Finderbar Changelog

What's new in Finderbar 1.5

Jul 24, 2008
  • This version have new command "SendHotkey" - it sends custom keys ans strings. You can send to the active window, as examples, Ctrl Ali Shift r or the string "Hello world!". The strings and letters can be automatically localised, see detailed info in the help file.
  • Commands "SelectMenuItem" and "SelectMenuItemNumber" gets access to standard menus of target window. Note, that some "toolbars" menus are not accessable. Use the command "SendHotkey" for those menus.
  • Command "RunPath" starts any executable, shortcut or document. Use it with full path to the target file as "hotkey" (parameter).
  • If you add you code in the file plugins.ahk , it will be executed. Use it to add your new subroutines (as new "commands" for Finderbar)