wsubi Changelog

What's new in wsubi 1.7

Jan 8, 2014
  • Implemented Issue #19 - Add a configuration setting for output file location. You are now able to specify a location for output files. An 'output' folder is included with the download, but you can use any accessible folder. Please note that this will require a change to the wsubi.exe.config file for all current users. You'll either need to copy the wsubi.exe.config file included with the 1.7 download over your exsiting version, or add the 'OutputFolder' config value manually. Also note that if the config setting doesn't exist or is invalid, the output files will be created in the same directory that wsubi.exe is running from.
  • Completed Issue #17 - Reformat 'Documentation' area. I actually ended up using this as an opportunity to review and improve ALL of the project's documentation resources. The following enhancements have been made:
  • Condensed the amount of content appearing on the main Documentation page.
  • Each command has its own separate page, including screenshots. Text has been revised. The samples provided have also been updated to use scripts included with the download.
  • There's also a separate page for the config settings and examples.
  • Help contained within the application has been updated to match changes made to the Documentation area.
  • Changed the project's build settings so the code comments will also be checked for any missing or bad references and fixed any reported issues that were detected.

New in wsubi 1.5 (May 20, 2013)

  • Upgrade the project to VS 2012 Express. This offers a couple of benefits:
  • For users, the 64-bit version of PowerShell should be supported going forward. I have tested this on two machines, and feel it is working correctly. If you have any issues, please report them on the project's issue tracker and I'll do my best to resolve them.
  • For developers, I added a Unit Test Project to the solution to offer more stability / reliability with future code changes. There are no tests yet, but will be when I tackle Issue #2 at some point in the next few months.
  • Create a build script. This is really only useful for me and other developers. There are a number of files that need to be distributed with each release, and I needed a better way to reliably collect them. I created a shortcut for the script as well, so you can just say 'run ~build' from the wsubi prompt when running in Visual Studio to create a build. Simply modify the shortcut entry to change the build parameters.

New in wsubi 1.4 (Apr 4, 2013)

  • Add a 'queue' command for multiple sequential 'run' requests. - A queue file allows you to predefine an ordered list of wsubi commands and then run them all sequentially with a single command. You can create as many queue files as you like. Each one is just a basic text file with one wsubi command per line, entered just as you would type them at the console. A sample queue file (sample-queue.txt) is included with the download.
  • Adding |Info| tag content for all of the sample scripts that come with the download. - Each sample script now has an |Info| tag explaining what it does, while also helping illustrate how the info command works.

New in wsubi 1.3 (Feb 18, 2013)

  • Allow users to store and reference commands to simplify 'run' requests. A 'shortcuts.wsbi' file has been added to the project. In it you can define key-value shortcuts for scripts you use regularly, and call them at the command line with just the key prefaced by the '~' character. See the project Documentation for more details on how to use shortcuts.
  • Code cleanup / documentation from 1.2.

New in wsubi 1.2 (Feb 18, 2013)

  • Added a 'help' command to the application for reference during runtime. Command usage notes have been added to the project documentation as well.
  • Improved execution of scripts with parameters for all supported script types. PowerShell scripts work well, but the application is only compatible with files that will run using the 32-bit version of PowerShell.
  • Added a sample script file to the 'scripts' folder for each supported type.

New in wsubi 1.1 (Feb 18, 2013)

  • 'LibsFolder' and 'ConfigFolder' have been removed from the project altogether. I didn't end up using them.
  • Setup instructions are now up to date. They can be found in the README file, as well as the Home and Documentation pages of the project site.
  • I have attempted to sign the assembly; I am hoping I did it correctly. If not, please let me know and I'll continue working on that.
  • General code cleanup, commenting / notes and slight optimizations.