This way the company can split its business in 2 different areas

Oct 8, 2013 01:46 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft keeps looking for someone to take over from Steve Ballmer and become the next company CEO, but Rick Sherlund, an analyst with Nomura Research, has a much more interesting solution.

What if Microsoft appoints two different CEOs and split its business in two different areas that could be managed much easier, he asked in a statement for GeekWire.

While Alan Mulally remains his number one choice for Microsoft’s CEO seat, Sherlund also pointed to former company executive Paul Maritz who could take care of the cloud business.

“Mr. Mulally could mind the store and manage changes in the business while the exciting development work is managed by Mr. Maritz. We think that this is a match that could work, and that investors would obviously be thrilled if it came about.”

This is indeed a pretty interesting idea that might actually work if Microsoft brings in the right people, but given the fact that the company is in the middle of a transition process to devices and services, no one wants to embrace such a risky idea.