Shortcuts Have Just Been Made Easier

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Shortcut Heaven

I thought I'd start off by mentioning that v2.0 isn't backward compatible with v1.6 or earlier, so if you do have any of the previous versions, watch out. The most important of these aspects is "All v2.0 versions will NOT accept v1.6 or earlier registration keys." As long as most users who've used Cool Tabs know this, then everything should be in order.

Is it practical?

The bottom line is, yes, it is definitely practical. After the quick install and mandatory reboot, I set some options and was on my way to having a sleeker, smoother and definitely cleaner looking desktop. I chose the 'Water Drop' theme to go along with the rest of my watery background and I have to say it fit in quite well. I didn't even realize this about CoolTabs 2 until I used the function, but for those that enjoy personalizing any and every aspect of your computer, this program is skinnable.

This tiny application will help you tidy your desktop, but I'm sure you already knew that from the program info. This is a power user's dream. If you like to have a clean desktop (as most of you should but none of you actually do), then here's a program that will honestly help you out.

The whole idea is kind of like Windows Explorer just wrapped up in a tidy little package that's easier to use, friendlier and better looking. It's an easy way to configure your computer for quick file access. It's like a little box where you can store all your goodies and get to them in a timely manner.

Let's go into some detail. You can basically set the default location of CoolTabs on any part of your screen (and if you don't like it, you can then move to a better part). Aside from being able to adjust the size of your icons, you're able to create more than one dock for your computer browsing needs.

The whole concept is based on having a dock, then inside the dock you have specialized tabs where you can store cells (shortcuts of icons that you put in). It's all very easy once you start setting everything up to your liking.

I guess I like this program because it puts me in charge of what I want to have access to without messing up my desktop too much. It's direct access to information already on my computer but it saves me eight or nine clicks to get where I'm trying to go.

I think this program is practical in every way. I don't need to launch an FTP client when I can easily drag files over an ftp-shortcut that I already use. This also works on email shortcuts I create. I liked the fact that whenever I right clicked within CoolTabs, it let me choose between my dock menu and my shell menu, it gives you a lot more options to work with.

I don't want to pump up this program too much because it does have some drawbacks to it. It sounds like an ideal organizer for any user, but I had some troubles with some aspects of it.

What it could use

I wish it had multiple drag-and-drops instead of doing on individually. It's a hassle whenever I try to drag more than 5 files and I can't drag-and-drop them all at the same time.

When I did open it up with my Shell Menu after Right-Clicking, I realized that I could do all the things in the menu. A big drawback was that I couldn't delete the shortcuts using my shell menu. Apparently "Deleting is not safe." Well, ok, I don't know what to say about that.

The Good

It's a great little program that will cut time and effort from your file searches and overall computer navigation. It has drag-and drop functionality which saves time along with a cool option to make the dock itself transparent. You can even set hotkeys, colors, fonts, textures.

The Bad

If it only supported more than one file maximum drag-and-drops, it would be awesome. There are also some slight problems when trying to delete with your Shell Menu.

The Truth

Even though this program has some minor problems, you shouldn't let that influence your reason not to use it. It's practical, it's flexible, adaptable and it's freakin sweet. Power users will enjoy the quick ability to get to files while novices will clean the clutter they're already built on their desktops.

Check out some screenshots below.

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user interface 4
features 5
ease of use 4
pricing / value 2

final rating 4
Editor's review
very good

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