WebDrive Changelog

What's new in WebDrive 1.1.13

Jan 9, 2022
  • Fixed an issue with always prompt for credentials being enabled and a drive letter is already in use causing it never map the drive
  • Fixed an issue with connection limit using one more connection than specified
  • Changes for SharePoint throttling errors. Less connections will be used to limit the chances of throttling happening and then backoff request should now be honored
  • Added WebDAV setting to prompt for username when credentials are left blank
  • Add option to allow override of default installation folder on installer command line
  • Add support for HTTP Standard/CERN proxy type
  • Fixed SFTP creation time issue when caching was disabled
  • For WebDAV connections ignore directory entries without permissions to list
  • Added --deploy option to webdrive.exe to perform mass deployment connection configuration and exit the application
  • Added SharePoint throttle error popup window when being throttled by SharePoint
  • Added SharePoint add site by url option
  • Fix BackBlaze rename issue
  • Display better error message when SharePoint access has expired

New in WebDrive 2019 Build 5345 (Mar 27, 2020)

  • Support IMB Cloud directory listings over 1000 files.

New in WebDrive 2019 Build 5342 (Dec 3, 2019)

  • Fixed SFTP issue when block I/O setting was enabled with some SFTP servers where file data could end up invalid.

New in WebDrive 2019 Build 5338 (Dec 3, 2019)

  • Fixed SFTP issue when block I/O setting was enabled with some SFTP servers where file data could end up invalid.

New in WebDrive 2019 Build 5305 (Feb 10, 2019)

  • New: Amazon s3 large file upload performance boost by uploading multiple parts of the file simultaneously.
  • New: Batch delete feature for Amazon S3 to speed up large file deletes
  • New: OneDrive consumer Graph API support
  • Fixes: Various fixes for Sharepoint Online, Box.com, and other issues see full release notes in product installer.

New in WebDrive 2018 Build 5057 (May 22, 2018)

  • New: Endpoint Protection Feature that can optionally only allow certain applications to modify files on drives
  • New: If file is DAV locked by another user don't allow deletion of files
  • New: Fixed SharePoint Online issue with cache file validation, this option can now be used for SharePoint and OneDrive Busines

New in WebDrive 2017 Build 4562 (Jun 13, 2017)

  • New: Google Drive “Shared with Me” – This will create a “Shared With Me” folder in the root drive of each user’s mapped drive that will list files and folders that other users have shared with the Google Drive user.
  • New: Google Docs Support – This will show files that are Google Doc files in the drive with icons that are the same as they would see when viewing the Google Drive in a browser and when clicking on them opens up a browser for editing the Google Doc file.
  • New: New Office 365/SharePoint Online connector which supports checkout/checkin (locking).
  • New: OneDrive Business “Shared with Me” – Creates a “Shared with Me” folder for OneDrive and OneDrive Business users where files and folders that are shared with the current user will show up for editing/viewing.
  • New: Caching Performance Increase. Very large folders with many files in them will now operate much quicker.
  • New: Hidden file support for SharePoint.
  • New: Allow specification of a root folder for OneDrive Business connections by allowing user to specify the path on the URL.
  • New: Windows 10 RS2 Support & Server 2016 Support.

New in WebDrive 2016 Build 4355 (Aug 19, 2016)

  • Fix: Prompt for password when WebDAV connections have username specified but no password set.

New in WebDrive 2016 Build 4354 (Aug 19, 2016)

  • Fix: Remove INTERACTIVE flag for NT service.

New in WebDrive 2016 Build 4346 (Aug 19, 2016)

  • Fix: Removed calls to windows shell from network provider to prevent potential issues

New in WebDrive 2016 Build 4329 (Aug 19, 2016)

  • Fix: SFTP handshake issue with some servers

New in WebDrive 2016 Build 4327 (Aug 19, 2016)

  • New: Added quota support for OneDrive connectors

New in WebDrive 2016 Build 4326 (Aug 19, 2016)

  • Fix: FTP directory listing issue for virtual folders while using MLSD command

New in WebDrive 2016 Build 4324 (Aug 19, 2016)

  • New: Add SAML Authentication for SharePoint Online WebDAV connections

New in WebDrive 2016 Build 4317 (Aug 19, 2016)

  • Fix for Dropbox filenames with empersand character in them

New in WebDrive 2016 Build 4314 (Aug 19, 2016)

  • Fix for SFTP directory listings with many thousands of files not working.
  • Add OneDrive 2.0 API support for business and consumer which allows for setting modified date/time on file uploads for synchronization (consumer only)

New in WebDrive 2016 Build 4328 (May 31, 2016)

  • New: Support for box.com service.
  • New: Support for Amazon cloud service.
  • New: New SFTP cipher support.
  • New: Amazon S3 V4 Authentication support.
  • Fix for Amazon V4 authentication on folderrs with ‘-‘ symbol in the path which resulted in 403 errors.
  • Fix for WebDAV Windows authentication when a 403 error is returned we will now trigger re-authentication.
  • Fix for check for update to launch executable after downloading new version
  • Fix for regcode activation issue saying regcode was expired.
  • Fix for FTP time zone adjust minutes being inverted
  • Fix for WebDAV error when going offline and back online again generating 400 bad request error when using digast authentication.
  • Fix for Amazon cloud showing empty folders after access token expired.
  • Fix for SFTP not connecting to some servers
  • Fix for Saving PDF files in chrome.
  • Fix for incorrect file size reported when a file changes on server but is also cached locally.
  • Fix for CPU spike when failing to connect to a server.
  • Fix for registry import problem when importing very long lines.
  • Fix for files edited while offline files not being uploaded after going back online.
  • Fix for GoogleDrive new site profile setup issue that could result in 403 errors for some google accounts.
  • Added SHA256 code signing to executable files to get rid of IE download warning about corrupt download.
  • Fix for offline possibly not showing files if the directory listing was flushed from cache before going offline.
  • Fix for SHA-3 SFTP handshake issue.

New in WebDrive 12.20 Build 4203 (Jul 29, 2015)

  • Fix: Removed SSL fallback to V3 protocol when a SSL handshake failed.
  • Fix: Fixed issue with adobe acrobat reading files.
  • Fix: Fixed issue with HTTP cookies on persistent connections being lost, preventing login on some sharepoint servers.
  • Fix:Fixed issue with Test Connection while setting up a site profile.
  • Fix: OneDrive Business issue where only 200 files were listed in a folder.
  • Fix: Fixed screen reader issue on new site wizard protocol dialog where first protocol was not pre-selected.
  • Fix: Security vulnerability when entering a very large URL in site manager causing a crash.
  • Fix: Fixed site name trailing space issue to not allow users to enter a trailing space.
  • Fix: Changed default drive size to 4 TB when server doesn’t support quota query.
  • Fix: OneDrive Business and Dropbox issue when files > 2 GB were listed.
  • Fix: OneDrive Business new folder issue when failing to create a subfolder when one with the same name existed in root folder.
  • Fix: Fixed DAV lock timeout issue where it wasn’t honoring timeout setting from the user interface.
  • Fix: Added screen reader option to tray icon menu to enable screen reader more.
  • Fix: Added date format option for AS/400 FTP servers that use a different date order.
  • Fix: Fixed SFTP block I/O issue when using more than one active connection.
  • Fix: Added ability for cache folder length to exceed 260 characters.
  • Fix: Fixed onedrive business authentication issue that prevented login
  • Fix: Fixed issue with empty drive listings when a previous disconnect failed to complete.
  • Fix: Added a check to see if the WebDrive network provider is installed before mapping a drive and displaying an error to reinstall if it isn’t.
  • Fix: Fixed issue with deleting files that could lead to the WebDrive service aborting if caching is disabled.
  • Fix: Fixed issue with Office and Windows 8 editing files in a read-only directory.
  • Fix: Fixed Google Drive and OneDrive authentication issue when access token expired.

New in WebDrive 12.20 Build 4148 (Mar 11, 2015)

  • New: OneDrive Business and OneDrive Consumer connector support.
  • New: Added SSL protocol options to enable/disable various encryption methods like TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 SSL V3 etc.
  • Fix: import/export site profile issues with sharing profiles between Windows and Mac/Mobile.
  • Fix: Fixed issue with directories where a folder with same prefix could get confused with another directory of similar name.
  • Fix: Windows 8 folder delete issue.
  • Fix: Fixed a rename issue when renaming a file into a subfolder.
  • Fix: Fixed an install issue where WebDrive wouldn’t show up in add/remove programs.

New in WebDrive 12.10 Build 4082 (Nov 21, 2014)

  • New: WebDrive for Windows now supports the ability to Export Site profiles for use in WebDrive for Mac, iOS and Droid. It can also import site profiles which were created on those platforms. Now you can create your Site Profile on one system and Sync it across all your devices.

New in WebDrive 12.01 Build 4071 (Nov 10, 2014)

  • Fix: 7/24/2014 – Fix install problem for Windows XP and Windows 2003 server.
  • Fix: issue with directory listings some times showing wrong contents
  • Fix for terminal server issue with folder redirection where some users will not see proper directory contents
  • Fix for disconnect causing high service cpu usage
  • Fix for Office automatic DAV lock issue that could result in files not being recognized as already locked by another user
  • New: when activating during install it will automatically deactivate your previous license in case of a major version upgrade

New in WebDrive 12.00 Build 4045 (Aug 8, 2014)

  • New: Asynchronous Cache Mode. This feature can greatly improve editing and overall performance of a mapped drive by allowing deletes, renames, and creates to be performed asynchronously. See the help file caching topics for more information on this feature.
  • New: Automatic Offline Mode. You can configure WebDrive to automatically switch to Offline mode if the connection to the server is lost. For example if you are on a wireless or WIFI connection and you are out of range WebDrive can switch to offline mode and allow you to keep editing files in the cache. WebDrive will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server in the background and when successful will switch back to Online mode automatically.
  • New: Caching performance improvements on sites that have tens of thousands of files.
  • New: Amazon S3 ability to check if a file is up to date by using E-tag’s so multi-user cache mode will work for S3 servers.
  • New: Prompt for login feature. When enabled will prompt the user to enter credentials before connecting to the server, this is useful for environments where multiple users may be using the same computer and you don’t want to save credentials for security reasons.
  • New: Icon overlay shell extension. Previously when disabling the shell icon handler files would display in explorer with red or gray X’s over all file icons. This is now prevented with a custom shell icon handler.
  • New: Ability to map drives at login without using persistent network connections. Using persistent network connection restore can be a problem on some systems that operate over a wireless network because the network hasn’t been established yet at login time. Using this new feature the drive won’t be restored until the webdrive.exe application is started.

New in WebDrive 11.0 Build 2852 (Jun 12, 2014)

  • New: Asynchronous Cache Mode.This feature can greatly improve editing and overall performance of a mapped drive by allowing deletes, renames, and creates to be performed asynchronously. See the help file caching topics for more information on this feature.
  • New: Automatic Offline Mode. You can configure WebDrive to automatically switch to Offline mode if connection to the server is lost. For example if you are on a wireless or wifi connection and you are out of range WebDrive can switch to offline mode and allow you to keep editing files in the cache. WebDrive will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server in the background and when sucessful will switch back to Online mode.
  • New: Amazon S3 ability to check if a file is up to date by using Etag’s so multi-user cache mode will work for S3 servers.
  • New: Prompt for login feature. When enabled will prompt the user to enter credentials before connecting to the server, this is useful for environments where multiple users may be using the same computer and you don’t want to save credentials for security reasons.
  • Custom icon handler to get rid of red X in Explorer when shell extensions are disabled.
  • Added option to map drives at startup with WebDrive instead of using persistent drive connections which causes issues with some wifi setups.
  • Added WebDAV lock timeout setting to allow user to choose custom lock timeout.
  • Added ability to specify a list of files that are to be treated as “Local Only” meaning they will remain in cache and never be uploaded to the server.
  • Added NTLM proxy server support for CERN type proxy servers.
  • Added ability to configure default site settings that will be used when creating new site profiles.
  • Fix: Dropbox fix for filenames with & in them.
  • Fix: for terminal server to not make a call into windows shell which caused issues with the windows redirector.

New in WebDrive 11.0 Build 2747 (Mar 13, 2013)

  • New: Google Drive support.
  • New: Dropbox server support.
  • New: User Interface improvements, sort the site list or custom arrange the list, remember folders open/close state, double click to connect to a site.
  • New: Cleversafe server support.
  • Fix: NTLM authentication issue to IIS servers on Windows 7
  • Fix issue with "add trailing slash" on DAV servers when using Offline synchronization.
  • Fix: FTP server listing issue where full time format is listed but no year given
  • Fix: Amazon S3 fix for duplicate folder issue that showed the parent folder duplicated as a filename with zero bytes.

New in WebDrive 10.20 Build 2588 (Jul 8, 2012)

  • Fixed: For Amazon S3 servers remove check on connect for read permissions to the ACL which the client may not have when accessing a shared bucket.
  • Change: For FTP connections default data connections to passive mode (PASV).
  • Change: For Amazon S3 servers add a new setting that will allow you to control whether a check for duplicate files will be done which can speed up performance significantly by not doing the check. WebDrive will now default to not performing the check for best performance where previous versions always performed the check.
  • Add support for GroupDrive server WAN address setting when using QuickLinks
  • Fix issue with transfer manager that could make "connect at login/startup" no longer be persistent after running a transfer job.
  • New: Added SFTP feature to auto mount folders at connect time with a list of folders to mount.
  • New: Added new FTP proxy server type for login.
  • New: Added WebDAV /allprop option for PROPFINDS for servers that don't always return requested attributes.
  • Fixed: Issue with webdrive.exe processes being left running after scheduled backup jobs run
  • New: Added support for Amazon remote buckets and folders by specifying on the S3 bucket setting a bucket and folder with syntax like "/bucket/remote-folder"
  • New: Added command line option for specifying S3 bucket name /bucket: when making command line connections
  • Fix: Fixed S3 issues with specifying custom buckets and directory listings showing as empty.

New in WebDrive 10.10 Build 2567 (Apr 20, 2012)

  • Fixed: SFTP error messages displaying japanese messages in the log file.
  • Fixed: Antivirus issue that could result in dead locking or hanging situations.
  • Fixed: FTP symbolic link issue when listing had cgi-bin -> ../web/cgi-bin style notations in it
  • Fixed: Office save issue that could result in "File in use" error.
  • Fixed: SFTP issue with german umlauts on servers that only support V3 of the SFTP protocol.
  • Fixed: HTTP issue when authenticating to kerberos servers with very long authorization headers.
  • Fixed: AutoDAV locking issue when copying a file that is DAV locked and read-only access is requested, it was not allowing the file to be copied.
  • Fixed: SFTP V3 issue for older servers that don't specify the date/time of files in the directory attributes, WebDrive will now parse the date/time from the long name as a fall back method.
  • Fixed: Connect at login issue with Windows 7 when invalid password specified that could result in black screen during login.
  • Added: Ability to disconnect drives that are set to "Allow service access" via command line. To do this enter this command "webdrive.exe w: /d /service" to disconnect the drive mapped in LocalSystem or service context.
  • New: Changed socket send buffers for quicker uploads for all protocols
  • Fixed: Disabled byte range reads on HTTP connections due to too many servers not supporting it properly and for performance reasons.

New in WebDrive 10.00 Build 2452 (May 27, 2011)

  • New: WebDrive 10 is now a fully Unicode program that will provide better support for Internationalization.
  • Added: New site wizard to make it easier to setup sites to connect to online storage providers, like Amazon S3 simple storage and iDisk Mobile Me.
  • Added: Kerberos Authentication for HTTP connections, including double hop authentication support.
  • Added: Microsoft Office mime types for WebDAV uploads, on docx, xlsx, etc.
  • Added: SSL session reuse for FTP data connections.
  • Fixed: Amazon S3 folder creation/rename issues and also changed WebDrive to use a trailing '/' as a placeholder for new folders instead of the older style "$folder$", WebDrive will still work with folders in the old style.
  • Fixed: Amazon S3 edit ACL issue when adding user by email .
  • Fixed: WebDAV rename issue when a filename had a comma in it.

New in WebDrive 9.17.2407 (Mar 22, 2011)

  • Fixed: Adobe 10.0 issue that caused Adobe to crash occasionally when opening or closing files.
  • Fixed: VMS delete ;* issue when trying to remove a folder, webdrive now will not send ;* when deleting a folder.
  • Fixed: AUTH TLS issue where webdrive would send a SSL V2.0 hello instead of a TLS hello.
  • Fixed: Error attempting to cache a file when the setting BlockOnDownload is enabled.
  • Fixed: Added mime type for SVG files.
  • Fixed: Don't allow drive disconnect while a offline synchronization operation is in progress.
  • Fxied: Certificate import issue when PFX file contains a certificate chain.
  • Fixed: Delete file transfer job was not working.
  • Fixed: S3 issue with folders created from a mac client and webdrive not showing contents of folder.
  • Fixed: When a Siteminder single sign on cookie expires and the server returns a 302 error WebDrive will now scan for a new cookie instead of requiring a disconnect/reconnect of the drive.
  • Fixed: S3 folders created by CyberDuck were not showing up as folders but as zero byte files.

New in WebDrive 9.16.2385 (Oct 1, 2010)

  • Fixed: Issue with file system driver that could result in bluescreen if driver verify was enabled.
  • Fxied: Coexistence issue with Cornerstone and GroupDrive servers

New in WebDrive 9.15 (Oct 1, 2010)

  • New: Added resume upload for interrupted SFTP and FTP transfers.
  • New: Added a command line parameter to webdrive.exe to allow you to flush a specific file/folder from the cache. The usage for the new paramater is "webdrive.exe /cacheflushfilespec:z:\dirname".
  • Fixed: Downloading files over 4GB for FTP servers that used the MS-DOS style listing.
  • New: Added a new HTTP option to turn off persistent session information across connections. Turning this setting off will cause the cookie header to be cleared out for each connection to the server. This is useful in environments using a load balancing server or switch.

New in WebDrive 9.14.2353 (Jun 3, 2010)

  • Fixed: TestConnection button on wizard was creating a peristent drive connection
  • Fixed: Change in SFTP authentication logic to close connection after failed password attempt.
  • Fixed: Amazon S3 fix for sending the ContentDisposition HTTP header so that Internet explorer can download files properly.

New in WebDrive 9.13.2341 (May 12, 2010)

  • Fixed: When quota support is disabled don't adjust the available bytes left on the drive when saving files to it.
  • Fixed: "Disconnected Network Drive" issue for 64 bit systems when using 32 bit applications like Microsoft Office.
  • Fixed: 64 bit issue with "Cache temporary office files" not working.
  • Fixed: monitor UI issue when 13 or more drives are mapped stacking vertically, now they will scroll horizontally on the monitor dialog.
  • Fixed: Invalid directory issue when clicking on folders in explorer that might occasionally occur.
  • Fixed: SFTP authentication issue with EFT server when doing "password" authentication only.
  • Fixed: SSL issue seen with some FTP servers when listing directories or transfering files that resulted in long delays when closing the connection.
  • Change: Encrypt http and FTP proxy passwords in registry
  • Fixed: Microsoft Office/Word save issue that could result in deadlocks.
  • Fixed: deadlock issue with Change notification
  • New: Added option on site file options dialog to disable file OPLOCK's with the server for GroupDrive connections.

New in WebDrive 9.12.2325 (Apr 6, 2010)

  • Fixed: SSL Issue which could result in failed handshakes.
  • Fixed: Rare "exception thrown in destcutor" error that could occur upon Windows shutdown.
  • Fixed: For VMS FTP servers check for existing filenames when listing directory to handle case where server lists the same file with different VMS version numbers.
  • Change: Encrypt http and FTP proxy passwords in registry

New in WebDrive 9.11.2298 (Feb 25, 2010)

  • Fixed: SSL Issue seen on Windows 7 64 bit systems mainly where an SSL receive would fail resulting in empty WebDAV directory listings.
  • Fixed: Windows 7 issue when running WebDrive from the start menu resulting in multiple tray icon instances.
  • Fixed: File date not showing properly for DOS style FTP server listings.
  • Fixed: Windows 7 SSL issue that was causing handshake failures to some servers.
  • Fixed: File synchronize issue with WebDAV that resulted in extra copies of files being saved on the server as "modified by another user" when no actual changes occured.
  • Change: Run at startup option now saves information in hkey_current_user so this is now a per Windows user setting and not system wide.
  • Fixed: Permissions issue on the WebDrive registry key under HKLM.
  • Fixed: For DAV servers don't display folders or files in directories where the server has sent a status of 401 not authorized to display the file as part of the PROPFIND response.
  • Fixed: Netware and Unix server FTP listing issue where it was not parsing month properly which resulted in some folders with spaces in them not showing up properly.
  • Fixed: WebDAV issue where after a PROPPATCH to set the files modified time it may not be shows on subsequent directory listings with the proper time.
  • Note: There was a security vulnerability reported in WebDrive version 9.02 dealing with permissions on the service which would allow a service change config command, this was fixed in version 9.10 of WebDrive. To reset the permissions on an existing WebDrive installation please uninstall WebDrive, reboot and then install any version of after and including version 9.10

New in WebDrive 9.10.2272 (Jan 4, 2010)

  • Fixed: Activation issue with regcodes generated in 2010.
  • Fixed: SFTP Version 4 protocol issue on WinSSHD when using subsecond times in directory listings that resulted in empty directory listings in WebDrive.
  • Fixed: Delete directory issue on Apache WebDAV servers that prevented delete from working because the depth header was not infinite.
  • Fixed: SFTP Block I/O issue that prevented renames from working on some SFTP servers.
  • Fixed: Deadlock issue with auto dav locking enabled that could occur when saving files from Office applications.
  • Fixed: Issue with some DAV servers returning an invalid date for set-cookie, assume invalid dates means cookie has expired.
  • Fixed: SFTP Block I/O deadlock issue in Windows 7
  • Fixed: FTP limit port ranges was not using proper port.
  • Fixed: Single sign on cookie folder issue with roaming profiles.
  • Fixed: Windows 7 issue with file transfer manager not being able to schedule jobs.

New in WebDrive 9.02.2232 (Sep 5, 2009)

  • Fixed: Windows 2000 issue that caused a dll dependency issue with crypt32.dll, this issue only effects Windows 2000 platforms.

New in WebDrive 9.01 (Sep 5, 2009)

  • Added: ability to not test directory listing when connecting to FTP server for the cases where no LIST permissions are possible however upload permissions are. To enable this feature set the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSouth River TechnologiesWebDriveConnections\FileVerifyAccessOnConnect to 0.
  • Fixed: Job scheduler was returning an "access denied" error on low privileged accounts.
  • Fixed: Intermittent Amazon S3 500 internal server errors. According to Amazon it's expected that their server will return this error occasionally and the recommended work around is to have the client resubmit the command after a pause. WebDrive will now retry the command up to "File transfer retry limit" times and pause 2 seconds between attempts.
  • Fixed: Data Execution Prevention feature of Windows would in some cases cause webdrive.exe application to terminate when the popup window was displayed.
  • Fixed: Amazon S3 duplicate folders being shown.
  • Fixed: Amazon S3 display proper file modification date when given by the server.
  • Fixed: VMS FTP Server rename folder issue when moving/renaming a folder or file to a different location.

New in WebDrive 9.0 (Sep 5, 2009)

  • New: Support for Amazon S3 ACL's. You can now edit permissions on S3 files. There is also an option to preserve S3 ACL's when doing renames and overwrites on S3 files.
  • New: Support for Amazon S3 COPY command to use for renaming files and folders. The folder rename still requires a copy command to be sent to the server for all files in the folder.
  • New: Directory Change notification support. When enabled on the site properties/file settings dialog tab WebDrive will support the Windows change notification feature that Windows explorer signs up for when displaying the contents of a folder. WebDrive will poll the server to see if the directory has changed on the server and if a change is detected it will cause explorer to refresh it's contents. This works well for protocols that support reporting the modified time of a folder on the server, like WebDAV and SFTP. This may not be very effecient for FTP servers that do not support the MLST command.
  • New: SFTP FIPS support.
  • Fixed: Performance improvement when right clicking on files or folders in explorer which gets rid of long delays with no activity.
  • Fixed: Directory caching issue that would result in the directory not refreshing when it became invalid due to it being out of date with the listing on the server.
  • Fixed: If a persistent connection (connect at login) can't connect during login then don't display error dialog and don't prompt for username/password as this can interfere with the vista login. Instead the drive will show up with a red X icon and when the user clicks on the drive it will attempt to connect again. This can also be beneficial to wireless installations where the network may not be established at login time.
  • Fixed: For FTP servers fixed a rename problem when using UTF8 encoding, the destination file name was not being encoded in UTF8.
  • Fixed: Potential security vulnerability, removed permission on WebDrive service that would allow a change configuration command.

New in WebDrive 8.24.2132 (Mar 12, 2009)

  • Fixed Save As issue in excel/word when "cache temporary files" was enabled and the user selected to create a new folder in the save as dialog for excel/word and the folder was named with all numbers, i.e. 2009 then Word was unable to save the file because WebDrive treated the folder creation as a temporary file.
  • Fixed issue in 8.23 for DAV and uploading large files using the setting "Enable chunked upload for large files" which is on by default. Many servers do not support chunked file upload and in version 8.23 when this setting was enabled it uploaded all files rather than just files larger than 1 GB. Version 8.24 resets to the previous webdrive behavior of uploading in chunked mode for files grater than 1 GB.
  • Fixed hang issue that could freeze explorer and the system, seen most often on Vista SP1 but could happen on other systems as well.
  • Fixed IIS / NTLM authentication issue that resulted in errors renaming or uploading files when using Auto DAV locking on persistent connections.
  • Fixed Offline synchronization issue when editing a word file offline and then performing a synchronize operation that resulted in a "Server modified copy" file being created when the file was not actually modified on the server by another user.
  • Fixed Offline issue where folders or files that were previously marked offline could lose their status as "offline" files.
  • Added support for French FTP servers that don't support the MLSD command. Webdrive can now parse the unix date listing that contains month names in french.
  • Changed auto dav lock behavior to NOT take out a DAV lock when an application is doing byte range locks if the file extension is not in the user supplied extension list.
  • Changed FTP symbolic link resolve logic to use the link name instead of the path when determining if a link is for a file or folder.

New in WebDrive 8.23.2122 (Feb 17, 2009)

  • Fixed hang issue that could freeze explorer and the system, seen most often on Vista SP1 but could happen on other systems as well.
  • Fixed IIS / NTLM authentication issue that resulted in errors renaming or uploading files when using Auto DAV locking on persistent connections.
  • Fixed Offline synchronization issue when editing a word file offline and then performing a synchronize operation that resulted in a "Server modified copy" file being created when the file was not actually modified on the server by another user.
  • Fixed Offline issue where folders or files that were previously marked offline could lose their status as "offline" files.
  • Added support for French FTP servers that don't support the MLSD command. Webdrive can now parse the unix date listing that contains month names in french.
  • Changed auto dav lock behavior to NOT take out a DAV lock when an application is doing byte range locks if the file extension is not in the user supplied extension list.
  • Changed FTP symbolic link resolve logic to use the link name instead of the path when determining if a link is for a file or folder.

New in WebDrive 8.22.2090 (Nov 14, 2008)

  • Fixed WebDAV issue with servers that incorrectly return a iscollection property for files.
  • Fixed issue with block I/O and saving Office files if "cache temporary office files" was disabled.
  • Fixed licensing issue.
  • Append Synchronization logs rather than overwriting for each synchronization job.
  • Change Offline synchronization to not delete files on the server even when deleted locally while offline. To delete a file permanently you must be online to delete it.

New in WebDrive 8.21.2086 (Oct 31, 2008)

  • Fixed explorer create folder issue that could show up on some systems when creating a temp file on newly created folders.
  • Fixed NTLM Authentication issue which could result in zero byte files being uploaded.
  • Fixed WebDAV 502 bad gateway rename issue for locked files when using SSL.
  • Added ability to list European buckets for Amazon S3.
  • Fixed issue with Auto DAV Locking and saving of excel files that could result in a save failing due to a lock error.

New in WebDrive 8.01.1997 (May 8, 2008)

  • Added an option to cache small writes by applications to increase performance, this new setting is on the site properties/file settings dialog.
  • Added the ability for Amazon S3 mode to view folders created by other applications like BucketExplorer and also for BucketExplorer to view WebDrive created folders.
  • Various enhancements to Offline file support that better handle file deletion and provided a synchronization log feature to examine what happened during a synchronize operation. Also added the ability to set a root folder Offline.
  • Fixed SFTP handshake issue with extremely slow servers where command timeout was not being used and a 30 second timeout was always used.
  • Fixed issue with Amazon S3 storage when using a URL rooted on a bucket with nested folders being listed.
  • Fixed Vista access denied issue when clicking on "Schedule" from the transfer manager, it will now run elevated and prompt with the standard UAC Allow dialog.
  • Fixed site wizard error when "test connection" button was hit and site information was lost.
  • Fixed offline synchronization issue when files are removed on the server but not removed from the offline cache during a synchronize operation.
  • Fixed File Transfer Manager issue if filenames contained the percent '%' character.
  • Fixed SFTP upload and download issue where CPU usage would go very high.
  • Fixed SSL issue with some servers that prevented connection.
  • Fixed SFTP issue with some broken servers that returned invalid directory information.

New in WebDrive 8.00.1942 (Feb 4, 2008)

  • Added Amazon S3 Storage support
  • Added readonly directory attribute support for SFTP servers.
  • Added a test connection to site wizard dialog and also added a more detailed error dialog when a connect fails.
  • Added new feature to turn off Explorer Icon Handlers on a per site basis so that it won't download .html, or .zip or other files to extract their icons. This setting is on the Site properites/File settings dialog box and is called "Disable explorer icon handlers"
  • Fixed DAV issue with custom SRT properties for storing file time to make sure namespace is SRT namespace.
  • Fixed Office 2007 Word issue when caching temporary office files and using Versioning on the server which resulted in loss of version history.
  • Fixed issue with cache entry mismatch error.
  • Fixed cache file & directory listing expire issue that could prevent it from expiring a cached file or directory listing.
  • Fixed read ahead error that could result in downloads from the server being aborted.
  • Fixed FTP issue that prevented a rename from working to a destination file that already existed.
  • Support readonly directory attribute for FTP listings.
  • Fixed deadlock issue when saving files from Office 2007 applications.
  • Fixed "access denied" error when saving from Office 2007 applications.
  • Fixed internal error message at wdFCB.1611
  • Fixed issue with offline folders that prevented new files from showing up in a folder marked as offline.
  • Fixed synchronize on connect/disconnect option.

New in WebDrive 7.20.1551 (Dec 1, 2006)

  • Change file transfer manager to not display message box when run from a scheduled task when an upload error occurs.
  • Fixed FTP/SSL certificate problem where webdrive was not sending a SSL certficiate.
  • Fixed "Make drive read-only" option.
  • Fixed issue with Acronis TrueImage that prevented backups to webdrive mapped drives from working.
  • Display a warning popup when cache disk space is getting low.
  • Return an error if setendoffile fails due to low cache space.
  • Fixed upload status displaying more than 100% transferred that could happen if transfer fails.
  • Fixed memory issue that could result in wdCacheDir trap messages.
  • Fixed deadlock/hang issue that appeared most often with NOD32 Antivirus installed but could also happen without AV software installed.
  • Fixed issue with grep unix utility that resulted in a bad file descriptor error.
  • Fixed memory corruption issue that could result in wdCCB.cpp or wdVolume.cpp message boxes displaying.
  • Fixed SSL issue with servers that may not support 100-continue processing resulting in socket errors.

New in WebDrive 7.20.1551 (Sep 19, 2006)

  • Streaming, Synchronization, Backups

New in WebDrive 7.10 (May 25, 2006)

  • Streaming, Synchronization, Backups