Manage Your Income, Debts and Expenses

very good
key review info
application features
  • Brand new, more intuitive interface. An easier interface means less time figuring out the program, and more time paying off your debts.
  • (1 more, see all...)

These days, it all comes down to money, since everything is for sale, and absolutely everything has a price, which makes it so that what you have defines you as an individual. Given all this, don’t bother hiring someone to tell how much you should spend or, as a matter of fact, how much you should earn. Debtinator is a great application that will calculate these things for you, and will provide you with the best advice on managing expenses and earnings.

The Looks

Debtinator has a very intuitive and easy to use interface. The menu is extremely simple, which is something you can notice the first time you open the application. In the upper part of the Debtinator window, you will see the menu containing the following tabs: Accounts, Transfers, Debts, Expenses, Income, Reports and Graphs. Each of these tabs is ready to have your financial information input in it, to perform calculations and then show you where your money is going in a report or graph mode.

The Works

Under the Accounts tab, you can add or delete your currently active accounts. Just click on the "+" or "-" button in the bottom left corner of the application. When adding a new account, Debtinator needs to know how much your balance is, as well as the minimum balance, the interest rate, and even the annual maintenance fee. It will use these numbers to later show you where every cent is going.

In the Transfers tab, as its name implies, you have to add transfers between your accounts. Debtinator will need to know the amount you transfer, from which to which account, the date of the transfer, and whether it is repetitive or not. However, it is the Debts and Expenses tabs that are bound to put a damper on your good mood. Here, you have to enter all your expenses, whether they are bills, loan paybacks, food expenses or anything else. The Debts tab offers both a simple and a complex view, and you can change one for the other by clicking on the options icon in the bottom left corner of the application. 

Every debt you enter must contain information about the due date, repeat rule, APR, annual fee, balance, minimum payment and the account it should be paid from. The complex view offers a few more tabs, where you can enter details on rates, minimum and maximum payment, monthly fee, interest rate and much more. Obviously, there’s a lot of data relating to your finances that you have to enter in the application, but rest assured that every piece of information will allow Debtinator to perform more accurate and useful calculations.

The Expenses tab is as important as the rest of the tabs. This is where you’ll enter expenses for rent, food, fun, shopping, but also unforeseen expenses (such as, a trip, a parking ticket, a birthday gift for someone etc). After you let Debtinator know about your Income, it will have everything ready to generate a report and a graph for you. The Income tab is pretty easy to fill out. Just insert the amount you’re making, specify the account it should be deposited in, the payday and set the repeat rule. If you have more than one income, add each by clicking on the “+” icon.

After you have input all this detailed information about your finances, Debtinator can present you with some great reports about the highest or the lowest interest payment plan, the highest or lowest fees payment plan, and much more. You can generate reports to include all the fields, or only separate fields (debts, expenses, income, transfers), while you can also choose to have the reports in color-code rows for a better view. The Graphs tab will display the generated reports in graph view, thus helping you better come to terms with all the financial information you have displayed there. The Preference window of the application allows you to Backup your files since, naturally, it would be a complete waste of time and a downright shame to have entered all those details on loans, bills and everything else, and then lose it all by accident. Fortunately, Debtinator takes this into consideration as well, and provides you with a backup utility, just in case.

The Good

I can already imagine myself using Debtinator, and can’t wait to see where my money is going. Every month, I somehow manage to run out of money a lot sooner than I initially anticipate and, naturally, when there’s still a lot to go until the next paycheck. Since Debtinator will offer exact information of the money spent, hopefully, I’ll make good use of all the details it provides.

The Bad

Debtinator is a great tool for managing your finances but, in order to do this, you have to enter all the details the application needs, and – rest assured – there is a lot of information that must be input. The entire process may seem a little boring and time-consuming, but it still has to be done.

The Truth

Debtinator is shareware and you’ll have to pay $15 in order to use the Graph functions more than three times. Since I’m pretty sure you could save more than $15 by using this application, in my opinion, you should give Debtinator a try.

Here are some snapshots of the application in action:

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user interface 4
features 4
ease of use 4
pricing / value 4

final rating 4
Editor's review
very good