The company has launched an app that tracks the Indian elections taking place this year

May 5, 2014 20:51 GMT  ·  By

If you're looking into ways to track the Indian elections taking place this year, Microsoft has got you covered. The company recently released a Windows 8 app with the help of IBLive that allows you to do just that, all from the Modern UI of your Windows 8 device.

As WinBeta is reporting, the app allows you to quickly search for a candidate, party or constituency, take the daily election opinion poll and view recent polls, follow candidates on Twitter, read news, view photos and watch videos provided by IBNLive and view interactive stats concerning the elections.

Since it can also work on Windows 8 devices, the application comes with some specific features aimed at the modern operating system, including options to share your favorite news, photos and videos using the built-in charm, as well as options to save the most interesting stories to the device.

Of course, the app is available at absolutely no cost, so you can download India Elections 2014 for Windows 8.1 right now to try out its feature lineup for yourself. It offers support for both Windows 8 and Windows RT, so if you've already purchased a Surface RT tablet, you can give a try to this app as well.