AV column should no longer show up after hiding it

Jan 12, 2012 15:01 GMT  ·  By

The latest stable build for uTorrent for Windows has been released a few days ago, but it wasn’t until today that the developer made available the release notes on their forum.

uTorrent 3.1 stable (build 26650) shows a brief set of changes, and all of them are in fact fixes. At the top of the list is showing the conversions node after showing the hidden Category Tree devices node.

The graphical user interface has been slightly modified in this release, as the bandwidth allocation menu is now updated after user change. Last on the list is an issue that caused the AV column to pop up even if the user would hide it.

BitTorrent, the company developing uTorrent, has recently reached the 150 million monthly active users milestone.

You can download uTorrent from this page