Google has released an updated beta version of the browser

Mar 20, 2014 07:22 GMT  ·  By

Google today released a new beta version of its Chrome browser, thus providing users of all platforms with an updated build that comes to address the majority of bugs found in older releases.

Google Chrome 34.0.1847.76 “fixes a number of crashes and other bugs,” according to Daniel Xie, a developer working on the browser, which means that users who were previously running the beta and experiencing issues with the app should try this build to see whether the problems have been fixed or not.

Among the bugs that were fixed in this version, there’s also an issue who caused Flash problems due to incorrect video acceleration configuration, so enhanced stability and performance when playing rich media should be experienced after updating.

Overall, this is clearly a necessary update for all users who were running the beta, but keep in mind that it’s still in development stage, so a number of bugs and performance issues could still exist in the app.

This means that beginners and those less advanced should go for the stable build of Chrome that’s expected to provide better stability and a bug-free experience on all supported platforms. Check out the download links below to get the version you need right away.

Download Google Chrome 34.0.1847.76 for Windows

Download Google Chrome 34.0.1847.76 for Linux

Download Google Chrome 34.0.1847.76 for Mac OS X