New update released today for Windows phones

Jul 20, 2016 08:44 GMT  ·  By

WhatsApp has just received a new update on Windows phones, and although the change log doesn’t say too much about what’s been repaired or improved in this release, it turns out that this version comes with a pretty important fix.

The new WhatsApp for Windows Phone version addresses connection issues with WhatsApp Web reported by so many users, so you can finally chat with your friends using your PC easily.

Also experienced on iOS, the WhatsApp Web bug interrupted the connection between your phone and the servers, so messages were no longer sent and received all of a sudden in the middle of a conversation. The workaround here was to manually unlock the phone and open WhatsApp and the active conversation, then the synchronization was restored, and everything was working once again.

Thanks to this new update, the bug should no longer be there, and WhatsApp Web should now work correctly with Windows phones, so users experiencing issues in this regard are recommended to install the latest version as soon as possible. The update is available in the store and can be downloaded freely by anyone already running WhatsApp on a Windows phone.

WhatsApp is one of the companies that are supporting Windows phones and releasing updates for their apps on a regular basis, with new features and improvements landing almost on a weekly basis.