Resogun Review (PS4)

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  • Game: Resogun
  • Platform: Playstation 4
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Resogun review on PS4

While Killzone: Shadow Fall or Knack were the big retail exclusives for the PlayStation 4 launch, on the digital side, Sony's next-gen console relied only on Resogun, a special arcade shooter from Housemarque.

Promising to deliver a hectic experience in terms of gameplay and a stunning one thanks to the voxel-based visuals, Resogun seems to be one of the aces tucked in PS4's sleeve.

Does the small game manage to deliver on its promises or should PS4 users find better things to play on their new console? Let's find out.

Housemarque has already proved its experience in terms of arcade shooters with the stunning Super Stardust, which impressed not just PS3 users but also PS Vita owners through its Delta iteration.

With Resogun, the studio is trying something a bit different, as you now pilot a ship that's floating in a vertical cylinder of sorts, instead of the planets seen in Super Stardust. What's more, while in the previous game you could fire and move in all directions, here you're stuck with choosing between left and right.

While this may seem a bit limiting, it's actually a pretty good idea as it makes gameplay just a tad more simple, seeing as how you don't constantly have to keep spamming attacks all around you, but also a bit more complex, as your enemies will still appear from multiple angles.

You control one of three ships in Resogun, each with their own stats in terms of Agility, Overdrive, and Boost. While the first attribute is self-explanatory, the others are a bit trickier. Overdrive is a special gun that can be activated at certain points and easily wipes out all regular opposing enemies. Boost is a sort of warp button that rapidly moves you into a direction and deploys a small explosion when you reach a stop.

Both mechanics, if used carefully, can make a difference between surviving while keeping a great combo multiplier going and death. For those really tricky situations, you can also deploy a bomb that wipes out everything in the game world.

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Explore the world ...
... and take out various foes

While these weapons may seem overpowered, they aren't, as new enemy ships are constantly being created by the game's world through its millions of voxels, which are 3D cubes that make up everything in Resogun, from the smallest ships to the big boss vessels.

Another key aspect of the game is the presence of humans. You are in a rush to rescue them from the alien ships, but at the start they're stuck in small cages. If you kill specific enemies, they're set free. At this point, you need to quickly navigate to their locations (use the green arrow to figure out where that is) and then transport them into different teleporters. Thanks to the special "Throw Human" button, you can also juggle him around while fending off huge waves of enemies.

While at first all these mechanics seem a bit overwhelming, with a bit of practice you'll soon figure out the ins and outs of the actual game, which can be played in four different stages or as part of a longer Arcade mode.

Resogun also supports online cooperative multiplayer, although access to it is regulated via the PlayStation Plus subscription on the PS4. In this mode things are a bit trickier, as you need great timing and coordination in order to make sure that enemies won't overwhelm one player or the other.

In terms of visuals, Resogun might be one of the prettiest games on the PS4 so far, delivering a stunning experience thanks to its great voxel-based graphics. The small cubes shatter and behave in a variety of colorful ways instantly making the whole experience, particularly the end-level one, look nothing short of epic.

The soundtrack is dominated by electro and dubstep music which perfectly complements the hectic action on-screen. Props go to the hilarious dialog portions uttered by the humans and the female announcer that signals your losses.

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Destroy big bosses ...
... and destroy everything


Resogun is one of the best games on the PS4 so far. Its gameplay is fun and hectic, its visuals are stunning, and it instantly draws in others to the game. It's a shame that a local cooperative multiplayer isn't present, like in Super Stardust, and that there are just a few levels, even though they can constantly be replayed.

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story 7
gameplay 9
concept 10
graphics 10
audio 10
multiplayer 10
final rating 9.5
Editor's review
NEXT REVIEW: Gran Turismo 6