Liquor company embraces Microsoft’s latest OS version

Oct 14, 2013 21:56 GMT  ·  By

Liquor company Campari is the latest important name that makes the move to Windows 8, as it decided to provide sales and marketing workers with HP ElitePad 900 tablets.

In case you’re wondering how come a company like Campari decided to embrace Windows 8, it’s because it reportedly needs Microsoft Office which, as you know, can be used exclusively on Windows.

The good thing, on the other hand, is that Microsoft is thus managing to gain more users, especially in the eve of the Windows 8.1 launch scheduled to take place on October 18.

However, Microsoft will launch Office for iPads too, which could cause more problems to Redmond in case Apple’s own tablets can thus boost their productivity side. It remains to be seen, however, if Microsoft really manages to boost sales of its new Surface 2 tablets using the same emphasis on the productivity features of its new devices.