Safekeeping Passwords

very good
key review info
application features
  • Store passwords and sensitive information
  • (1 more, see all...)

Passwords are extremely important nowadays. We are constantly trying to protect them in one way or the other. The only problem is that with all the accounts you have to create, you cannot use the same password every time and even the old ones need to be changed from time to time. This way, you will be the only one using your account.

But what can you do when you have to remember about twenty or thirty passwords and the accounts they go to? Obviously, you cannot put them on a piece of paper in front of the computer. Writing them down in a text file is also not too great of an idea.

One solution involves a text editor and an archiving utility. Thus you can encrypt the archive and remember only one password. But that's not too effective either as every time you need a password, you will have to browse your computer for the archive and open it. A viable option would be using a password manager. You can keep a shortcut on the desktop and the location will be much easier to remember. You will only need one keyword to unlock the door to all the other passwords.

The problem would be that most password managers are not providing you with all the options you need and that they are not free. Well, with the software I am going to present, the money problem is solved as it is free of charge. The name of the application is Agile Password Manager and it is developed by SoftJamboree.

Although it is free, Agile Password Manager will offer an organized manner of keeping your passwords and usernames of the myriad of your accounts. The first thing you need to do after launching the application is creating a user. The warning of the developer in this stage is that the password must be of at least four characters.

The options on the first screen of the software are creating a new user, changing the password for an existing user and deleting one of the users. None of these actions can be accomplished without the login password.

The program consists of five sections, each of them dedicated for storing a different type of password: personal, business, web, financial and other. This way, the users will find the required passwords with more ease. For finding the right keys, the application made available an additional field when adding a new password, username and URL. Description allows typing in something to define and remind you of the account the data is for.

A feature that most password managers seem to include lately is the password generator. It can create passwords up to 32 characters which can be both upper and lower case letters, as well as numbers and special characters like !@#$%^&*()_+|-=[]{};:",./?. You can select only one of these options or all of them for creating a super strong password. The best thing is that after generating it, you just have to click OK and it will be automatically added to the specified username.

Adding the password to the web account is easy as all you have to do is perform a copy/paste operation. Every time you want to gain access to one of your accounts all you have to do is open Agile Password Manager, select the desired account and click on the URL button in the right hand corner of the window. The page will open in the default browser and you will be able to insert all the required data.

A downside of the application is that when adding the password, you will have to edit the information so that you can copy the password. There is no right click menu available to provide you with an option for copying the password and the username.

The passwords are hidden in viewing mode and when switching to Edit, they are visible. Of course, if you have a 32 characters password, it would be pretty difficult for someone to remember it.

The Good

The application is easy to handle and looks pretty good. If you add the fact that it is free and can store a myriad of data, you've got yourself a pretty good password manager.

The Bad

The only baddie would be the lack of right click menu allowing you to copy the username and password to clipboard, instead of editing the accounts. But it is not a major drawback so it will not affect the rating significantly.

What bothered me a little was the placing of the minimize and closing buttons in the left side of the application window.

A major downfall is the fact that the application is not equipped with a search tool. I stored data for 63 accounts. I think that in this case, a search tool would have come in extremely handy. But think that there are users that joggle with more than 20 accounts (financial and web mostly).

The Truth

Nice application and useful too. The baddies mentioned above are not for the average user, so I recommend trying the application and see if it suits you.

Here are some snapshots of the application in action:

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user interface 5
features 4
ease of use 5
pricing / value 5

final rating 4
Editor's review
very good