Windows XP is still experiencing a terrific success on BitTorrent trackers

Oct 10, 2013 09:41 GMT  ·  By

Windows XP will soon reach its end-of-support, but millions of users around the world are still running it right now, even though they have lots of other Windows versions to choose from.

While market share statistics indicate that Windows XP is powering more than 30 percent of computers worldwide, the success the OS launched 11 years ago is enjoying right now can also be seen by simply checking download stats of the top BitTorrent trackers out there.

At this point, Windows XP remains one of the most downloaded pirated Windows versions out there, not necessarily because it’s easier to crack, as some might say, but because it’s still very popular among users around the world.

Windows XP, for example, has more seeders and leechers than Windows 8.1, while Windows 7 clearly remains the top choice for everyone, with thousands of downloads recorded every day.