Redmond releases a new pack of app updates for Windows 10

Dec 10, 2015 09:53 GMT  ·  By

It’s that day again when Microsoft releases a new pack of updates for Windows 10 apps in its search for improved performance and fewer bugs.

Today, Xbox, Microsoft Photos, Windows Alarms & Clock, Get Office, Movies & TV have all received updates in the store, so make sure you download and install them as soon as possible.

And now the big question: what’s new in these updates? Unfortunately, that’s really hard to tell, pretty much because Microsoft no longer provides release notes unless there’s something really worth mentioning. In other words, this new batch of updates is all about bug fixing and performance improvements, and that means the possibility of getting new features is rather low.

In the last few app updates, Microsoft actually added some minor new options here and there, but without a change log, it’s up to users to discover them.

On the other hand, it’s still a good thing that Microsoft updates these apps so often, given the fact that it needs Windows 10 adopters to use them as much as possible. Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella himself has said that it takes more time for universal apps to gain traction, so frequent updates could be part of the strategy to attract more users into running them.

As a conclusion, even though no release notes are available, you should still get these updates, so fire up the store, go to the Downloads and updates section, and get them right away.