Toolbox Changelog

What's new in Toolbox 3.1

Jan 27, 2015
  • As well as being generally more user-friendly, some significant improvements have been made.
  • Wordsearch Maker:
  • You are no longer restricted to square puzzles. They can be rectangular, circular, diamond-shaped, hexagonal, octagonal, in fact any shape at all, since you can also create your own shapes.
  • You can choose whether to have a border round your puzzle.
  • You can hide words or a secret message in the unused spaces.
  • Crossword Maker:
  • You now have the option of filling the unused spaces in the colour of your choice.
  • You can circle some of the boxes so that when the puzzle is completed the circled letters form another word.
  • The circled letters can be numbered so that they form the new word in numerical sequence, or they can be left unnumbered so that the student has to rearrange them to find the word.
  • Word Scrambler:
  • You can now add an extra word or sentence to be found once all of the words have been unscrambled.
  • The program automatically numbers certain letters in the unscrambled words which are the key to finding the extra word or sentence.