Trace Log Changelog

What's new in Trace Log 1.5.0

Apr 23, 2011
  • Major code refactoring to improve code stability and readability.
  • Introduced log group concept. A log group can contain up to 10 log files. This allows user to cleanly separate log files from different server environments, and attach more log files into Trace Log. The group tabs will only be shown if there is more than one log group configured.
  • Disabled blinking tray icon when log viewer streams out contents because it doesn't seem to do any good and it may potentially slow down the performance.
  • "Increase Font Size" and "Decrease Font Size" features now affects all log viewers instead of one particular log viewer.
  • Added line number along with the log message for readability sake.
  • Added a "Start/Stop All Group Logs" button that will start/stop all log files in every log group with just one click.
  • Added a "Clear All Group Logs" button that will clear all viewers in every log group with just one click.
  • The tree menu in the Options dialog is always expanded by default.
  • When the new log purge strategy is set up, it will now check against all log viewers immediately and truncate the log if it exceeds the newly configured threshold.
  • Fixed: When "Stop All Logs" button is clicked in the main log and one specific log is started, the icon in the main log did not change accordingly.

New in Trace Log 1.4.0 (Apr 23, 2011)

  • A much improved way of listening to the log file. The previous implementation keeps the file input stream open while Trace Log listens to the file for new log messages. This causes Trace Log to lock this log file even if there are no new messages being read from the file. As a result, when the server tries to roll over the log file, say every hour or when certain file size is reached, the log file fails to get renamed because it is locked by Trace Log. The new implementation listens the file changes by polling the file size without opening any file input stream. When a file change is detected, it opens a file input stream to read the new log messages from the file in one big chunk using random access file technique, rather than reading them line by line. Finally, the file input stream closes before Trace Log formats the log messages to be displayed. With this new implementation, the log file will only be locked for a very short period of time to read new messages before releasing the lock for other processes, like server, to use it. This new implementation also enables log messages to be displayed in the viewer(s) faster.
  • Fixed the "Options" dialog where a scroller appears in the tree item in Vista environment.

New in Trace Log 1.3.0 (Aug 10, 2007)

  • Implemented "Stop/Start All Logs" button in Main Log tab. This toggle button enables user to stop all the log listeners and starts them again.
  • Implemented "Stop/Start Log" button in other log tab(s). This action stop/start only one particular log file.
  • Implemented "Clear All Logs" button in Main Log tab. This action clears the contents in all log viewers.
  • Implemented "Open Log File" button in other log tab(s). This allows user to open the particular log file using the external editor that is configured under "Options..." menu item.
  • Renamed "Log Configuration" menu item to "Options...".
  • "Options..." enables user to configure log files and set up preferred external editor. The default editor is notepad.
  • Changed user config file from to config.xml, and utilized Castor to perform marshalling and unmarshalling tasks.
  • Changed tool minimum size from 640x480 to 800x600.

New in Trace Log 1.1.0 (Jul 30, 2007)

  • Fixed a typo in log config dialog's instruction.
  • Added "Browse..." button in the log file path entry field. The file path can now be either typed into the text field or searched by clicking the "Browse..." button.
  • Make the buttons bigger in log config dialog.
  • Replaced the Trace Log icons.
  • Added splash screen.

New in Trace Log 1.0.2 (Jul 20, 2007)

  • Added a feature that enables you to set a "log purging" rule. This is particularly useful when the tool is left running for days. To prevent the log messages from culmulating which will tremendously affect the performance, you can now set a trigger to purge certain percentage of the log when the specified threshold is met.
  • Fixed the line foreground color problem when scrolling the main log viewer.
  • Fixed: Tool shuts down with exception in rare situation when the log viewer threads try to remove a message from an unsafe thread messsage list to be display in the viewer.
  • The main log viewer now highlights the entire background of a line instead of ending at the last character of the log message.