The upcoming stability release aims to fix issues with out of process plugins

Aug 16, 2012 15:11 GMT  ·  By

Opera 12.50 is shaping up as a nice upgrade over the now "old" Opera 12, but it's still going to be a while before it's available. In the meantime, users that care more about the stability of their browser than cutting-edge features are sticking to Opera 12.01.

However, for the most discerning of users, there is now a version that offers all of the instability of an experimental build without all of the annoying new features and technologies, that's right, it's the first Opera 12.02 snapshot.

As the name gives it away, Opera 12.02 will be another stability update and won't really bring anything new. Except perhaps, fewer headaches for some uses, as Opera 12.02 promises to fix some problems with out-of-process plugins (OoPP).

It's ironic perhaps, since OoPP is designed to minimize problems with plugins, but the feature causes freezes on some pages for some users. Opera doesn't have a proper fix for this just yet, but it's come up with a workaround for Windows 32 users. Win 64 users will have to bear a little longer though since OoPP is needed for 32-bit plugin support. Other OSs are not affected.

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