The company will continue to add new options to the built-in search feature

Jul 22, 2013 07:56 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has debuted a completely redesigned search tool in Windows 8.1 that can look for information not only on the local drives, but also online and in your SkyDrive account.

The company says in a new post that improving the search feature was a priority for the company, especially because it wants users to find the content they need faster than before.

“By using the features built into the SearchBox, such as history and suggestions, taking advantage of the flexibility of an in-app control, and creating well-designed results pages, you’ll give users a reliable way to get to exactly the content they want at exactly time that they want it. That’s power and efficiency your users will appreciate,” Jon Gordner, senior program manager lead, Windows, explained.

In addition, the company has also confirmed that it plans to improve the search option to look inside apps as well, in order to provide a complete search experience to Windows 8.1 adopters.