eDrum MIDI Mapper Changelog

What's new in eDrum MIDI Mapper 1.2

Jul 21, 2008
  • New Generic Pad input options "Uses Choke Notes" and "Choke Note" convert the specified incoming note to a polyphonic aftertouch event prior to sending it to the output filter.
  • New Generic Pad output option "Choke Note" converts incoming cymbal chokes to note events.
  • New Advanced Hi-Hat Pad option "Pedal CC Closed Threshold" allows hi-hat note-off muting to occur before full depression of the pedal.
  • Note, CC and polytouch events that aren't filtered by a pad are now echoed to the output as-is.
  • Filtered polyphonic aftertouch (choke) events are now properly sent to the Pad's specified output channel and note (and alternate note if enabled) rather than echoed as-is.
  • Fixed closed hi-hat notes occasionally getting "stuck" when cross-fading was enabled.
  • Fixed Copy menu item/key command not working when copying entire Pads.

New in eDrum MIDI Mapper 1.1 (Feb 28, 2007)

  • MIDI CC's that aren't filtered by a hi-hat pad are now echoed to the MIDI output on the same channel they were received. This allows a Generic Pad to be used as a hi-hat mapping for hosts that do they're own open/close hi-hat morphing, or for hosts that support position sensing, etc.
  • Polyphonic Aftertouch (AKA Key Pressure) events filtered by Generic Pads are now echoed to the MIDI output unless "Note-Off Chokes" is enabled. I.e. You can now leave "Note-Off Chokes" disabled for hosts that recognize and use Polyphonic Aftertouch messages as cymbal chokes.
  • Closing eDrum MIDI Mapper while the main window is minimized no longer causes the window to be hidden on the next launch.
  • Updated application framework with reduced memory requirements and interface tweaks.