eSync Changelog

What's new in eSync 0.9.8

May 9, 2013
  • Fixed some typo's
  • Changed the logic for mime type detection when uploading new content to the repository to first use the Java 7 Files.probeContentType(...) method. So even if people change or remove the extensions of files to be created in the Repository, they will now be detected according to their original type.
  • e.g. changing my-image.jpg to my-image.gif will still result in the mime type image/jpg being used.

New in eSync 0.9.7 (Apr 29, 2013)

  • Fixed an issue where certain error conditions occurring during the Synchronisation phases of both the Inbound and Outbound processors could cause that Processor to exit and stop syncing.

New in eSync 0.9.6 (Apr 24, 2013)

  • Fixed an issue with the processing of candidate objects. After the first load, eSync would create threads to handle objects unnecessary load as before determining it didn't need to do anything with these threads. This is an issue where you are syncing large amounts of Documents and File i.e. Syncing the whole Repository
  • Fixed an issue where eSync calculated the wrong relative path for Repository Folders at the Repository ROOT. Prior to this fix, if you synchronised a Folder at the Repository ROOT it would create Directories on the FileSystem with the first character missing.

New in eSync 0.9.5 (Apr 24, 2013)

  • Added functionality to allow Synchronisers to connect to Repositories via SSL with either Commercial or Self signed certificates without the need to import the certificates to the client and setup the JVM properties. ONLY use for DEVELOPMENT and TESTING. For production import the certificates from your server and setup the correct JVM arguments for your keystore.

New in eSync 0.9.4 (Apr 22, 2013)

  • Added new logic to determine if a Synchronisation should occur. Previously, the Inbound and Outbound processor sync logic did not consider the state of the other processor. This version fixes this by not synchronising if either Processor is unable to connect to it's source i.e. the Repository or File System is unavailable. Each will be re-tested on it's next Sync Cycle, and if all is synchronisation will continue as normal.
  • The session is now created with the cache turned off. This ensures that the objects we get using getObject(...) are the latest objects. Not disabling this has resulted in Repository Documents being checked in and not being seen Inbound Synchroniser. This has shown itself when externally checking in new versions and not having them update on the File System until the Synchroniser was restarted.

New in eSync 0.9.3 (Apr 22, 2013)

  • Added automatic serialisation of the Inbound and Outbound processor snapshots at shutdown of each Synchroniser and de-serialisation at startup. This enables Synchronisers to remember their states between restarts.
  • Previously, each Synchroniser would see every file as a new entry on restart and would then try to sort out which were actually updated, new and deleted Files Documents which meant that every file or document was selected as a possible change candidate at startup. By serialising the states of the snapshots, each Synchroniser can now start up with the last known snapshot and continue from there, resulting in must less load on the system and much faster startup. Works a bit like warming up a cache...
  • Added a new Class FileAttributes used for serialising and de-serialising the outbound processor snapshot as the BasicFileAttributes interface implementation in Java 7 are not serialisable.

New in eSync 0.9.2 (Apr 22, 2013)

  • Refactored the code that sets the Document and Folder Types in both the mimeMappings and setting the default types so that it check that the type exists in the Repository and is of the correct type i.e. CMIS_DOCUMENT and CMIS_FOLDER even if they are added to the configuration JSON file by hand
  • Fix a logic error where directories marked as not syncing could change the syncing status of their child directories as well. This would result in inconsistent uploading and downloading of content to child directories of parents marked not syncing.
  • Changed the logic for ignorePatterns so that it only needed to be assessed during a snapshot and if being ignored would remove the Document or Folder from the previous snapshot so that the next snapshot diff did not see these as deletes if the ignore pattern was set between snapshots.

New in eSync 0.9.1 (Apr 22, 2013)

  • Added "proxyUserName" and "proxyPassword" to the SyncConfiguration. This allows the Synchroniser to access the Repository through a PROXY