A new version released today comes to fix important bugs in the app

Sep 23, 2013 06:47 GMT  ·  By

Rainmeter has just received a new update that brings important bug fixes on Windows workstations, thus trying to provide users with a better experience regardless of the OS version they are running.

The system information tool has been pushed to version 3.0.0 Rev 2094 Beta, now fixing “a problem with a defined ‘default’ value not working with SKIN:GetVariable() and meter:GetOption(),” as the developing team points out.

Even though it might sound a bit too technical, the update is actually supposed to solve some of the issues experienced by users in the previous 3.0 builds, so everyone is recommended to deploy the update as soon as possible.

Otherwise, don’t forget that Rainmeter 3.0 is still in beta stage, which means that a number of bugs might still be experienced under certain circumstances.

Download Rainmeter 3.0.0 Rev 2094 Beta for Windows