Three essential Windows 10 apps updated today

Dec 17, 2015 10:43 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft keeps improving Windows 10 apps on a regular basis, so today the company has rolled out updates for three of these programs, but as per the new release schedule, there is no change log included.

Mail and Calendar, the Store, and Messaging + Skype have all been updated today, so fire up the store and look in the Downloads and updates section to get them right away (note that if you’ve previously configured Windows 10 to automatically download and install app updates, then the new versions might already be there on your PC).

The Store update is particularly interesting because it’s supposed to improve the overall reliability of the application while also adding some other small tweaks that are yet to be fully discovered right now.

The Store app has also received an update on Windows 10 Mobile, which includes tweaks such as support for landscape mode without a hamburger menu, so the PC update could also come with other small gems like these too.

As usual, everyone is recommended to download and install these app updates as soon as possible even if there’s no change log included, but since they bring fixes, performance could be significantly improved and some of the bugs that have previously been there should no longer exist. More such updates are expected to arrive in the coming days as well.