stamp in notes
  • improved the pasting of snippets into a note.
  • added a "New" toolbar icon (easier for some to see/use)
  • drop of contact to appointments now sets default starttime, endtime correctly.
  • fixed a bug that would prevent a windows shutdown from closing the program.
  • folder synchronization now supports legal billing data
  • reporting on a date field can now accept values of (and can be saved with a report):
  • %JANUARY% ... �CEMBER%

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • custom copy fixed a bug that would raise an error due on tasks.
  • custom copy now support linked names as text rather than record keys.
  • agenda view appointment and task delete menus is now functional
  • tree view nodes background color corrected to be the same as the grid
  • grids were not remembering the last sort order when program was restarted if the first column was an icon style column
  • the quick lookup edit (at the top of a column) will close when focus moved to another module
  • added a notification that moving and sorting by columns is restricted while in treeview mode
  • group filters are saved at program close and recalled on opening of data
  • hortizontal scroll position maintained after sort on column headings.
  • better coordination of filters within various views

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • quite a few minor items related to left over pieces of intellect code.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 13, 2012)

  • Database file names have all changed. Names are now Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Projects
  • Databases have been redesigned and re-indexed and optimized for performance
  • Expanded field lengths for group names to 40 characters
  • Chaos host synchronization now synchronizes changes only. Much much quicker
  • Chaos host can now be set to auto synchronize every 15 minutes
  • Linked files expanded to 100
  • Any displayed column can now be grouped on.
  • Tasks now can support multiple linked names
  • New month view. It's fast and provides mouse wheel support
  • New docking panels on classic screen. Put em where you want, close what you don't
  • Columns, consistent, movable by dragging, selected with a right click on header
  • Quick find speed improved
  • Simplified / fewer program options.
  • Tree-view grouping on any column
  • Plain text notes
  • Cut copy paste even mail records
  • Consistent interface on custom fields (project entry, contact entry)
  • incredibly fast sync with folder to replace the old sync with removable media.
  • Quick lookup on any sorted column
  • Select and Print multiple mail messages
  • Mail Merge with MS Word from Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Projects
  • Contacts now support photos, and can sync through Chaos Host to your/from phones
  • Task Alarms

New in Time & Chaos (Feb 22, 2011)

  • support added for Internet Explorer 9.
  • word merge support for projects

New in Time & Chaos (Sep 28, 2010)

  • the last event in a repeating series now gets a tiny red flag next to the description as a visual cue on appointments and tasks.
  • fixed several issues regarding the type ahead scrolling in the contact list.
  • Print Appt Grid, Task Grid font choices for Large Font, Small Font and Orientation have been added.
  • fixed the repeat option for "last weekday of each month" that was not enabling correctly.
  • updated the Google Address validation to the new format (works again).
  • right click menu option added to address display for Google mapping. (the address above the telephone numbers)
  • additional options added to toolbar customizations, top align, left align, multi-select items
  • default theme in now LUNA
  • quite a lot of rework done to the program toolbars.
  • screen sizes and locations are now stored and recalled based on the resolution of the monitor. Great for laptop users that connect to various monitors
  • find duplicates in reports improved to show only relavent rows.
  • complete redesign of the report module.
  • grid printouts improved so that they now print treeview groups better
  • memo's and lists have been completely redesigned as projects. projects can be extensively customized to your own specific requirements.
  • you can drag items to the projects section tab to quickly link appointments, tasks and email messages to a project.
  • improved speed and reliability of the chaos hosting synchronization
  • new chaos host sync option to allow your local customizations (field labels, category labels, project labels ...) to overwrite older ones on the host. (So you don't necessarily have to set these only on the hosting site).
  • lexmark printer fix for "Printer selected is invalid"

New in Time & Chaos (Jan 8, 2010)

  • New contact view columns, appointment and task view notes sidebar and new field in tasks for completion percentage.

New in Time & Chaos (Aug 25, 2009)

  • search for mail messages now picks up the currently selected folder
  • support for external theme file
  • we can now click on the "Month Year" caption at the top of the monthly navigation calendars to quickly jump years. (This replaces the old scrollbar under the appointment and task repeat through calendar)
  • new windows 7 theme included for the today page
  • fixed an issue that would cause the Tab Captions to word wrap when using large or extra large fonts
  • added a copy as text to the popup menu of the quick find search results to allow you to paste the text into a spreadsheet or other document
  • added a few additional hotkeys to the telephone entry screen to allow navigation between the tab sheets.
  • some minor modifications to the memo entry screen
  • only custom fields containing the # symbol will sort numerically, previously we used either # or the word number. This was causing conflicts with other fields such as telephone number 1 ..
  • new support added for the Portuguese language thanks to Vitor Biscaia of Portugal.
  • fixed a password screen vulnerability
  • fixed a issue that prevented web sync and dbtools from being found when the user installed the program on a different drive letter.

New in Time & Chaos (Jun 2, 2009)

  • Windows 7 RC1 support
  • brand new installer for the program
  • program registration on the about screen now automatically processes a UAC elevation request in both Vista and Windows 7 without having to launch program as administrator from the program icon
  • ability to add up to 10 additional columns to the contact list
  • added a new feature to autosync with chaos host. this option is located under the file menu in the websync menu. Optionally this provides a websync at program launch and/or at program close
  • holding the SHIFT key down during program launch will allow a second instance of the program to open.
  • new notes preview panels on appointments and tasks; visible when in the Appointment or Task Modules and set to the Grid View.
  • new task completion percentage.
  • the color of the optional gridlines has been significantly lighten for a more modern appearance. should you wish the old grid line color there is an option on the appearance section of the program options for dark gridlines
  • File Shortcuts on Calendar Items, Contacts, Tasks, Memos can all now accept dropped Mail, Calendar Item's, Contacts, Tasks, Memos in addition to just files and folders.
  • fixed a bug that prevented the new backup qty from saving to anything other than 10
  • print preview zooming is now done with the mouse scroll wheel instead of right and left clicks
  • changed the program logic for dealing with program screen size and position and multiple monitors
  • several optimizations made to the various color themes
  • added report search logic for "Begins With"
  • removed the option to backup and restore to A: as this is very obsolete now. Should someone really want to do this it can be specified as any other directory.
  • a new restore data option for Chaos Hosting Customers - Update Restored Records to Overwrite Chaos Hosting Data. Checking this option will allow an administrator to force their restored records to all other synchronized locations.
  • fixed a bug with Locate Item in the quickfind search results where is failed to locate calendar, task items.
  • within the contact record, custom fields now has a resizable column width for the data so that the drop down editors are not so far to the right that they are unnoticed. Also added a popup menu with Cut, Copy, Paste & Delete.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 29, 2009)

  • some pretty significant coding changes and optimizations that should both provide a higher level of performance and a significant reduction in program size.
  • daytitles now print out in alphabetic order
  • ampersand characters now display correctly in the contact address area above the telephone numbers
  • you can now limit the number of older backups to keep
  • added default phone label text to the column selection within contact report screen
  • fixed an issue on the html monthview screens that made it awkward to cut, copy, paste and delete items from the right click menu.
  • fixed an issue when clicking ENTER on a contact would cause 2 contact screens to open.
  • web synchronization now has an option to perform a sync over an secure connection.
  • some redesign of the quickfind search results, added the ability to delete items, and further improved performance.

New in Time & Chaos (Apr 29, 2009)

  • new Advanced Back File Explorer (under File Menu). Will allow you to explore (look at the contents) of your backup files and to selectively RESTORE records from previous backups.
  • on backup, there is a new option to "keep older backup files". Thus appt.bak will be renamed appt(1).bak before a new appt.bak is created.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a blank record to be opened when a contact was dropped into the appointment window
  • Fixed an appointment grid updating issue when grouped causing a group name to be repeated
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the use of a Drop Down Time Interval of 60 minutes.
  • simplified the saving of return addresses for envelope printing.
  • the find duplicates feature in the report module now automatically scrolls into view the first highlighted duplicate
  • new right click menu option in contacts: "Email to Selected Contacts" to easily generate a new mail message
  • fixed a timeline printing bug affecting appointments with a start but no end time
  • added a customize toolbar icon to the notes toolbar
  • added a new dropdown on the notes editor toolbar to display your text reusable snippets.

New in Time & Chaos (Feb 11, 2009)

  • new language translation for Italian.
  • fixed an issue where the new Google Address Validation icon would overlay the Copy Address Block icon
  • fixed an issue when importing vCalendar files where the start time was inadvertently picking up the default start time instead of the event start time.
  • fixed (changed) the behavior of a mouse over on events on the today page and month view screens. Consensus felt that it appeared too jumpy.
  • made the today marker on the monthly calendar more bold
  • new 14 day (two week) appointment planner mode
  • appointment planner (week view) now correctly picks up the default font set in options
  • appointment planner now has left and right navigation buttons in the header to move forward and back weeks.
  • appointment planner now has an option under the Display menu to Show Time Blocks only. This option when checked will hide the appointment text. Useful to allow free time viewing by other users.
  • updated the url link to the new user group forum on the today page
  • Force the last name field to be the default field with focus when entering a new record. If you select a block of time (in weekly view for instance) and create a new appointment, it will not be checked for alarm even though the set alarm default is checked.
  • Tab key in the custom field area now moves through fields.
  • Added a new Weekly Timeline printout for appointments.
  • Fixed a Timeline printout bug that would cause a non conflicting appointment that appeared after a conflicting appointment to print as if it had a conflict.
  • Added color printing to the Appointment Timeline printouts
  • Within the notes Time Stamp Format you can now embed 1 of 2 switches. %utc% and %offset% these should appear in the quoted area.
  • example 1: M/d/yyyy h:mm AMPM "%utc%" This would instruct the date stamp to appear in UTC time.
  • example 2: M/d/yyyy h:mm AMPM "%offset%" This would replace the %offset% with your offset from UTC. eg. 2/1/2009 2:00 PM -0600
  • improved address book printing that uses less space by providing an option to align the telephone numbers to the right of the address block. This can be toggled on/off on the printing tweaks.
  • vCalendar events are now converted to UTC when created and converted from UTC when being accepted. This make scheduling events across time zones via email easy interchangeable with other contact managers

New in Time & Chaos (Nov 18, 2008)

  • added the button above the address entry area to allow address validation from Google. This will feed the address shown to Google maps and return the result. Most significant issues are with postal codes. Google currently only returns a 5 digit zip in the USA, and only the first 3 on Canadian addresses. Apparently this is a licensing issue with the postal carriers (go figure ....?).
  • within the contact book, if a contact does not have a primary address and they have a secondary address then the secondary address is displayed for an address above the telephone numbers.
  • clicking a link in the contacts to a geo mapping website (to get a map from an address) now displays a map for the address (either primary of secondary) that is displayed above the telephone numbers.
  • replaced the right click menu on the contact entry screen that was used for Copying, Pasting and Swapping an entire address block with nifty new icons in the upper right corner of the address block entry area.
  • corrected a color issue in the olive theme where the contact entry screen was partially blue.
  • fixed an issue when clicking Edit in the contact list where it didn't always take us to the correct tab in the contact entry screen.
  • fixed an issue on the new tab controls that would cause word wrapping when running windows in Large Fonts
  • notes caption bar for appointments and tasks now correctly changes to match other colorful captions colors
  • added a prompt to remind you to save your changes before closing the memo entry form
  • memo table entry tab between cells now works correctly
  • added right click menu in memo table to Rename a column for a more obvious way to change the column heading text
  • added the ability to reorder file shortcuts by dragging the icon up or down the list
  • month view tasks and appointments that are colored, now have a more modern look with rounded corners, also true for some themes on the today page.
  • fixed a minor bug that would assign Unfiled to a dropped contact on appointments and tasks if the list was filtered by unfiled.

New in Time & Chaos (Feb 5, 2008)

  • We now have a pretty good translation of native French, Dutch, German and a good start on the Spanish language, I would like to thank our customers for their contributions and excellent work on this.
  • Improved the handling of the default wav sound files in vista.
  • fixed a bug that prevented the password labels from being displayed on the login screen when using multiple passwords .
  • fixed a bug in the Tasks area that was preventing the toolbar icons for delete, done from becoming enabled when the appointments where open in read only mode.
  • you can now use your mouse wheel on the main navigational calendars to scroll months.
  • the contact list can now be sorted by the Group column by clicking on the column header, if you have chosen to display this column.
  • redesigned the information about this data popup window under help
  • fixed a column sizing issue on Linked Appointments and Linked Tasks notes columns.
  • a slider control has been placed under the monthly calendar on the repeat options to provide a much quicker way of entering the end date of annually scheduled events such as birthdays and anniversaries that may need to be 20 years or so in the future
  • printing of the appointment grid or the task grid now has an option (tweak) to allow the inclusion of a notes column.
  • added a toolbar to the quickfind search results.
  • fixed a bug on the daily calendar printout where an appointment scheduled from after 11pm would invalidate the day's appointments
  • added a new search footer option in the contact list
  • adding appointments while filtered by group now will automatically assign the last used color associated with that group
  • added type ahead to the last name and company fields in the contact entry screen. this has been done to aid in the prevention of manually adding duplicate contacts
  • fixed a bug in the printing of a weekly calendar in autoexpand mode where the 1st day cell height was being incorrectly calculated.
  • improved the monthview calendar to automatically scroll to the active date if monthly calendar was having to scroll to display all of the appointment activity.
  • memos and lists now support File Shortcuts as a new tab.

New in Time & Chaos (May 17, 2007)

  • new vCal and iCal importing options for appointments

New in Time & Chaos (May 9, 2007)

  • new vCal importing, new TimeLine options

New in Time & Chaos (May 11, 2006)

  • Fixed a Windows 98 Print Preview Issue where toolbar tooltips would throw window to background.
  • Fixed a Windows 98 issue where the Welcome to Time & Chaos screen would show on startup
  • Fixed a Windows 98 issue where checking for the existence of files would routinely fail
  • Fixed a minor issue that could cause an error selecting the Print Menu from the File Menu if the appointment window was closed.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent dragging of appointments and todo items to the monthly calendar after looking at the linked appointments and linked todo tabs with a contact record.
  • Exporting of data to CSV file now adds double quotes always around fields
  • popup over monthly calendar to either move or copy will reposition itself if popup position is off screen
  • rewrote the code that stores and recalls the maximized state of both the main and it's child windows, we have had a few cases of an access violation occurring when resizing a maximized child window.
  • added the ability to both move and resize appointments by dragging on the new dayview, weekview screens.