The company is trying to support EV adoption by its workers

Aug 8, 2013 09:06 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has already launched its very own electric vehicle charging program to provide employees with charging stations for their EVs, so the company is now providing more details about its future efforts.

At this point, there are 11 so-called electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) stations in the Redmond campus, with statistics showing that the Softies buy 30 new EVs every month.

As a result, the company plans to add several new charging stations in the next 12 months, just to make sure that all employees can recharge their car batteries while at work.

“More than 30 new electric vehicles are registered by Microsoft employees each month, however the exact number of EV drivers is difficult to determine as some drivers choose not to register their vehicle and use the charging facilities available. Due to growing demand and greater use, there is a plan to add more stations in the next 12 months,” Microsoft’s Josh Henretig explained.