Merge Changelog

What's new in Merge 2.9

Jul 17, 2020
  • New downloadable plugin: merge_effects1.dll that applies perspective transform to the target image.
  • Displays full filespec for source 1 and 2 when hovering filename section, but only if image files.
  • Now can insert incrementing page numbers to the images when batch merging.

New in Merge 2.8 (Jan 23, 2020)

  • Addition of a dialog box to allow accurate settings of size and positions of images.
  • There is a new option to anchor a corner or edge of an image that gives consistent positioning regardless of its aspect ratio. This is important when batch merging.
  • In the merge process there are new options: Most Colored and Least Colored.
  • There is a new "articulate" function.

New in Merge 2.6 (Dec 7, 2018)

  • The major change from V2.5 is the method of moving source images. Gone is the right-mouse dragging of a source, the switching seperate scroll bars for source 1, source 2 and both together (target). There are two buttons: one for each source that when clicked will enable moving with the left mouse.
  • V2.6 introduces corner and edge drag blobs for scaling and resizing source images. These sizing blobs are turned on and off using the same move enable buttons as above.
  • The other big change is blending, it is now possible to stay within blending mode when setting up a new zone for the blend. Prior to V2.6 one had to close the blend dialog with its big "1" and "2" buttons in order to set up a new blend zone. This was tedious if many blend regions had to be set.

New in Merge 2.5 (Apr 21, 2017)

  • New feature: Batch merging with a single text file.

New in Merge 2.4 (Dec 7, 2015)

  • There are new surreal image generating features.
  • A new "highlight" feature that allows brightening or darkening of the image towards an edge or corner.
  • Easier way to adjust brightness and contrast.
  • More visual clues present of the state of merge particularly scrolling of both sources or an individual source image.
  • Now can generate a grid of geometric shapes (circles, squares, diamonds) for a single source image.
  • Now possible to load in only one source image. Useful to apply effects to one image only.

New in Merge 2.3 (Aug 17, 2012)

  • There are new source image positioning buttons for centering top/bottom/left/right.
  • Relative source image positioning has been changed.
  • Now able to blend a source image in different ways to the target: smooth/not smooth-elliptical and rectangular.

New in Merge 2.2 (Jan 15, 2011)

  • There is now a new 'Macro' button. This allows choices of automatic setup of the images such as centering and multiple blending.
  • Able to generate surreal effects on the final image.
  • Now able to directly setup the final image size to save. previous version simply relied on the window size.
  • Setup the base color of the no-mans-area between misaligned images. (The background color)

New in Merge 2.1 (Dec 17, 2009)

  • The interface of MERGE is totally changed.
  • Most of the commands are permanently visible, no need to keep opening dialog boxes.
  • Now can rotate the individual source image before merging.

New in Merge 1.9 (Oct 27, 2006)

  • New text entry dialog box