Lumia 520 listed with shocking price on Microsoft website

Oct 16, 2015 10:05 GMT  ·  By

Lumia 520 was, is, and will continue to be the number one Windows Phone device on the market for a little bit longer, despite the fact that it’s a low-end model, but its price is the main factor for becoming a best-seller in several countries across the globe.

But the very same price changed overnight to turn the Lumia 520 from one of the most affordable models to the most expensive one, as the Microsoft website revealed that anyone could buy it for no less than 8 million dollars (7 million Euro).

As you can see in the photo published by BI today, the model launched in April 2013 comes with what’s clearly the biggest price ever for a mobile phone, even though the device was initially available for approximately $100 (80 Euro).

Obviously, it was just another mistake made by Microsoft (it seems to be mistakes day at Microsoft this Friday), and the company explained that it was all caused by a script that didn’t read the price range correctly. It turns out that the script was actually supposed to show the starting price of the device - $79.89 and the biggest price at retailers - $112.50, which forms the $7,989,112.50 price displayed on the page.

Microsoft has since corrected the problem and the accurate price of the device is now displayed on the website, so if you do want to buy the Lumia 520 right now, you don’t have to sell your house, your cars, and your kidneys for this.