Writer's Blocks Changelog

What's new in Writer's Blocks

Oct 11, 2011
  • New interface based on the Microsoft® Office Fluent™ user interface also known as the Ribbon menu system. The Ribbon interface makes accessing Writer's Blocks commands and features easier than ever before. You also have the option to use the Writer’s Blocks 3 drop-down and toolbar menus if you prefer. Block Footnotes Now your blocks can contain notes, footnotes, references, sources or any other additional information in a new separate text area below the block text area of a block. We call this second text area the block footnote. Footnote Font You can format the text of footnotes independently of the block formatting. Footnote background color You can set the footnote background color independently of the block background color. Hide or Show Footnotes Footnotes can be displayed or hidden as required. Choose Hide or Show Footnotes from the Blocks Tab to hide or display all footnotes. New Spell Check Tool We have added a powerful new Spell Checker with a 140,000 word U.S./U.K. dictionary. It features "spell as you type" and right click to spell the selected word. New Thesaurus Tool We've also added a great new Thesaurus to Writer's Blocks 4. The thesaurus contains over 60,000 terms with synonyms, antonyms and related words. AutoMax This new feature automatically enlarges just the current block being edited which enables you to see more text as you edit a block. You can choose the AutoMax block size from the Writer’s Blocks Options dialog. Zoom Power Panel Now you can change the zoom level of the Power Panel independent of the block zoom. This allows you to see large text in the Power Panel while seeing normal size text in of your blocks on screen. Just hover the mouse over the Power Editor, hold down the CTRL key, and scroll the mouse wheel.
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  • Drag and Drop Columns One the most requested features for Writer's Blocks 4 has been the ability to drag-and-drop a column of blocks. Hold down CTRL+ALT then drag a column to a new location. The column heading and all blocks in the column will be moved to the new location. Existing columns will make room for the incoming column. Selecting Blocks is Easier We listened when you said it was difficult to select a block by SHIFT-Clicking on its border. Now you can select a block by holding down the CTRL key (or SHIFT key) and clicking anywhere inside a block. SHIFT-Click to Select a Range of consecutive Blocks Writer's Block 4 uses the standard SHIFT-Click to select a consecutive range of blocks that is found in other Windows programs. CTRL-Click to Select Individual Blocks Writer's Block 4 uses the standard CTRL-Click to select a single block or a non-consecutive range of blocks that is found in other Windows programs. Insert Graphics in Blocks Now you can insert graphics in your blocks. Select graphics from the Insert File dialog or paste graphics from the Windows Clipboard. Use grips to resize graphics in your blocks. Note, however, that Graphics in blocks are not printed. Graphics are transferred to the manuscript when using the Convert Blocks to Manuscript function. Graphics in the manuscript will be printed. Insert Symbols in Blocks You can now insert common symbols using the Symbol dialog. Use symbol fonts such as Wingdings and Webdings. Insert Graphics in Manuscript Now you can insert graphics in your manuscript. Select graphics from the Insert File dialog or paste graphics from the Windows Clipboard. Use grips to resize graphics in your manuscript or use the Format Image dialog to size and position your images. Insert Symbols in Manuscript You can now insert common symbols using the Symbol dialog. Use symbol fonts such as Wingdings and Webdings. Text Highlighter We've added text highlighter so you can emphasize your ideas using a text background color. Mouse Wheel Scrolls Text in Blocks Use the mouse wheel to scroll the text in the current block. Click in a block then, hover the cursor over the current block to scroll text that isn’t visible in the block. Hyperlinks in Blocks Block can now contain hyperlinks to web pages. Clicking on a hyperlink launches your default browser and the loads the linked web page.
  • Chapter 2 What's New in 4 5
  • Hyperlinks in Manuscript The manuscript can now contain hyperlinks to web pages. Clicking on a hyperlink launches your default browser and the loads the linked web page. Link to Files in Blocks Blocks can now contain hyperlinks to files on your computer. Clicking on a hyperlink launches the program associated with the file and opens the linked file. Link to Files in Manuscript The manuscript can now contain hyperlinks to files on your computer. Clicking on a hyperlink launches the program associated with the file and opens the linked file. Office 2007 Style Super Tooltips Super Tooltips take tooltips to whole new level, making Writer's Blocks features much more discoverable to the user. Ability to Manage References Academic writing requires that you carefully track and cite sources you use in the preparation of your work. Writer's Blocks 4 now has an optional footnote section in the bottom portion of each block for source information. Writer’s Blocks ships with several pre-defined reference types. These may be edited to suit your individual needs. Footnotes can be converted to endnotes at the end of your manuscript. More Manuscript Import and Export formats In addition to the standard Microsoft® Word Doc file, RTF, HTML, and plain text files, you can now import and export Word Docx and Adobe Acrobat PDF files into the Manuscript panel. Word Count Selected Blocks or Text The Word Count function now has an option to only count words of selected blocks or selected text. Of course, you can still get the word count of all of your blocks and your complete manuscript. Copy Block with CTRL + Drag Writer's Blocks uses the same drag and copy shortcut used to duplicate graphics found in other programs. Simply hold down the CTRL key and drag and drag a block to a new location. A copy of the original block will appear at the location of the dropped block. Edit Footnote Text in Power Panel The Power Panel now has a two areas for viewing and editing your text. A horizontal splitter bar separates the Blocks text area from the Footnote text area. Resize the Power Panel or adjust the splitter to reveal the Footnote text area. Format Blocks from the Power Panel Now you can format your text when editing using the Power Panel. Use the buttons on the Home tab to apply fonts and formatting to your text and footnotes. Index Card Printing
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  • Writer's Blocks now allows you to print on individual index cards. Writer’s Blocks lets you print each block on a separate index card of any size supported by your printer. Print on all Paper Sizes supported by your printer Writer's Blocks now lets you print to any paper size supported by your printer. Format Column Headings Column headings now support formatting of individual words and characters with different fonts and colors. Block Styles Include Footnote Formatting Blocks styles let you apply formatting the each element of a block including the title, blocks, and footnote font. Each block can have a separate background color for the blocks text and footnote. Paste Special Clipboard Option This option lets you paste formatted text or unformatted text from the Windows clipboard. Formatted text retains the formatting from the source document and unformatted text takes on the formatting of the destination block. Drag and Drop Text in the Manuscript Although blocks have supported drag and drop in previous versions of Writer’s Blocks, now you can drag and drop text or graphics in your manuscript. You can also drag and drop to and from your blocks, a web page or other programs. Multi-Level Undo/Redo of Block Text When working in your blocks, you may undo multiple text editing steps that you have taken or redo what you have undone. The undo history of each block is independent of the undo history of all other blocks. That means, for example, you can undo the text edits of your last block and then undo the text edits of your first block without affecting any edits of the blocks in between. The undo history of the Block Panel is independent of the Manuscript Panel. That means you can undo editing in your blocks without affecting recent edits in your manuscript. Multi-Level Undo/Redo in the Manuscript When working on your manuscript you may undo multiple editing steps that you have taken or redo what you have undone. The undo history of the Manuscript Panel is independent of the Block Panel. That means you can undo editing in you manuscript without affecting recent edits in your blocks.