Integrates hardware acceleration improvements for all supported platforms

Jul 19, 2012 13:18 GMT  ·  By

A new snapshot of Marling, Opera 12.50, has been released for testing purposes. The new build is packed with fixes but it also features improvements as far as hardware acceleration and HTML5 drag and drop are concerned.

The list of repairs for this revision is quite large and addresses issues specific to each supported individually (Windows, Mac and Linux), but there is also a common ground.

With regards to hardware acceleration, the problems solved include crashes on startup and text, painting and scroll performance fixes.

In the case of HTML5, the mending refers to issues such as crashes on startup for some users, failing mouse gestures on tab if the mouse leaves tab area or drag and drop alert box not closing immediately away when clicking OK. Furthermore, the address field can now be dragged for customization dialog.

Check the full change log for Windows and Mac.

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