Developer discovers jokes and Easter eggs in the original code released by Microsoft

Mar 27, 2014 15:42 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft yesterday announced that it’s releasing the source code of MS-DOS and Word to the Internet as part of a project with the Computer History Museum, in a move that was supposed to allow IT students to study the evolution of technology in the last decades.

Of course, it shouldn’t be surprising that plenty of developers accessed the code to study the way Bill Gates and his friends worked during the ‘80s, but Leon Zandman has come across plenty of jokes, Easter eggs and interesting comments that were hiding inside the source code.

While it’s pretty clear that developers were using the F word quite a lot those days, one of the comments say that Word was “coded inline because we’re gods,” while another one calls Microsoft’s co-founder Bill ‘Shake’ Spear for writing a poem in the source code of the app.

Some people were dumb simply because they were using a Novell Network, while the F word is being used several times probably to describe some issues that developers came across when working on the source code.

You can see all the Easter eggs on Zandman’s page, but viewer discretion is advised, as some of the words included in the code could be considered obscene.