Explore the infinitely generating areas of a Mandelbrot Set

May 12, 2015 14:49 GMT  ·  By

Don’t judge a book by its cover, just like you’re not supposed to judge anything you know nothing about. For instance, there’s an application that makes you think twice when considering math a useless part of science, or subject in school.

Some time ago, a guy named Benoit Mandelbrot developed a passion for math and came up with an expression that, if fractal represented, lets you infinitely zoom in without losing image quality, and always generating new areas. As such, the Mandelbrot Set is born.

It’s pretty difficult to explain, with the experience being best discovered by yourself. Here’s what this application can do.

An infinite, psychedelic, scientific journey

The first thing you need to do is download and install Fractal eXtreme.

Choose one of the many different algorithms for infinite zooming. There’s also the Julia mode that is a variation of each set, thus doubling your initial options.

Zoom in with the mouse wheel. As long as it’s not an area filled with a single color tone, chances are you don’t run into the same configuration twice.

Options give you the possibility to change colors and the way they appear. Moreover, size and quality can also be adjusted for a better experience.

Zoom Movies are done by navigating to a certain location and depth, while the application records, processes, and bundles up each frame with the possibility to save an AVI file.

Possibilities are endless. The only thing you need to keep an eye on is the CPU, because zooming it too much can put a considerable amount of pressure on it.

Options and areas to explore (3 Images)

Mandelbrot Set
Color EffectsMultiple different sets
Open gallery