The company has rolled out another commercial for the Surface 2

Apr 30, 2014 20:35 GMT  ·  By

If you're asking Microsoft, the Surface 2 is the perfect device for everything in this world, so you shouldn't be too surprised to see the company advertising the tablet as the right tool for wedding planners.

Surprisingly, the company is using a video that's at least a few months old to showcase the story of a wedding planner called Ashley who uses the Surface to do her work wherever she is.

Of course, this is just another marketing attempt of Microsoft to promote the Surface, but it's still a nice opportunity to learn about some different ways of using the tablet.

“A big part of Ashlee’s job is communication. She has to share pictures of her ideas with her clients, keep their feedback organized and make sure that both she and the couple getting married are all on the same page. Excel, OneNote and the camera app play major roles in Ashlee’s days; all of these make her job easier and allow her to explain her vision to her clients for their big day. In the end true love wins and it’s really cool to see Surface 2 play a part in that,” the company said.

You can watch the video rolled out by Microsoft in October 2013 below and do not forget to share your thoughts on the Surface 2 tablet in the comment box after the jump.