Apps filed under: talking Avatar

  RSS Feed for this tag 3 applications totalLast updated: May 22nd 2018, 12:53 GMT

  • 8.57 MB

AvarPoint 2.0

Enhance your PowerPoint presentations with the help of a customizable avatar that can convert text...

May 22nd 2018, 12:53 GMT
Windows 10 64 bit / Windows 10 / Windows 8 64 bit / Windows 8 / Windows 7 64 bit / Windows 7 / Windows Vista 64 bit / Windows Vista / Windows XP 64 bit / Windows XP
  • 8.79 MB

AvarWord 1.0

Convert text to speech and and have your presentations held by a custom avatar with the help of th...

May 22nd 2018, 09:02 GMT
Windows 10 64 bit / Windows 10 / Windows 8 64 bit / Windows 8 / Windows 7 64 bit / Windows 7 / Windows Vista 64 bit / Windows Vista / Windows XP 64 bit / Windows XP
  • 4.08 MB
Blabber for Skype

Blabber for Skype 090623.2120 Beta

Plug-in animated talking Avatar system for Skype conversations

Jul 4th 2009, 10:42 GMT
Windows Vista / Windows XP