GRBackPro Changelog

What's new in GRBackPro 10.0.245

Dec 23, 2022
  •  Fixed: When you manually Run an Event from the Scheduler panel you get a message that states that the event is already under execution.
  •  Fixed: On the Email/Support dialog it was not possible to change the login method.

New in GRBackPro 10.0.242 (Nov 23, 2022)

  • Fixed: Wake-up feature sometimes didn't work.
  •  Changed: The full backup delete phase execution speed has been improved.
  •  Fixed: The skip folder names feature sometimes didn't work.
  •  Fixed: The Report / OnChange Statistics / Activity Statistic didn't correctly resize the width of the items.
  •  Fixed: Occasionally when the computer is woken-up AND the "At Backup End" action is "Suspend" or "Hibernate", the operation could fail.
  •  Fixed: When more than a single session was specified in the Scheduler Event the second or successive sessions could not be executed.

New in GRBackPro 10.0.240 (Nov 21, 2022)

  • Fixed: Wake-up feature sometimes didn't work.
  • Changed: The full backup delete phase execution speed has been improved.
  • Fixed: The skip folder names feature sometimes didn't work.
  • Fixed: The Report / OnChange Statistics / Activity Statistic didn't correctly resize the width of the items.
  • Fixed: Occasionally when the computer is woken-up AND the "At Backup End" action is "Suspend" or "Hibernate", the operation could fail.
  • Fixed: When more than a single session was specified in the Scheduler Event the second or successive sessions could not be executed.

New in GRBackPro 10.0.228 (Oct 14, 2022)

  • Fixed: When used together with OnChange the History deep number of folders was 1 less the specified number.
  • Fixed: When using the OnChange backup mode after some time the GDI used objects grown and could led to computer slowness.
  • Fixed: When the "Locked file copy" option is active and the backup Job has compression disabled the backup run took longer to complete.

New in GRBackPro 10.0.220 (Sep 18, 2022)

  • Fixed: Update checking problem.

New in GRBackPro 10.0.214 (Sep 15, 2022)

  • Fixed: When running as a Service the program erroneously issued this error: "The specified Service credentials are not the Built-In Administrative ones!
  • Fixed: Bug on sending out email when STATTLS was used on some smtp servers
  • Fixed: The license details are not shown on the About dialog.
  • Fixed: When running as a Service the option in Backup / Administrator Options "Execute at Windows start as Administrator (Elevated)" must be disabled.
  • Fixed: Verify Backup displayed errors when History was active.
  • Fixed: When the option "Execute at Windows Start as Administrator (Elevated)" is active (Backup/Administrator Options/Global Options) but the task is deleted for any reason, then at the program start the task is re-created.
  • Fixed: When you have the option "verify archives or files after the backup completion" and you start a single Job among a list of many Jobs then the verify tries to verify all Jobs.
  • Fixed: When History mode is active the verify function would fail.
  • Fixed: Buffer overflow on adding lines to the program log.
  • Fixed: If the "verify archives or files after the backup completion" option was changed during a backup the new value was not taken into consideration.
  • Added: when you resize the screen the left menu button disappeared.
  • Changed: The history folder name HIST_NN calculation has been totally rewritten due to random problems.
  • Fixed: The handling of the Restart Elevated has been changed and improved. There were situations where the application didn't started Elevated.
  • Fixed: The setup has been modified to correctly handle the Windows Task Scheduler task creation.

New in GRBackPro 10.0.200 (Aug 1, 2022)

  • Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 100% compatible
  • New rewritten UI modern and easier to use
  • New customizable colors and program items fonts
  • Zip AES 256 ciphered compression compatible with WinZip
  • New Add/Edit Job dialog
  • Added credentials at Job level in order to be able to reach networks with different credentials than the currently logged on user
  • New OnChange backup strategy. Real-Time backup of your files.
  • New skip file and folder names more user friendly dialog
  • Many internal optimizations and bug fixes
  • Minimum Windows version supported is XP SP3 (for 32 bit versions only)
  • New Report log strategy with separated log files for each run

New in GRBackPro 9.3.13 (Dec 21, 2021)

  • Fixed: many little internal rare bugs.
  • Fixed: the file/folder browser has been updated to also show connected cellular phones and other special devices.

New in GRBackPro 9.3.8 (Nov 6, 2021)

  • Fixed: When restarted "As Administrator" to execute a backup the backup didn't start.

New in GRBackPro 9.3.6 (Nov 4, 2021)

  • Fixed: If user-changed settings required a restart "As Administrator" it crashed.
  • Fixed: Sometimes the Add/Edit Job wizard failed to save the changed options (mainly in check boxes).

New in GRBackPro 9.3.2 (Oct 21, 2021)

  • Fixed: During restore if one or more files were restored the item color in the Progress tab was not set to yellow.
  • Fixed: During verify if the backup is OK (test passed) the item color in the Progress tab was not set to green.
  • Changed: The behavior of the message center is changed. No more balloon messages are issued but a counter inside the icon has been added.
  • Fixed: Minor problems on the Scheduler tab.
  • Changed: When you disable the scheduler and there are one or more active events defined the program will now issue a message on the Windows message notifications.
  • Fixed: Check boxes text were sometime drawn as bold.
  • Fixed: The Add/Edit Job dialog didn't handle correctly all the check boxes.

New in GRBackPro 9.3.1 (Oct 19, 2021)

  • Fixed: During restore if one or more files were restored the item color in the Progress tab was not set to yellow.
  • Fixed: During verify if the backup is OK (test passed) the item color in the Progress tab was not set to green.
  • Changed: The behavior of the message center is changed. No more balloon messages are issued but a counter inside the icon has been added.
  • Fixed: Minor problems on the Scheduler tab.
  • Changed: When you disable the scheduler and there are one or more active events defined the program will now issue a message on the Windows message notifications.
  • Fixed: Check boxes text were sometime drawn as bold.

New in GRBackPro 9.1.2 (Jul 14, 2021)

  • Added: The full path of the executable file has been added to the backup log.
  • Changed: the code that try to search for the process that could lock a file has been improved in speed.
  • Fixed: On first installation the program erroneously stated that a backup was not executed since 18797 days.

New in GRBackPro 9.1.0 (Jun 10, 2021)

  • Added: New option in the Scheduler Event to force the backup verify.
  • Added: Indication on the "Search For Text" dialog to explain that F3 search for next match.
  • Added: On the Progress tab statistic the number of deleted files.
  • Fixed: Bug on the Progress Tab. Occasionally it could crash the whole application.
  • Changed: The Report tab log rendering has been improved.
  • Fixed: On the Add/Edit Job dialog when a new folder was created it was not then set as the active folder and had to be reselected.
  • Fixed: When the program searches for who is locking a file or folder, the timeout was not checked.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.102 (Apr 12, 2021)

  • Fixed: The option to start GRBackPro at Windows start didn't work correctly in some cases.
  • Added: When there is an access denied error during the backup a message is now shown on the progress tab.
  • Changed: Improved the response time when the user presses the progress tab Abort button.
  • Added: When the program searches in the Progress tabb for who is locking a file, pressing ESC will abort this long search.
  • Added: On the backup log the folders with total file size greater than 200MB are logged with the "BIG size" string.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.92 (Dec 18, 2020)

  • Added: Published Italian Translation.
  • Fixed: Some cosmetics problems on the user interface.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.91 (Dec 1, 2020)

  • Fixed: When executing a Task that terminates a process the log always shown "[Closing Process: The process 'name' was not found!]".
  • Fixed: If the backup session has many Jobs and one of then has a drive not ready problem then the whole backup was aborted.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.86 (Nov 19, 2020)

  • Moved: option "Warn if an Event wasn't executed more than N days" from Options tab to Scheduler tab.
  • Fixed: when the destination path is not ready the error message was issued two times.
  • Changed: The option "Disable the Scheduler (no sessions will run)" has been changed to "Enable the Scheduler".
  • Added: on the Add Event conditions a new option has been added to force backup execution when the retry expires.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.79 (Jul 30, 2020)

  • Changed: The support buttons of the Options tab have been collected inside a support group.
  • Fixed: Minor problem when the web site is not reachable and you check for updates.
  • Fixed: "Email to support" feature when the user has not set any email options.
  • Fixed: When the program tries to back up a locked file on a network drive it could hang.
  • Added: When you try to run a second instance of the program using the same settings the already running instance is now activated (un.hide if hidden).
  • Fixed: Email to support without setting email options failed too often to succeed.
  • Changed: Search for locked file sources is now done only three times in order to save backup processing time.
  • Fixed: Registry backup also try to back up "Virtual Registry" entries that doesn't really exists in the registry.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.78 (Apr 8, 2020)

  • Fixed: When updating the program from the About dialog the new version installation window is not in foreground.
  • Fixed: When you edit a scheduler event the start date is left unchanged.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.77 (Mar 31, 2020)

  • Fixed: The Restore and Verify log show a strange "Backup Method =" string.
  • Fixed: On some foreign languages the program could crash during a backup.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.74 (Feb 13, 2020)

  • Fixed: When the user changes the locale time format then the program automatically conforms to it.
  • Changed: The check for update options dialog has been removed from the Options tab.
  • Changed: The program now checks for updates (if enabled) automatically and if an update is found will notify the user on the Flag button.
  • Added: New option to set how to display times. Choices are Windows Default, 12 hours AM/PM and 24 hours.
  • Fixed: When the Scheduler autostart is enabled and you disable an event (instead of executing it) then the event is disabled but the scheduler still repeatedly tries to restart.
  • Added: Program update check in the About dialog.
  • Fixed: In case of VSS errors the program failed to report the errors.
  • Added: more log entries for the VSS options.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.69 (Dec 2, 2019)

  • Fixed: When GRBackPro needs to restart Elevated but the option "Warn if the scheduler needs the program running" is active then the first copy remains active.
  • Added: Program log entry at backup start with details about the backup type.
  • Changed: Lowered the timeout of the message balloon that appears on the Flag button 3 seconds instead of 10.
  • Fixed: On certain circumstances the error message didn't include the folder/file full path and in case where a folder/file was locked the program failed to check who was locking.
  • Fixed: When both zip compression and synchronization are active, a deleted or renamed source folder isn't reflected on the old destination folder.
  • Fixed: Bug when reporting a file write error.
  • Changed: The log file has been optimized, removing entries which did not display useful details.
  • Changed: When you edit a scheduler event the start date is always set to today.
  • Added: Check to verify matching "" when you type on the Skip Folder names in Adv. Backup tab.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.62 (Aug 4, 2019)

  • Fixed: Crash in a particular situation when a second copy began to run and would then quit.
  • Fixed: Adjusted some errors messages when the user try to back up long paths.
  • Changed: All message boxes have been replaced with a new auto adaptable message box with a new look.
  • Fixed: The Restore tab, Single Files... dialog didn't render the programmed colors.
  • Fixed: The Single Files... restore dialog failed to restore simple files (i.e. not zipped ones)
  • Fixed: Service could not start GRBackPro in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed: Registry access problem from 64 bit applications.
  • Fixed: The 64 bit demo version showed as expired as soon as it was installed.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.56 (Jun 19, 2019)

  • Fixed: Setup of Service on Windows Server.
  • Added: New button on the Options tab to Export the current settings to a file.
  • Added: New button on the Options tab to Import settings from a file.
  • Fixed: Bug implementing the /B and /R command line options.
  • Fixed: Some bugs on handling the automatic program update and upgrade.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.50 (Apr 27, 2019)

  • Fixed: When the program is installed as Service and the user runs the program from the Start menu or from a shortcut GR will issue a warning.
  • Fixed: Setup problem for 64 bit demo version.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.48 (Mar 28, 2019)

  • Fixed: When using the Job synchronization option and doing a full backup then in some cases the destination disk could be wiped out.
  • Fixed: When using the backup simulation option and full backup then the Abort button was not handled.
  • Fixed: When using the History mode, once the programmed number of folders had been reached the program failed to fill the newly created one with the current files.

New in GRBackPro 9.0.46 (Mar 9, 2019)

  • Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 100% compatible
  • New customizable colors with effects
  • Zip AES 256 ciphered compression compatible with WinZip
  • New Add/Edit Job dialog. Many per session options have been moved at Job level
  • New user interface check boxes
  • New user interface buttons
  • New Report tab. The log files are now separated to make them smaller and quickly handled
  • New Report tab. The number of log files to keep can be programmed
  • Added to the backup Job the possibility to skip folder names
  • Zip compression level has been moved to the backup Job
  • Option to move or copy has been moved to the backup Job
  • Clear Archive attribute option has been moved to the backup Job
  • Include system and hidden files option has been moved to the backup Job
  • Include file older or younger than N days options has been moved to the backup Job
  • Include wild chars specific files option has been moved to the backup Job
  • Skip specified wild chars defined files option has been moved to the backup Job
  • Skip specified wild chars defined folders option has been moved to the backup Job
  • Backup security attributes option has been moved to the backup Job
  • Updated registry backup option
  • Added Run pause Task to allow networked computer to restart at a specified time
  • The "At backup completion do" option has been moved to the Scheduler tab that is now accessible during the backup
  • Many internal optimizations and bug fixes
  • Minimum Windows version supported is XP SP3 (for 32 bit versions only)
  • Detection of the program that locks files with reporting on the backup log Report
  • New Report right click popup menu to capture log text and file/folder names to automatically skip
  • Added a confirmation message before to delete a Scheduler Event
  • Added Shield icon on the Backup button when the registry backup is active
  • Added on the Report tab, operation activities list, pressing CTRL-C you can now copy the current log line to the clipboard
  • During a backup run the user can now enable or disable the scheduler
  • The Progress Tab Status column has been modified to provide more information about the file compression or copying method
  • Enhanced Report tab
  • Rearranged some tab options to improve logic and ease of use
  • Added backup Jobs list icons
  • Removed empty Job list button
  • New Add/Edit Job dialog destination tree control
  • Various bug fixes

New in GRBackPro 8.5.5 (Apr 12, 2018)

  • Added: more details in the program log file
  • Fixed: Automatic update version comparison
  • Fixed: Email To Support feature
  • Fixed: Minor internal issues

New in GRBackPro 8.4.33 (Nov 24, 2016)

  • Fixed: When updating a zip archive in certain cases the program issue a CRC error

New in GRBackPro 8.4.27 (Nov 23, 2016)

  • Fixed: Single File Restore dialog bugs

New in GRBackPro 8.4.18 (Nov 22, 2016)

  • Fixed: Bugs on the x64 version due to mixed x86 and x64 code
  • Fixed: Add/Edit Job dialog didn't refresh correctly when regaining the focus

New in GRBackPro 8.4.9 (Aug 22, 2016)

  • Added: Elevation indication on the Title bar when the program is executed as Administrator.
  • Fixed: Weekly and Monthly Scheduler Events when the Event is missed for one or more days because the program was not running.
  • Fixed: At shutdown there was a chance that the .grb file settings would be lost.
  • Fixed: On large destination disks the full backup delete dialog didn't appear.

New in GRBackPro 8.4.5 (Aug 4, 2016)

  • Fixed: Minor problems.
  • Removed: Kagi payment processor from the Demo version.

New in GRBackPro 8.4.3 (Jul 28, 2016)

  • Fixed: Crash when backing up a whole disk.

New in GRBackPro 8.4.0 (Jul 5, 2016)

  • Fixed: using the zip compressor if there is a write error this could be erroneously reported as disk full.
  • Fixed: when including or excluding files or extensions a leading or trailing space wasn't removed and lead to wrong behavior.
  • Fixed: a not existent session could be found on the scheduler event list.
  • Fixed: When pasting Jobs the sort operation was missing.
  • Fixed: Memory eating problem when Restoring or Verifying a backup set.
  • Fixed: If a Job source path no more exists and a Full backup is programmed then an error is issued with a not correct path.

New in GRBackPro 8.3.0 (Jun 9, 2015)

  • Added: Confirmation message before to delete a Scheduler Event.
  • Added: Shield icon on the Backup button when the registry backup is active.
  • Added: On the Report tab, operation activities list, by pressing CTRL-C you can now copy the current log line to the clipboard.
  • Changed: During a backup run the user can now enable or disable the scheduler.
  • Changed: The Progress Tab Status column has been modified to provide more information about the file compression or copying method.
  • Fixed: A beep happened when changing the destination to all Jobs or when creating a new Job.
  • Fixed: The column "Execution Order" in the Jobs tab wasn't being sorted correctly.
  • Fixed: When backing up the root folder of a disk then the destination folder Bak_nn was being created with system and hidden attributes.
  • Fixed: When editing a Scheduled Event the program issued an error message instead of permitting the edit.
  • Fixed: When restoring with Source = "Session folder" but the Folder option is not empty then an incorrect error message was displayed.
  • Fixed: When doing a FULL backup from a root drive to another root drive and the Bak_sd option is OFF, an infinite loop was created while trying to delete the root folder.
  • Fixed: When the program becomes hidden at the end of a backup then a crash could happen.
  • Fixed: When using the single zip archive feature and file names have Latin characters or special characters, the program would issue open file errors.
  • Fixed: The "System Volume Information" folder was not being skipped. When a full backup was run, deletion of this folder on the backup drive would fail.
  • Fixed: When multiple Events are started in sequence and the autostart feature is enabled the Scheduler will sometimes execute an Event twice.
  • Fixed: When creating Big Zip64 files with more than 65535 files inside, the created zip archive has some parameters that don't match the required field but the files are still recoverable (for example winrar and winzip don't see any problem).

New in GRBackPro 8.2.30 (Sep 3, 2014)

  • Added: In Backup simulation the delete operations are now being reported (but not performed).
  • Added: In the Add/Edit Event dialog some checks against invalid settings were missing.
  • Added: In the Scheduler dialog the Session name has been added to easily handle the "At End Do" action.
  • Changed: The backup and restore execution order are now controlled by Jobs tab list order. The backup or restore will be executed in the same order as the Jobs are listed.
  • Changed: When the option "Windows Shadow Copy Services" in the Backup tab is enabled, the program now shows the Backup button shield icon indicating the program must run as Administrator.
  • Fixed: On the Backup tab the last option of the "destination path layout" named "" wasn't correctly implemented.
  • Fixed: On the Backup tab the last option of the "destination path layout" named "mm (Minute number)" wasn't correctly implemented.
  • Fixed: Conversion bug when converting from version 5 GRBakPro.grb file to version 8 using the x64 version. This bug is not present in the x86 version.
  • Fixed: On the Jobs tab moving the items with the Move up and Move down option could lead to Job duplication and / or Job loss.
  • Fixed: When backup mode is Full and the source path of the Job points to a folder with only sub-folders and no files, the destination files were not deleted.
  • Fixed: Under certain unusual circumstances the scheduler would fail to start weekly events.
  • Fixed: When created, the Destination folder didn't keep the source folder attributes.
  • Fixed: When selecting "What to Restore" and the user chooses a name different from $ then the Restore did not work.
  • Fixed: On the Restore tab the line named "Session:" wasn't updating if a restore was run immediately after another restore.
  • Fixed: If Volume Shadow Copy did not start and the backup of a file failed the destination file created was zero sized.
  • Fixed: When a source folder has a zip file named for example $ and you have compression enabled to $ then the source archive was skipped.
  • Fixed: The "At End Do" action in the Scheduler tab was getting corrupted by changing tabs and/or Sessions.

New in GRBackPro 8.2.0 (May 8, 2014)

  • Added: In the Message Center a warning when synchronization is on and no files are included in a folder backup.
  • Added: In the Report tab the Elapsed time has been added to the Execution list items.
  • Added: The Report tab, Execution list control has been enhanced by adding colours to the 3 operations.
  • Added: The Report tab, Execution list control text has been modified to also show if the operation has been started by a scheduler event or manually.
  • Changed: The synchronization option now deletes files from destination disk after the backup has been done if compressor is disabled.
  • Changed: The Task Bar icon progress is now reset at the end of backup / restore / verify to better indicate that the operation has been completed.
  • Fixed: When compression is enabled and specific files are included and synchronization is active those files which had been included and now were not were not being deleted.
  • Fixed: The "Check for Updates" function failed to correctly discover if the user is connected to the Internet.
  • Fixed: The option "Skip predefined folder names" in the Adv. Backup tab was not correctly saving the user selected folders.
  • Fixed: When creating an email task, the "Execute" option to send "always", "on error" or "if no error" was not available on first creating the task. It was necessary to save the task and then edit it before that option became available.
  • Fixed: When Windows did an automatic shutdown there were cases where Windows forced program termination prevented the program settings from being saved.
  • Fixed: When compressing, Unicode file names were not correctly handled resulting in some files in the resulting archive being skipped.
  • Fixed: On Windows XP the background was not correctly painted when the program was resized many times quickly.
  • Fixed: Scheduler weekly Event problem: some enabled days were skipped.
  • Fixed: Scheduler Events: sometimes an event was added to the execution queue while it was already under execution.
  • Fixed: While copying files, the program incorrectly reported a disk full condition.
  • Fixed: On the Job tab the move up and move down function didn't work.
  • Fixed: The Scheduler tab Event list was not correctly updating the last run time. The Column has been renamed to assist with correctly identifying the Last Run Time.
  • Fixed: When editing the condition for a Scheduled Event, the "Execution Conditions" window was not updated until the next close/open sequence.

New in GRBackPro 8.0.7 (Jun 20, 2013)

  • Fixed: The check for updates code erroneously handled the version numbers..

New in GRBackPro 8.0.6 (Jun 15, 2013)

  • Fixed: Help file didn't open on x64 version.
  • Fixed: Help button was wrongly handled and Exit button was missing when running on Windows Server.
  • Fixed: The version 7.5.x language extension DLL caused a program crash.
  • Fixed: Sometimes the tray icon of the program disappears for unknown reasons. This fix tries to recreate it when this happens.
  • Fixed: under certain conditions the Scheduler Event CPU load feature caused a crash.
  • Fixed: when the Scheduler Event is set to wake up the PC and the user manually wakes it up then the program failed to keep the PC awake.

New in GRBackPro 8.0.0 (Apr 12, 2013)

  • Windows 8 compatible.
  • Windows Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) support both for x86 and x64 systems.
  • New customizable colours with effects.
  • Enhanced automatic software update.
  • Added Sounds.
  • Tasks tab re-designed to have a single list and execute Tasks even on Restore.
  • Enhanced setup handles updates of x86 software to x64.
  • Added Windows Task Bar control features to show backup progress and buttons to pause/resume/stop.
  • New simplified backup Wizard.
  • New Message Center to help program usage and allow the user to dismiss messages
  • Minimum Windows version supported is XP.
  • Rearranged some tab options to improve logic and ease of use.
  • Added backup Jobs list icons.
  • Removed empty Job list button.
  • New Add/Edit Job dialog destination tree control.
  • Various bug fixes.

New in GRBackPro 7.5.98 (Sep 27, 2012)

  • Added: Icons on the scheduler tab that indicate whether the "force full backup" flag is set or not, and whether the PC will wake-up for an event.
  • Changed: You can now select a mapped folder (normally called a hardware or software "link") as a destination folder.
  • Changed: The automatic update has been simplified.
  • Changed: Speeded up the "At end Do" option when the user selects "shut down" or "reboot" after backup.
  • Fixed: When backing up a root folder to a network root folder (e.g., \\PC\Shared) the program tried to create the network root folder resulting to an error or a crash.
  • Fixed: When using mounted disks path the program failed to detect the free space on the real destination disk.
  • Fixed: Under some circumstances, renaming a backup session could cause the session to be deleted.
  • Fixed: In the Scheduler tab, columns were sorting by date incorrectly.
  • Fixed: The option "Do not create empty destination folders" in the Adv. Backup tab failed to preserve empty folders.
  • Fixed: The Zip compressor with filenames using special characters like the TM or the Euro symbols failed to preserve a correct Unicode string.
  • Fixed: The Task that closes a specified process was taking too long to complete.
  • Fixed: The alternate zip file name option in the Backup tab had no effect, meaning the zip file name was always $

New in GRBackPro 7.5.68 (Jun 16, 2012)

  • Fixed: When creating a new destination folder in the Add/Edit Job dialog the program failed to accept the user typed name.
  • Fixed: The license system could very rarely crash the program at the end of a backup or verify.
  • Fixed: When running as a Service and a Windows shutdown forced the program to quit then the main window position were not properly saved.
  • Changed: When you manually start a backup all events that have the current session on the execution list will now have the Last Run time updated.
  • Fixed: The Add Event wrongly assigned the Event number and this could (rarely) corrupt the Event at position zero.
  • Added: On notebooks the wake-up timers are normally off (found in "power settings") preventing software from waking up the computer. GRBackPro is now able to enable theses timers in order to wake up the PC at the programmed Scheduler Event times and will restore these settings when the backup is finished.
  • Added: On the Scheduler tab, an Event that is enabled is now coloured green.
  • Fixed: Crash when changing the destination folder name on the Add/Edit Job dialog.

New in GRBackPro 7.5.50 (Apr 17, 2012)

  • Fixed: The PC woke up even if no events had the 'wake-up' option enabled.
  • Fixed: When the option "Do not create empty destination folders" was enabled and the backup method was "Archive bit" there were erroneous "path not found" errors.
  • Fixed: Zip archives were still being built with comments inside.
  • Fixed: If using the "Build a Single zip archive" option together with "Do not create empty destination folders" the program crashed.
  • Fixed: When creating destination folders with network path names longer than 260 characters, the program could occasionally crash.
  • Fixed: When running as a Service, Tasks defined to be executed at backup end were executed under the SYSTEM account if no user is logged on.
  • Fixed: The message "Disable Virtualization failed..." is no longer shown in Program.log if running under Windows XP.
  • Fixed: The Dupl. & Edit button edited the job instead of duplicating and then editing.
  • Fixed: Setting an "At end do:" command in the Progress tab did not override the specific Adv. Backup tab setting.
  • Fixed: The date and time of destination folders were recorded as the date and time of the backup instead of as the source date and time, even if the option "Create Destination folder with the Source date and time" was active.
  • Fixed: On the Wizard the program failed to create a new destination folder using the popup menu (right click).

New in GRBackPro 7.5.20 (Dec 6, 2011)

  • Added: When the backup is paused then the program icon now changes to one with a || sign indicating it is paused.
  • Added: Italian, German and French translation packages.
  • Changed: When there are scheduler events enabled and the user tries to exit or to press the upper right [x] the program now hides instead of showing a message box.
  • Fixed: When Windows Explorer was set to not show extensions for known files then the Restore Explorer failed to list .zip files.
  • Fixed: When using the tray icon bar menu selection "Backup and Shutdown Windows" the program crashed.
  • Fixed: The option "Skip predefined folder names" was always active even if disabled.
  • Fixed: If the Scheduler started a backup while you were editing a single job then the Job would be missing.

New in GRBackPro 7.5.13 (Nov 23, 2011)

  • Added: Simple mode has been added to hide the advanced options that many users don't need. The user can easily switch between the modes at any time, and changes made to "Advanced" options will remain set in Simple mode. The intent is to provide a simplified, easier-to-use interface while still keeping available all the options that make GRBackPro so flexible and powerful.
  • Added: Added a Message Center to help users find potential problems and to receive messages during operation
  • Added: Set Factory Default button in the Options tab to allow user to reset all options to a known state
  • Added: On the Scheduler tab the Events list is now sortable.
  • Changed: Changed the tabs layout in order to support Simple/Advanced modes
  • Changed: Report tab has been renamed to Reports
  • Changed: Simplified the “Restore What” options in the Restore tab
  • Changed: Replaced most Message Boxes with less intrusive Balloon messages
  • Changed: Modified the “Skip predefined folder names” option in order to allow the user to select what folder names are to been skipped
  • Changed: Changed the Tabs order. The Schedule tab has been moved to beside the Progress tab. It is now possible to view the Schedule list even when a backup is running.
  • Changed: When a user specifies a command line .grb file to use and the file does not exist or the path is malformed then the program now asks if you want to quit or continue using the default .grb file.
  • Changed: On the Edit Job dialog, when the user selects the option "Include all sub-folders" a warning is displayed to advise that this option works at run time.
  • Changed: When using the single zip feature the option "Do not create empty destination folders" has been implemented and enabled in the Adv. Backup tab.
  • Changed: The Zip archives are now built without comments inside.
  • Removed: Removed some old and unused options
  • Removed: Event to start a backup at Windows shutdown has been removed to comply with the new Windows 7 rules
  • Removed: “Exclude files before day” option has been re-mapped to include file younger than N days.
  • Removed: The option to save the backup definition file GRBakpro.grb has been removed and it is now always active.
  • Removed: The option to create the source folder file list ($backup.dir) has been removed and the file is no more created.
  • Removed: The Zip filename post string has been removed from the Backup tab. The program converts these options to the corresponding one of the destination layout first combo box.
  • Removed: On the Restore tab, the edit box that lets the user type a zip archive filename and related buttons ">>" and "Default" has been removed. These options have been replaced by a combo box that is similar to the Backup tab combo box.
  • Removed: Option "Exclude files before day A, month B, year C" has been removed from the Adv. Backup tab. Dates not older than 2999 days have been automatically converted to the option "Include files" younger than X days in the Backup tab.
  • Fixed: If the user has defined an access password and also selects to start hidden then he will not be asked to enter the password at program start.
  • Fixed: The Ask Support email size limit was not being correctly checked and thus email was sent even if the resulting message was too big.
  • Fixed: The program update advisor dialog was missing the program name and icon.
  • Fixed: The "Abort" button was not functioning correctly while deleting files and folders during a Full backup.
  • Fixed: When the user enabled the option "Move the files to the destination folder(delete source)" a warning message was issued at every program start instead of only one time.
  • Fixed: When the option to "Build a single zip archive with stored path names" was active the Restore of that archive failed.
  • Fixed: On the Add/Edit Event dialog the date and time controls have been made more precise and easier to set.
  • Fixed: When the option "Warn if a backup was executed more than N days" was active and no backup had been run since installation, then the program issued a warning with a value greater than 15000 days.
  • Fixed: Depending on previous version settings, the Restore tab option "What to Restore" could be not selected. In addition, it would generate a Restore error of "path name too long".

New in GRBackPro 7.4.1 (Jun 15, 2011)

  • Fixed: Under certain circumstances, when running as a Service and a dialog was open, the program was taking more than 50% CPU time.
  • Fixed: When doing a search on a big log in the Report tab the wait dialog didn't automatically close.
  • Fixed: On the Add/Edit Job dialog, when creating a sub-folder without first expanding the associated folder, an endless loop was created.
  • Fixed: The scheduler function to repeat every hour, day or month failed to start the first time (you needed to manually start it).
  • Changed: On the Report tab the rotating icon when scanning the log has been increased in size and the wait dialog has been removed.
  • Fixed: When trying to change the zip compression level using the up and down arrows the program crashed.
  • Fixed: Some oddities using the "include all sub-folders" and the check box status.
  • Fixed: In the Add/Edit dialog the "Libraries" item was not shown.
  • Fixed: An error message has been added when the user selects a source folder that doesn't have a corresponding real path.
  • Added: Warning message when using a single zip with split and more than one Job is defined.
  • Added: Log entry for skipped files that are older than a specified date.
  • Fixed: The option "Exclude files older than" in the Adv. Backup tab was not working properly.
  • Changed: The Add/Edit Job dialog is now faster than in previous versions.
  • Changed: When the single zip option is active and the Split mode is active all the zip parts are now stored into the same destination folder.
  • Fixed: SSL protocol has been updated so that the connections to native SSL SMTP servers like now succeeds at first attempt.
  • Fixed: Restoring or Verifying multi file zip archives (built with the single zip option) sometimes generated CRC errors.
  • Fixed: When deleting folders from the destination tree in the Add/Edit Job dialog a crash could happen.
  • Added: New option in the Job tab popup menu to edit and set the destination path to all jobs or selected ones.
  • Changed: French, German and Italian translations have been updated.

New in GRBackPro 7.3.15 (Apr 29, 2011)

  • Fixed: Crash when trying to test the email options from the Options tab, "Email Options" button dialog.
  • Fixed: Scheduler event with wake-up - there was the possibility to miss an event if the PC goes to sleep too near a scheduler event start time.
  • Fixed: The backup of the program settings file GRBakPro.grb was being done after the logoff when running as a Service. Thus if the destination path was a network folder it failed. The timing of this backup has now been changed to prevent this problem.
  • Fixed: In rare situations, pressing the Abort button during a backup execution could cause an infinite program loop.
  • Added: On the Scheduler tab, when the focus is on the Event list pressing the Enter key will open the edit box for the Event.
  • Fixed: On the Single File Restore Explorer if the zip archive has any errors and you tried to restore a file from inside it no error message appeared and the operation appeared to be correctly and completely executed.
  • Fixed: When restoring using the option "What to restore" set to "Copy all files" the program failed to restore new files.
  • Fixed: There were some situations where a disk full condition was erroneously reported as "Aborted by the user" at backup end, even if the report showed an error.
  • Fixed: GRBackPro was set to an excessively broad definition for "Registry Files" and when "Skip Registry Files" was set some files were being skipped that should not have been.
  • Fixed: The Scheduler was rounding up seconds and thus a backup could be executed twice if the backup duration was under one minute.
  • Added: New Service Administration dialog. Appears when a copy installed as a Service is running a backup and you run a second copy of the program.
  • Fixed: If a Session name contains commas or semicolons then the program fails to schedule these sessions correctly. A test has been added to disallow those symbols from the session name.
  • Fixed: The Report "Operation activities" list sometimes showed "Nothing to Display" while in reality there were lines to display.
  • Fixed: Some errors were being reported correctly on the Report tab but the error count was not being incremented.
  • Changed: German, French and Italian translations.
  • Added: The "Abort" button is now available while Tasks that happen at backup start are running.
  • Fixed: When using the Export button on the Report tab the program would write a corrupted log report file or hang.
  • Added: A button to reset the license on the about dialog.
  • Added: SSL both native or TLS support has been added to send out email messages. Helpful if you want to use for example.
  • Added: The service installation now supports user access specification using the file GRSrv.ini file: see help file for more details.
  • Changed: Service user interface now follows policy. A user's UI access will be retained even if another user logs in. The UI will switch to another user only when the first one logs off.

New in GRBackPro 7.2.21 (Feb 24, 2011)

  • Added: The Add/Edit and the Select Path dialogs now show icons as dimmed, shared or link overlay (as appropriate).
  • Changed: During a backup if the option to verify the backed up archives was active then it was erroneously executed even if there were backup errors.
  • Fixed: The Windows 7 Professional version was being incorrectly identified in log entries.
  • Fixed: The status of VSS was being incorrectly reported in the log.
  • Fixed: Certain kinds of delete errors were not properly logged.
  • Fixed: Some hidden folders were not shown in the Add/Edit Job dialog (e.g., the AppData folder). This folder is now visible while links are still filtered out (not shown).
  • Fixed: The log would display strange characters when a zip archive was corrupted.
  • Fixed: An error in the Restore/Verify analysis phase was not correctly reported in the progress tab.
  • Fixed: When Verifying or Restoring and the Bak_sd option is active in the Backup tab then the Verify/Restore wasn't performed if the backup source was not ready. Additionally, the operation didn't show any error.
  • Fixed: On the Progress tab, when horizontally scrolling, the vertical lines were not properly cleared.
  • Fixed: Minor cosmetic adjustments to the screen layout.
  • Fixed: When there were too many items in the program tab list, the program failed to abort the operation and thus the user got an infinite sequence of error messages.
  • Fixed: When the "Verify after backup" option was enabled but the backup had errors then the program failed to execute any tasks set in the Tasks tab.
  • Fixed: Under certain circumstance the automatic update at program start could cause a crash.
  • Fixed: When using the single zip feature the program failed to delete the backup file if the backup method was set to "full".
  • Fixed: When a new version is found the program asks if you want to upgrade. If you answer No then the program could crash.

New in GRBackPro 7.2.8 (Jan 28, 2011)

  • Added: Italian DLL first release.
  • Added: German DLL first release.
  • Added: French DLL first release.
  • Changed: Moved option "Test if Src and Dest file have same date but different size" from Options tab to Backup tab. The option has been also renamed to "Display Error if Source and Destination files have same date but different sizes" for a better understanding of the related program action.
  • Changed: Moved option "Test if Src and Dest file have same date but different attributes" from Options tab to Backup tab. The option has been also renamed to "Force Backup even if Source and Destination files have different attributes" for a better understanding of the related program action.
  • Changed: The above two options are now at session level rather than at global as before. This means that every backup session can now have different settings.
  • Fixed: Bug when loading a foreign language DLL.
  • Fixed: Report tab flickering when clicking on the "Only Errors" button and no errors lines were present.
  • Fixed: Report tab went into an infinite loop when handling a damaged log file.
  • Fixed: When the option "Test if Src and Dest files have the same date but different size" or the option ""Test if Src and Dest files have the same date but different attributes" or both were active the program failed to correctly test the "same date".
  • Fixed: When trying to restore a specified source path but that path was empty the program didn't display an error.
  • Fixed: When trying to restore to specified destination path but that path was empty the program didn't display an error.
  • Fixed: If the user tried to run a Restore and was at the Restore confirmation dialog and GRBackPro scheduler started a backup, then when the user press OK to start the Restore the program crashed.
  • Fixed: During a Verify operation the Progress tab displayed "(0) file(s) verified" instead of the correct value, although it was actually doing the Verify correctly.
  • Fixed: Under certain unusual circumstances a license check could randomly fail due to an internal delay.
  • Fixed: Occasionally a file could not be backed up due to a wrong date and time calculation.
  • Fixed: In order to extend zip archive software compatibility the zip archive OS flag has been set to zero.
  • Fixed: On some occasions Unicode file name were backed up more than once into the same zip archive.
  • Fixed: When the file name contains Latin characters such as òàùèéì the file name was not properly handled inside the zip archive leading to possible errors.
  • Fixed: When printing the log to PDF from the Report tab, the program would appear to hang if the log size was greater than about 300MB.

New in GRBackPro 7.1.1 (Nov 29, 2010)

  • Fixed: Italian DLL was missing empty selections for "JobSrc\" and "Bak_sd" combo boxes.
  • Fixed: In Backup tab, when all destination layout options are blanks (except the $ then the full backup method erroneously deleted the destination root disk.
  • Added: DEP Data Execution Prevention has been enabled.
  • Fixed: When running as a Service and switching users while a backup was running a security problem occurred that prevented the backup completing.
  • Changed: When the user edits or creates a Job source or destination path from the Job tab popup menu and the path is not available then a warning message is issued but the path is retained. This now allows the user to input a path that is not available yet.
  • Fixed: The program was executing some unnecessary tasks when starting, causing long start times.
  • Fixed: When using big log files (greater than 100MB) the program was slow to display the hourglass cursor when clicking on the execution list item.
  • Changed: A new error message: when the program needs to delete folder trees (full backup method) and an error occurs, there is now an "ignore" button with a 20 second timeout that automatically "ignores" the problem and allows the backup to continue.
  • Fixed: When compressing Unicode file names the zip compressor failed to find duplicate entries in the zip archive.
  • Fixed: Restore of Unicode file names was wrong on certain situations.
  • Added: A "Waiting" dialog message box has been added on the Report tab when searching for text or when searching next or previous error.
  • Fixed: When backing up "NTFS security attributes" the program failed sometimes due to a missing memory alignment.
  • Fixed: When backing up a whole source disk the program failed to correctly build the destination paths.
  • Added: On the Backup tab in Destination Path combo box a new option to add "Odd Day" or "Even Day" folder based on current day value.
  • Fixed: With a large number of backup Sessions and/or Jobs (approximately 100), the program crashed due to a buffer overflow.
  • Fixed: The option "At backup end do" was not properly handled when if the backup is started by the Scheduler in a backup session different from the curenlty selected one.
  • Added: Conditional execution for Scheduler Events. Now you can start a backup conditioned to one of the following: 1. All backup session Job's source and estimation path are available, 2. There is user input (Mouse and keyboard) for more than a specified time amount, 3. The CPU Load has been under a specified percent level for more than a specified time.
  • The condition can be programmed to be retried every X minutes and for a maximum of Y minutes.
  • Added: Stop button on the Scheduler tab in order to Stop an Event waiting for a condition to be met.
  • Added: For the Event "Start At" set to "Program run" a delay has been added so that the Event is triggered after the specified time amount.
  • Added: Notes (user comments) on the Job tab at Session level.
  • Added: New option to enable or disable the Windows Volume Shadow Copy Services. This option is not yet supported on 64 bit systems.
  • Fixed: Program crash when Restoring and the zip archive has an UTF-8 Unicode extension file name.
  • Fixed: The program erroneously considered as a Unicode file name any name that had a character other than one of the standard 128 ASCII characters. For example, the characters èéòàùì were being considered as Unicode.
  • Fixed: When selecting the value for the auto start delay, the arrow functions were reversed.
  • Fixed: When backing up the registry with the "Backup Security Attributes (NTFS only)" option was enabled in the Adv. Backup tab, the program would sometimes fail a copy operation.
  • Fixed: Bug when handling Unicode path names during the delete operation of a full backup.
  • Fixed: When running as a Service, the log resize operation was opening a temporary file in the current Windows directory instead of the default Windows directory.
  • Fixed: Several minor cosmetic issues.
  • Added: At "backup end" an option to Restart.
  • Added: Blinking text on the progress tab when a Backup simulation or Restore simulation operation is under execution. The blinking is also used to signal a log resize operation, since that can be a long operation if the specified log size is high.
  • Changed: The splash screen display has been rescheduled to happen before the main screen appears and now is centered on the desktop.
  • Changed: The backup start time has been reduced thus avoiding the long wait and white progress screen.
  • Changed: When a task is set that kills a process it will now kill all invocations of a process with that name.
  • Added: "Please Wait" dialog when switching to the Report tab. A big backup log file requires more time to open this tab and the program would appear hung during this scan. The "Please Wait" dialog is also shown when changing between items in the "execution list".
  • Fixed: The speed of program startup and of various operations has been improved.
  • Fixed: If running as a Service the program failed to save main window position and size when the computer shutdown.
  • Fixed: When installed as a Service, some situations would require user input before a backup could continue. These situations have been altered to have appropriate default responses and automatic time-outs in order that scheduled events can proceed as the user intended.
  • Fixed: When restoring from Source / Folder and Destination = "Original source folder" the program failed to correctly create the destination path.
  • Changed: The Report tab has been modified to increase the display speed.

New in GRBackPro 7.0.30 (Jun 10, 2010)

  • Fixed: Folder creation failed when backing up to a UNC path name folder greater than 258 characters.
  • Fixed: If a Task sent an email message with the last backup run report attached, and an error occurred creating the file (for example, access denied), then the program crashed.
  • Fixed: The Tray Icon bar icon could show the scheduling message and icon for too long.
  • Fixed: When the user selected Exit from the Tray icon there was no warning about the Scheduler needing to have the program running.
  • Fixed: The setup procedure now correctly sets the security on the GRBackPro data folder.
  • Fixed: After first installation if the user had already enabled automatic software updates then the program asked again if the user wanted to enable automatic updates.
  • Fixed: Reworded "Check all weekdays" to "Check all days" in the Add/Edit Scheduler Event so that it is clearer that all 7 days will be checked/unchecked.
  • Added: Italian DLL.
  • Fixed: Deleting a backup session on the Job tab caused the program to hang.
  • Added: The Open, Read, Create, Write and Not Ready errors have been enhanced with the addition of an Abort button and a "Disable these error messages (put errors in log only)" check box.
  • Fixed: When using the Split mode with many small files compared to a few big files then GRBackPro failed to correctly split the folders with the specified size.

New in GRBackPro 7.0.24 (May 17, 2010)

  • Fixed: With access password enabled, when exiting the program (without entering a password) after clicking on Cancel, you needed to click the Exit button twice.
  • Fixed: When starting "hidden" the program failed to hide itself completely -- the task bar showed a flashing icon.
  • Fixed: Due to a buffer calculation error the program could crash if handling a corrupted log file.
  • Fixed: When converting from version 5 GRB file, the option "On Manual backup completion do:" was not correctly handled if it had been disabled.
  • Fixed: When the "Execute missed backups" option is active in the Scheduler tab and a weekly Event is added then it started every day even if programmed to start on a specified week day only.
  • Fixed: Wrong handling of Scheduler Event Monthly when option "Execute missed backups" is active.
  • Fixed: The setup failed to properly assign security attributes to GRBackPro data folders and in some cases this could lead to losing user settings or the license code.
  • Fixed: The access password was incorrectly saved in the current backup session settings with the result that if you changed the backup session the access password became inactive.
  • Added: More diagnostic details for the Ask Support feature in the program.log file.

New in GRBackPro 7.0.18 (Apr 28, 2010)

  • Fixed: The Wizard Job Options dialog, Include / Exclude files option always included files.
  • Fixed: The Wizard Source path dialog option "Include all sub-folders" didn't show the sub-folders selected when activated.
  • Added: In the Wizard Destination path selection the right click popup menu to create/rename/delete folders.
  • Fixed: The Backup button shield icon was not updated when you changed the backup session.
  • Fixed: Bug where if the single zip option was active some files were backed up repeatedly.
  • Fixed: If running as a Service the program failed to download the Server package update.
  • Fixed: When using UNC names in the JobSrc\ option in the Backup tab, some folders were not correctly backed up to the destination path.
  • Fixed: Option "Delete empty source folders after move" in the Adv. Backup tab was not yet activated.
  • Added: Diagnostic about Backup options in the backup log if log mode is "Debug".
  • Fixed: A file with size zero was not excluded.
  • Fixed: "Reparse points" were not skipped when using the single zip feature.

New in GRBackPro 7.0.13 (Apr 24, 2010)

  • Fixed: The tab control user interface item because it caused a delay on all operations.
  • Fixed: When user press the "Check for Updates" button and there isn't internet connection the wait dialog simply disappeared instead to show an error message.
  • Fixed: If the Service encountered an error it failed to show the description and only showed the error number.
  • Changed: The "Email Options" dialog now automatically fills in the "Send To" field with the "Sender Email address" and the "SMTP Server" with the "Sender Email address" domain name.
  • Fixed: If the Scheduler Event called for First Friday of a month it failed to calculate the correct next start date.
  • Fixed: The log resize algorithm that caused log file corruption in certain cases.
  • Fixed: Removed spurious entry in the log when a Verify operation is performed.
  • Fixed: Version 6 scheduled weekly and daily events were not being converted correctly to Version 7 format.
  • Fixed: Somtetimes the taskbar icon was not correct after a backup completed.

New in GRBackPro 7.0.10 (Apr 24, 2010)

  • Fixed: If destination drive is not ready and GRBackPro is running attended then the Error message would loop forever if the user did not press the Cancel button. A maximum of 10 loops has been added then the retry loop is automatically closed.
  • Fixed: On some installations the program failed to retain the user license and even the user settings.
  • Fixed: Single zip archive bug generated a recursive folder name appended to the destination path while adding files.
  • Fixed: When the single zip archive option is enabled the program failed to skip files.
  • Added: When a backup is started by the Scheduler all error messages now have a timeout of 10 seconds.
  • Fixed: Possible problem running as a Service if the Terminal Services are not yet started.
  • Fixed: The message box that asks if the user wants to enable automatic updates was automatically closed if GRBackPro was starting hidden.
  • Changed: The Libraries are no longer listed in the folder tree because they do not have a direct corresponding path name meaning that selecting them is not meaningful.

New in GRBackPro 7.0.7 (Apr 14, 2010)

  • Fixed: Crash bug if error happens when trying to compress the log file in the Ask Support feature
  • Fixed: Scheduling error handling the weekly event recur parameter.
  • Fixed: Removed Crash Test button from the Options tab
  • Fixed: Selecting a long destination path resulted in a wrong path if the Add/Edit Job dialog was small.
  • Fixed: When restoring and "copying all files" the program didn't restore any file. It only created the folders.
  • Fixed: When updating the software on Windows Server it downloaded the Workstation package.

New in GRBackPro 7.0.4 (Apr 14, 2010)

  • New customizable look and feel
  • Windows 7 security full support
  • REQUIRES minimum Windows XP or Windows Server 2003
  • Separated Workstation and Server editions
  • Server edition can run as a Service
  • Zip64 archive format with unicode file names support
  • Unicode file names supported when copying
  • New Tasks tab
  • New Task to end a process
  • Windows Volume Shadow Copy support
  • Long path names supported up to 1024 characters
  • New Scheduler completely rewritten with more options
  • Automatic software updater
  • Added new move option to delete empty folders after move
  • Added option to execute at windows start in the Options tab
  • New error messages with automatic retry capability

New in GRBackPro 6.6.244 (Jan 22, 2010)

  • Fixed: When the user changed the log file path name it did not change until the next run.
  • Fixed: If the log file path didn't exists the program failed to create it.
  • Added: Program.log entry when the user enabled the "Move" option.
  • Fixed: Potential problem with a corrupted log file.
  • Fixed: If the program is running as a Service and the user doesn't specify a login this is no longer considered an error in the backup execution. The event is indicated in the log as an information warning.
  • Added: Program.log entries during logon when running as a Service
  • Fixed: When running as a Service and executing a Verify operation then the option "At End do" is enabled while it should remain disabled.
  • Added: More diagnostics on File Read Errors.
  • Fixed: On the Adv. Backup tab, if you set an option and then click on the tasks Edit... button then your current settings are lost and you have to re-enter them.
  • Fixed: Files with date older than 1-1-1980 got backed up repeatedly.
  • Fixed: Executing a program after the backup would apparently hang the program. It was waiting for the program completion before proceeding.
  • Fixed: Bug in the Restore Single file explorer window
  • Changed: The Crash Report utility has been improved and tries now to send the report directly to our mailbox without using any customer email program. If it fails then it tries to send the email message using the default email program registered into the system.

New in GRBackPro 6.6.224 (Sep 24, 2009)

  • Fixed: On the Add/Edit Job dialog selecting a virtual folder results in an empty Job source path.
  • Fixed: When the Move option is active the program also deleted the empty source folders.
  • Fixed: Temporary folder error when using an additional folder (destination path layout).
  • Fixed: Copy error = 0 while backing up the registry.
  • Fixed: Stack out of memory problem with deep folder structures.

New in GRBackPro 6.6.210 (Sep 8, 2009)

  • Fixed: When running as a Service, the Temp path was erroneously set to the Service login user profile directory.
  • Fixed: When changing the display color scheme the Job, Report and Progress tab didn't update the background color.
  • Fixed: On the backup tab if you set the Destination path layout first combo box and then exit the program, when you run it again you have lost your setting.
  • Fixed: Using the Ask Support dialog if something goes wrong with connecting to the SMTP server then the program didn't allowed to exit from the dialog as the Cancel button and the X button were disabled.

New in GRBackPro 6.6.199 (Jul 16, 2009)

  • Fixed: Command line parameter /? tried to open the old .hlp file instead of the new .chm file.
  • Changed: If running as a Service the help button was disabled. Now it is enabled and when pressed it will display a message box that tells you: "Please access the help file from the Start menu".
  • Fixed: A bug with the temporary zip archive created in the destination disk when the Temp path option is empty.
  • Fixed: Error: while creating temporary file on: \_GRB000

New in GRBackPro 6.6.195 (Jun 29, 2009)

  • Fixed: Full backup mode delete destination disk. The program missed to delete multiple destination path if on the same destination drive
  • Fixed: Bug in split mode. Some files were not included in the backup zip archives
  • Fixed: If the program is installed as a Service it was possible to execute a second program instance using the same .grb file
  • Fixed: Upon updating a zip archive the zip file archive bit attribute was not set
  • Added: Message Box when the user enable the "move" option because this is an unsafe option
  • Added: More log details during restore operations
  • Fixed: If the specified temp path (Backup tab) doesn't exists the program forgot to create it and issued an error message
  • Fixed: On the Backup tab when you change the first combo box and then you change another option you lost the first change
  • Fixed: The verify after the backup had the icon animation turned off
  • Changed: If running with a Windows Server license, the Icon Tray menu no more shows the option to "Backup and shutdown windows"
  • Fixed: The service log file GRSrv.log had wrong timestamp date
  • Fixed: When a backup is aborted and no errors occurred since the abort button pressing then the program executed the "At end do" action
  • Fixed: When running as a Service, the option "At backup completion do" also named "At end do" in the progress tab is disabled and forced to "Do nothing"
  • Fixed: The Add/Edit Job dialog open time has been speed up
  • Fixed: Problem displaying the icons in the Add/Edit job dialog under Windows Vista if running as a Service
  • Fixed: Under Vista when a backup is running the other tabs are now drawn as disabled text
  • Fixed: When aborting the Verify procedure the program shown the Aborted message box twice

New in GRBackPro 6.6.155 (Apr 24, 2009)

  • Added: Crash Report feature to easy the user report of program crashes.
  • Fixed: Crash when pressing the Job tab "Add Job" button on some Windows Vista installations.
  • Fixed: "Single Files" restore feature didn't shown the zip archive files in the left tree view.
  • Fixed: Existing splitted zip archives update when the new zip archive size is greater than 2GB.
  • Fixed: Restore Single Files - when a zip password is defined.
  • Fixed: "Single Files" restore feature didn't shown the zip archive files in the left tree view if Windows Explorer has the option "Disable know extensions" enabled.
  • Fixed: Verify and the option "Unhide while backing up" was enabled then the main program window went hidden after the verify completed.
  • Fixed: Certain file names containing characters whole ascii code was over 128 could lead to crashes when included in zip archives.
  • Fixed: When backup simulation is active and backup mode is FULL then GRBackPro skipped the delete of the previous backup.
  • Fixed: On certain cases the full backup do not delete the destination folder contents only but the root disk. This bug could cause data loss!
  • Fixed: "Clear archive bit attribute on restored files" option on the Restore tab didn't work correctly.
  • Fixed: Folder created during Restore did not restore the original folder attributes.
  • Fixed: Execute Tasks feature. When executing an application the program didn't wait its completion.
  • Fixed: When you have created a multiple zip archive (.z01, .z02 and .zip for example) and then you remove all source files and synchronization is enabled then the program failed to delete the .z01, .z02. It only deleted the .zip archive.
  • Added: When backup mode is Full and a Job source folder is empty then the corresponding destination folder is not deleted preserving a previous backup set.
  • Added: Email options button on the Ask support dialog to easily change email settings before to send email to support.

New in GRBackPro 6.6.115 (Feb 5, 2009)

  • Fixed: Error converting a registry stored license to a license file.
  • Fixed: The Restore Explorer window was not defined as child of the main window.
  • Fixed: Some problems with the setup procedure. In particular under Windows Vista the program had difficulties storing the program settings and the log file.

New in GRBackPro 6.6.111 (Feb 2, 2009)

  • Fixed: Report tab Log display bug
  • Fixed: Log file went slightly corrupted when the size limit is reached and the log file needs to be resized.
  • Fixed: When running as a Service and entering the license sometimes it was not saved correctly.
  • Fixed: When the Split mode is active and the registry is backed up to the destination disk it create a Disk_XX folder instead of the proper disk number.
  • Fixed: When the Split mode is active and the registry is backed up to the destination disk and the split size was less then the registry required space the program issue an error and didn't correctly backup the registry.
  • Fixed: Under Windows Vista: the registry backup generated and error.
  • Fixed: Under Windows Vista: having more than one backup to execute at Windows shutdown the program only executed the first one.
  • Added: New menu selection from the Tray icon bar to "Backup and Shut Down Windows". This option will execute all backup sessions that have a scheduler event programmed to run at Windows Shutdown and then at completion it will shown a dialog to allow the user to decide if logoff, restart or shutdown the Computer.
  • Fixed: When a Task email the latest log report and this report is very big (more than available memory for example) then the program take a lot of time in order to be able to send the email message because it wanted to load all the log into the memory. Now this has been changed so that the report is created on a temporary file and then this file is read line by line while sending by email.
  • Fixed: When running as a Service under Windows Vista and no Temp path was specified in the Backup tab then the destination disk zip archive were not created.

New in GRBackPro 6.6.70 (Nov 19, 2008)

  • Fixed: some problems in the Demo version.
  • Fixed: File names inside zip archives with characters over ASCII 128 (for example European characters) were not correctly converted.
  • Fixed: Possible problem that can lead to lose the GRBakPro.grb file (your backup settings).
  • Fixed: If the "Attended backup" options was disabled GRBackPro didn't execute the after backup Tasks.
  • Fixed: Renamed option "Skip empty source folders" to "Delete empty destination folders" in the Adv. Backup tab.
  • Changed: The registry backup reports in the Progress tab the source file instead of the destination one.
  • Updated: Setup to conform to Windows XP and Windows Vista standards.

New in GRBackPro 6.6.25 (Jul 30, 2008)

  • Added: Additional diagnostic messages in the log file (only in Debug log mode).
  • Fixed: On some tabs the wait cursor was not always correctly shown.
  • Fixed: Disk volume label was changed on hard disk when a disk full condition was reached. Now the program verify that the destination drive is removable or Cd-rom.
  • Fixed: Problem with missed backup on Weekly Events.
  • Added: String into the log file to indicate if a backup was executed manually or by the scheduler
  • Fixed: When a Job didn't have the "Include sub-folder" option enabled and no new or changed files where present in the source folder then the program failed to indicate this in the Progress tab. "No files were found" message was displayed instead of "No new or changed files were found".
  • Changed: When the zip file size overcomes the 2GB size and it is automatically splitted or when the Split option is active then the zip archive is moved to the destination disk as soon as it is completed instead to remain in the temporary folder till the whole zip archive is completed. This reduces the temporary folder free space requirements.
  • Fixed: When using the "Autostart" option in the Scheduler and you press the Disable button to disable the Event then scheduler kept trying to start the Event again and again till the Stop button is pressed.
  • Changed: The scheduler has been mainly changed and reviewed in its inner working in preparation for some feature additions.
  • Fixed: The $backup.skp file was no more correctly handled.
  • Added: Other then the $backup zip archive file name and its variations we have added other variants because on some file systems the $ is a not allowed character.

New in GRBackPro 6.6.23 (Jul 29, 2008)

  • Added: Additional diagnostic messages in the log file (only in Debug log mode).
  • Fixed: On some tabs the wait cursor was not always correctly shown.
  • Fixed: Disk volume label was changed on hard disk when a disk full condition was reached. Now the program verify that the destination drive is removable or Cd-rom.
  • Fixed: Problem with missed backup on Weekly Events.
  • Added: String into the log file to indicate if a backup was executed manually or by the scheduler
  • Fixed: When a Job didn't have the "Include sub-folder" option enabled and no new or changed files where present in the source folder then the program failed to indicate this in the Progress tab. "No files were found" message was displayed instead of "No new or changed files were found".
  • Changed: When the zip file size overcomes the 2GB size and it is automatically splitted or when the Split option is active then the zip archive is moved to the destination disk as soon as it is completed instead to remain in the temporary folder till the whole zip archive is completed. This reduces the temporary folder free space requirements.
  • Fixed: When using the "Autostart" option in the Scheduler and you press the Disable button to disable the Event then scheduler kept trying to start the Event again and again till the Stop button is pressed.
  • Changed: The scheduler has been mainly changed and reviewed in its inner working in preparation for some feature additions.
  • Fixed: The $backup.skp file was no more correctly handled.
  • Added: Other then the $backup zip archive file name and its variations we have added other variants because on some file systems the $ is a not allowed character.

New in GRBackPro 6.6.10 (Jul 10, 2008)

  • Fixed: When backing up to a root disk (e.g. f: for example) there were a lot of "Error: while setting attributes on file / folder"
  • Fixed: When the "JobSrc" option in the "Destination Path Layout" option group of the Backup tab was disabled then the program failed to create the correct destination folder structure. This problem was not present on version 6.5.x.
  • Fixed: Compatibility with Internet Explorer prior to version 4
  • Fixed: Terminal Service compatibility with Windows 2000 Professional and Server
  • Fixed: Terminal Service Windows 2000 Server ANSI code Microsoft bug. The service failed to run GRBackPro from Remote Login sessions issuing a "Path not found" error.
  • Fixed: Terminal Service compatibility with Windows NT4
  • Fixed: Setup compatibility with Windows NT4 and 2000
  • Fixed: When the option "Simulate backup execution" was active then the "Synchronize archive with source folder" was executed anyway.
  • Fixed: When the option "Attended backup (Stop & Prompt for errors and confirmations)" is disabled and a disk full condition occurs the program displayed a dialog box waiting the user to change the destination disk media (as in attended mode).
  • Fixed: When running as a Service the Backup Wizard dialog appeared and disappeared after few seconds while GRBackPro hide in the tray icon bar. Now the Wizard is no more shown if running as a Service even if the Job list is empty.
  • Added: The Task that send email message has now more details about errors in the email message body text.
  • Added: If the program has been installed as a Service and you try to run another copy of the program as a normal application then GRBackPro will check to see if this second instance works on a different .grb file either specified on the command line or coming from the folder from where you start the GRBakPro.exe executable. If the .grb is different from the Service one then another instance is allowed otherwise the Service is simply activated and the second instance is terminated. This behavior avoid possible problems when two instances works on the same .grb file and you change one or more settings.
  • Added: For the options "Skip Folders (names)" located in the Add/Edit Job dialog and on the Options tab a test has been added in order to verify if a full path is typed. These options only accept folder names and not full path names. This new check will warn the user about this.
  • Updated: Language translations

New in GRBackPro 6.6.0 (Jul 1, 2008)

  • Fixed: The file $backup.skp was not correctly handled.
  • Fixed: When a manual backup was completed and an error had occurred the program did not perform the specified action even if the "Prompt if any error..." option in the Options tab is not enabled. Now if this option is disabled the action is executed even if there are errors.
  • Fixed: When executing a Task and the program tries to START a service that is already started an error message erroneously appears.
  • Fixed: When changing the Backup Session, sometimes, the program crashes.
  • Added: When restoring with copy file (i.e. without decompressing) the destination file date and time is made equal to the source file date and time.
  • Added: New option in Options tab: "Ignore 1 hour time delay on file compare (NTFS daylight fix)". This option solves the NTFS one hour file time difference when daylight saving is enabled. When using Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, it's possible to use two file systems, FAT32 or NTFS. While FAT32 stores the local time of files, NTFS stores the GMT (English standard time) of the files. When going from Summer (daylight saving) time to Winter (normal) time, the local timestamps on FAT32 will remain the same, while files on NTFS drives will have the time changed by 1 hour because the time zone difference to GMT changes by one hour. Therefore files on FAT32 and NTFS drives which had identical times before the time change will suddenly be different. Thanks to this new option, the files can still be detected as dentical if time difference between them is exactly one hour.
  • Updated: Language translations.
  • Fixed: There were the possibility to select an empty destination path either with the Browse button that manually editing it. This could cause unexpected behavior.
  • Fixed: When the option "Move files to the destination folder (delete source)" was enabled the source empty folders were not deleted.
  • Added: Backup summary and error list in the body of the email message sent using the "Execute Tasks" function.
  • Fixed: Verify and Restore error "Insufficient memory to inflate" when handling big files.
  • Added: Restore and Verify memory usage has been greatly reduced and the execution speed has been increased.
  • Added: Running as a Service under Vista, Terminal Services and XP switched users will now see the icon in the tray icon bar. As the program is now always visible by the currently logged in user then the initial message box asking to stop the service has been removed. If the program is lunched after the Service is running then the Service running copy will be opened and the second copy of the program terminated. If a command line grb file is specified, instead, a second copy of the program is allowed because it works on a different configuration.
  • Added: When the Verify after the Backup is enabled and exists a Task that emails the last report log the program attaches two separate files: one for the backup and one for the verify operation.
  • Added: To the Restore - Single Files - Restore Explorer windows a progress control and the handling of the abort of the restore operation when clicking on the X.
  • Added: Program internal log file that is named Program.log. This file details internal operations and possible problems. This will help a lot and speed up the user assistance in case of problems.
  • Added: It is now possible to enable the tooltips when running as a Service. Previously they were not compatible with a Service. The help button remain disabled because the help file fails to launch when running as a Service.

New in GRBackPro 6.5.35 (Jan 26, 2008)

  • Fixed: The "Operation activities" list in the Report dialog didn't allow correct scrolling using the vertical scroll bar.
  • Fixed: When the backup is running the About and Pause buttons are less responsive.
  • Fixed: When running as a Service the program failed to backup the registry.
  • Fixed: Folder Security Attributes were not correctly restored.
  • Fixed: Buffer overflow bug in log reporting.
  • Added: The number of errors at the end of the log.

New in GRBackPro 6.5.20 (Dec 19, 2007)

  • Fixed: The "Single files" button in the Restore dialog failed to correctly login when running as a Service.
  • Fixed: German version - the "Set Dest." button didn't works.
  • Fixed: Under Windows 98 the "At backup end do" combo box didn't list some available options.
  • Fixed: The password in the "Service Options" of the Adv. Backup tab can be empty now.
  • Added: A Reset button on the Scheduler tab in order to allows the reset of the "Last Executed backup time". This reset can be helpful when the scheduler do not start at specified time because a sufficient time window is not passed.

New in GRBackPro 6.5.0 (Nov 8, 2007)

  • Fixed: When both the "Move files to the destination folder (delete source)" option and the "Build a single zip archive with stored path names" were active then the program failed to delete the source files and folders.
  • Fixed: When a disk full condition was reached and you elected to STOP the backup then the destination disk label was changed anyway.
  • Changed: When the verify after backup option was active then the Tasks after the backup were executed after the verification instead of after the backup execution.
  • Fixed: When the zip archive file name post string was not blank (for example was ) then the registry backup failed to build the correct zip file name.
  • Fixed: When a long file was being verified and the user pressed the Abort button then the program waited too long before stopping the operation.
  • Fixed: When a disk full condition was reached and the user stopped the backup then an extra error message was displayed.
  • Fixed: On FAT and FAT32 destination disks, files were continuously copied in incremental mode.
  • Fixed: When copying a file and a disk full condition happened the program continued asking if you wanted to stop the backup.
  • Added: Backup Wizard button on the Job tab. This new button will guide the user on the backup setup in an easiest way. The Wizard button takes the place of the Print button. The print function has been moved into the Job list popup menu (right click on the Job list to see it).
  • Added: The Add/Edit Job dialog is now resizable. The modified size is stored in the ini file.
  • Added: Program access password.
  • Fixed: When a folder was locked by Windows security settings the program wouldn't issue any error.
  • Fixed: When a file was locked by another application and the user decided to abort the backup, then the program wouldn't execute the post backup tasks.
  • Added: When the program tries to send out an email message and an error occurs then it now ask if you want to retry or not.
  • Fixed: The scheduler event monthly failed to start the backup on day 31.
  • Fixed: Small problem on the grip resize icon on high DPI display.
  • Fixed: On the "Before / After Backup Options" dialog when a Task is moved up or down it failed to stop at top and bottom resulting in a Task modification.
  • Fixed: When using the zip password protection and a zip archive was updated to add a new file, then the zip archive got corrupted.
  • Added: When a zip archive password change is detected then a message box is displayed in order to suggest that you perform a full backup so that all files into the zip archive will have the same password.
  • Added: Enabled backup execution at shutdown under Windows Vista.
  • Fixed: On the verify or restore procedure the program missed to ask for a password is password protection was enabled but a password was not defined.
  • Fixed: An error while deleting and moving the Before or After backup tasks.
  • Fixed: The scheduler event repeat every month sometimes failed to start the backup (for example on November).

New in GRBackPro 6.4.15 (Jun 28, 2007)

  • Fixed: On the Options tab the buttons: "Email Options" and "Email To Support" moved when you resize the program main window.
  • Fixed: The first combo box of the "Destination path layout" option in the Backup tab were not restored at program startup.
  • Fixed: On FAT and FAT32 destination disks, when the Daylight saving become active then a full backup always taken place.
  • Fixed: If running as a service when editing the Source or Destination path name of a backup Job, using the Job list popup menu, the program failed to login as specified in the Adv. Backup tab.
  • Fixed: Memory allocation problem.
  • Fixed: The option in the zip file name no more worked.
  • Fixed: When copy only (compression disabled) and the destination disk went full the program failed to display the "change disk" dialog and created a destination file of size zero.
  • Fixed: Progress Dialog icon loading problems under Windows 2000.

New in GRBackPro 6.4.0 (May 8, 2007)

  • Update with Bug fixes

New in GRBackPro 6.3.10 (Nov 24, 2006)

  • Update with Bug fixes

New in GRBackPro 6.2.0 (Sep 7, 2006)

  • Update with Bug fixes

New in GRBackPro 6.1.0 (Jul 1, 2006)

  • Bug fixes

New in GRBackPro 6.0.47 (Mar 29, 2006)

  • Update with Bug fixes

New in GRBackPro 6.0.37 (Mar 14, 2006)

  • Update with Bug fixes

New in GRBackPro 6.0.22 (Feb 28, 2006)

  • Fixed: The JobSrc option when disabled do not add any sub-folder name to the destination path so that all sub-folders are flattered into the same destination folder.
  • Fixed: If you are logged in without Administrator rights, the program fails to read the license information from the registry and thus the program refuse to start asking you for a license.
  • Fixed: When you run a backup that create a big report, that overcome the specified log file threshold, then the log file size is not reduced till you execute other two backup run (instead of a single one).
  • Fixed: Scheduler start times where sometime imprecise.
  • Fixed: An error message appears when you try to backup a file whose size is greater than 2GB even if the backup completes correctly without any error or problem.
  • Added: On the Job tab now you can select one or more backup Jobs and then click on the right mouse button to display the popup menu that allows you to "Backup selected Job(s)" or Restore them.
  • Fixed: When using the Split function with size over 4GB GRBackPro doesn't correctly calculate the disk size.
  • Fixed: When using the Split function and at disk threshold GRBackPro backup a file whose size is greater than 2GB it fails to correctly create the specified disk size.