Get the Windows 10 browser look in Mozilla Firefox

Dec 1, 2016 09:22 GMT  ·  By

​Windows 10 users who want the simple look of Microsoft Edge but can’t get rid of Mozilla’s Firefox can now combine the two with a free theme that customizes the interface of the browser.

Basically, you can make Mozilla Firefox look just like Microsoft Edge, all by installing a simple theme file and without feeling like losing anything from the browser.

“Firefox Edge is a theme for Mozilla Firefox that closely replicates the look of Microsoft Edge (both light & dark themes) without losing any features of Firefox. The theme is applied only to the top level visuals, meaning that context, popup etc. menus will keep their default look,” the developer of the theme says in a post on Github.

The theme has already been tested on Windows 10 and Firefox 50, but it should work flawlessly on the latest versions of the browser and the newer builds of Microsoft’s operating system.

If you want to install the theme on your computer, what you need to do is install the Stylish addon for Firefox and then go to the Firefox Edge userstyles page. Choose between light or dark (check out the screenshots below to see what they both look like) and then click the “Install with Stylish” button.

It goes without saying that this theme is completely free, so give it a try right now to see if the minimalistic look of Microsoft Edge matches your own Firefox style.

This is what the theme looks like in dark mode
This is what the theme looks like in dark mode
And this is the light version that looks like the default Edge
And this is the light version that looks like the default Edge

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Firefox Edge is a free theme for Firefox users
This is what the theme looks like in dark modeAnd this is the light version that looks like the default Edge
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